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Marches in Inverness

Guest TinCanFan

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Guest TinCanFan

I see another bunch of folk are marching in Inverness tomorrow again tomorow, what do people on here make of this?  I think these racist, biggoted marches should be banned and the fact that these things still go ahead show how repugnant many people are.

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Guest TinCanFan

but what are they marching for?

Something to do with "The Apprentice Boys" shutting a gate or something.

Tottally agree!  Shocking racist scumbags!!

Doesn't comments like that not also make you a racist?

Is their hatred of Catholics not racist?  If what they do is not racist then it certainly is biggoted

I'll finish my view on this topic by saying that I believe that there should be no place in society for these idiots.  The fact that it is all down to religion and something that happened years ago, something that had nothing to do with Inverness should just how ridiculous many people are.  There is, from what can see, no racial division or problems in Inverness, so why start them?  Overall, the people marching tomorrow are as low as a human being can get and for many, a snake would be more human than they are.

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'Apprentice Boys'.....?, Fer fecksake how many marches do they have to do before they're fully qualified?

I know eh.............some of em have been at it for over 40 yrs and still not graduated. Probably cheaper in wages tho :blah01:

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Guest birdog

Guys, I am very much anti religious antagonism however there is a much more important point to be addressed here. The right of the populous to demonstrate, regardless of their agenda people in this country have the right to let their voices be heard. Throughout the history of this land people have laid down their lives to champion democracy and to remove the rights of these people to demonstrate then you erode the rights of all demonstrators including those championing good and just causes.

I am very surprised at one or two comments in this thread, one especially which condones violence against these marchers, come on now guys read the comments back and think to yourselves are these views any better than those expressed by the marchers?

For the record i am totally against the views of people who participate in these marches. 

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Guest couchpotato

This topic was dragged up a couple of weeks ago and my opinion now, as then, is ignore them and let them get on with it.So long as it is peaceful and within the law whats the problem? TCF,their "hatred of Catholics" is not racist as they are of the same race,it would however be bigotted if they displayed and voiced hatred.Encouraging violence and throwing things at people because of their beliefs?is that not bigotry?

I think some folk need to get off the offended bus at the next stop.

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I fail to see what relevance a March of this type has to the people of Inverness.  Who here are they trying to prove a point too and why after so long have they decided that there's a need for it?

I'm very much live and let live, and if they want to have their March then so be it.  I just fail to see the reason or the benefit they think they are getting from it.  In fact, I would go so far as to say it p!sses off more people than anything else, and not because of any "religious" beliefs or intolerances...more to do with the shear inconvenience it creates.

I also wonder just how many people take part in the March because of a true affiliation to the routes of it and how many just tag along because they are Rangers fans....highlighted by the fact that the majority of the hangers on strut down the road clad in their rangers gear with kids dressed in similar fashion.  I find that aspect of it quite pathetic really.

You can bury your head in the sand with excuses like "it's their democratic right", and although I would not disagree with that, surely it has to have a genuine cause?  The fact that these marches have been hijacked by Rangers Fans and the organisers seem happy for this as it swells numbers brings the real reason for the March into serious doubt IMO.

I'd love to do a survey of the people who take part to see just how many of them no the real reasons behind the March.

If they want to March and they do it in peaceful fashion then so be it, but lets not hide behind some false pretence that it's anything other than a sham.

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...it p!sses off more people than anything else, and not because of any "religious" beliefs or intolerances...more to do with the shear inconvenience it creates.

Too true.  Almost made me miss a flight to Egypt once due to their insistence at blocking up the road, marching slowly.  When was that a constitutional right?

I grew up a Rangers supporter.  Only after moving away to England did I realise how shockingly bigoted all this was.  Before, I thought 'just part of the wind-up' but it's far more deliberately offensive. 

Perhaps there should be a 'Sweet William' march in Stornoway to celebrate victory over the Jacobites. "We're just exercising our constitutional right"

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their "hatred of Catholics" is not racist as they are of the same race

As I am not of a high intelligence, was wondering if it was possible for you or someone else to explain to me in words of one syllable what it means "that they are of the same race" thus not making it racist. Thanks in advance.

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Guest couchpotato

their "hatred of Catholics" is not racist as they are of the same race

As I am not of a high intelligence, was wondering if it was possible for you or someone else to explain to me in words of one syllable what it means "that they are of the same race" thus not making it racist. Thanks in advance.

I'll try to help... my understanding of racism is when people consider themselves intrinsically superior to members of other racial groups.In the context of this thread the marchers and and the alleged targets of their hatred are of the same race i.e. all european .....no?

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Guest birdog

You can bury your head in the sand with excuses like "it's their democratic right", and although I would not disagree with that, surely it has to have a genuine cause? 

I am not sure if you are directing this comment towards me CaleyD, if you are I can assure you that in no way am I burying my head in the sand, I value human rights and no matter how much I disagree or agree with any cause I do not believe that people should be prevented from voicing an opinion. Would you mind explaining your use of the phrase "genuine cause"? I am not trying to drag an argument from you but if you put personal feeling aside, about any cause, then one side will see that cause as genuine the other side will see it as a piece of nonsense. That is the beauty of democracy, people can air their feelings to the masses then if the masses are swayed by arguments or  protests or demonstrations the democratic process can take effect if, however, the masses still view the action as nonsense then the marchers, protesters or demonstrators will at best have wasted their time and at worst damaged their cause further.

