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Niculaes future to be decided today.....


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He has a future in PR once his playing days are over thats for sure .....

"It would be silly to say what my future holds before the meeting and then have to say something different afterwards, so I will wait."

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He has a future in PR once his playing days are over thats for sure .....

"It would be silly to say what my future holds before the meeting and then have to say something different afterwards, so I will wait."

maybe we could give him a payrise but with an added role, he could be our star striker and PR Officer rolled into one  :023:

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Looks more and more like Marius is being pushed out the door wether he likes it or not.

I believe you may have hit the nail on the head unfortunately.

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Guest birdog

Well let's face it if you had an asset (house for example) and you knew that if you held on to it it was going to loose a high percentage of it's value in 6 months time and 100% of it's value in 12 months time you would get shot when it was at it's highest value. Whilst I know that there is the "we will lose more if we get relegated" argument the truth is that Marius' sale could bring in a couple of players who could score enough or defend well enough to keep us up, we just need to hope that the manager has the knowledge and ability to find these players and the board decide to release enough of any transfer fee to allow him to do so.

The only way that it would be viable to keep Marius is if he signs a 12 month extension. It is well documented that ICT are not a rich club and are very shrewd when it comes to running a team on a shoestring there is not much hope we will see Marius in an ICT shirt after August 31st. I'd love to see him stay but I really can't see it happening.

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Looks more and more like Marius is being pushed out the door wether he likes it or not.

I believe you may have hit the nail