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You can bury your head in the sand with excuses like "it's their democratic right", and although I would not disagree with that, surely it has to have a genuine cause? 

I am not sure if you are directing this comment towards me CaleyD, if you are I can assure you that in no way am I burying my head in the sand, I value human rights and no matter how much I disagree or agree with any cause I do not believe that people should be prevented from voicing an opinion. Would you mind explaining your use of the phrase "genuine cause"? I am not trying to drag an argument from you but if you put personal feeling aside, about any cause, then one side will see that cause as genuine the other side will see it as a piece of nonsense. That is the beauty of democracy, people can air their feelings to the masses then if the masses are swayed by arguments or  protests or demonstrations the democratic process can take effect if, however, the masses still view the action as nonsense then the marchers, protesters or demonstrators will at best have wasted their time and at worst damaged their cause further.

Not aimed at you specifically.

The point I am making is that without genuine reason you can't have genuine cause.  Any organisation which allows itself to be hijacked for some other means by people who have no understanding of it's roots or history loses it's identity and reason for existence.

The last time I checked the history books William of Orange didn't lead his troops into battle wearing Rangers Shirts and Orange Marches took place between lodges and churches, not lodges and the local Rangers Supporters Club.

In other words the March is a farce, and as such has no "Genuine Cause", whichever way you try and spin it.

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Guest birdog

Not aimed at you specifically.

Fair enough, my bad.

The point I am making is that without genuine reason you can't have genuine cause.  Any organisation which allows itself to be hijacked for some other means by people who have no understanding of it's roots or history loses it's identity and reason for existence.

Good point, well put and, don't get me wrong, I agree to an extent but my knowledge of the history of these organisations and their history is limited and not a subject which I wish to study further. From what I read in this quote you don't have so much of a problem with the marchers themselves but more with those who hijack the event for their own agenda? If that is the case then perhaps it is not the march itself but the idiots it attracts on both sides of the religious divide which is the problem. If you take the view that these marches should be banned for the sake of keeping the peace then consideration must be given to banning Bonfire night, D-day, VE day and any other celebration of military or political victory because due to the multi-cultural make up of our country there are people living here who's ancestors were the losers during these conflicts and surely their feelings should be respected the same as the descendants of Irish catholics?

In other words the March is a farce, and as such has no "Genuine Cause", whichever way you try and spin it.

I am not so sure it is the march itself which is a farce but more the idiots on both sides who have turned a traditional celebration of history into something horrible.

Like I said I do agree with you, I find bigotry repulsive, but looking at the broader picture why should people be banned from celebrating their cultural heritage just because someone wants to use the event as an excuse to cause trouble? The problem is not the celebration it is the idiots who use it for destructive purposes.

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Guest birdog

Absolute nonsense - what the **** does it have to do with Inverness!

I am sure there are Orangemen in Inverness, St Patrick's day has nothing to do with Inverness either but a couple of weeks ago there were pubs all over the city decked out in fake shamrocks selling double the amount of Guinness that they would on any other day of the year.

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Guest couchpotato

I reckon most folk posting on this thread are basically singing from the same songsheet,as Birdog quite rightly highlights we all support and join in with nonsense celibrations which are nothing whatsoever to do with our locale,but criticise when the events offend our sensebilities.

What were you all doing last November 5th? Talk about events getting hijacked?

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Unfortunately I think those who have hi-jacked the Orange Marches for destructive purposes have become so engrained in the order itself that it has lost it's true reason for existence.....especially here in Inverness where they have just appeared out of the blue and where the Orange Lodge responsible for organising the March see fit to end it at a Rangers Supporters Club instead of a church....that one act alone removes all credibility or claims to "cultural reasoning" for having the event.

So whilst I have no objection to the principle of an Orange March, I don't think that's what we have here in Inverness.  Remove the Orange Order Banner and all you really have is a couple of hundred Rangers fans looking for a legitimate means to March down the road and give two fingers to their Celtic supporting rivals.....that's not a demonstration, that's inciting a riot.

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Guest birdog

Unfortunately I think those who have hi-jacked the Orange Marches for destructive purposes have become so engrained in the order itself that it has lost it's true reason for existence.....especially here in Inverness where they have just appeared out of the blue and where the Orange Lodge responsible for organising the March see fit to end it at a Rangers Supporters Club instead of a church....that one act alone removes all credibility or claims to "cultural reasoning" for having the event.

So whilst I have no objection to the principle of an Orange March, I don't think that's what we have here in Inverness.  Remove the Orange Order Banner and all you really have is a couple of hundred Rangers fans looking for a legitimate means to March down the road and give two fingers to their Celtic supporting rivals.....that's not a demonstration, that's inciting a riot.

Good post, like I say I do not know enough about the subject to discuss specifics. It is unfortunate, as you say, that events like these are used as a means of "giving two fingers" to their rivals but that is human nature and as an species we are not the nicest one would care to meet at times let's also not forget that sticking up the finger in this way does not have the desired effect unless there are idiots to rise to the bait.  Like I say though I do believe it would be a very depressing situation should peoples rights be eroded due to a small percentage of the population who are uneducated or miseducated enough to abuse the rights they have.

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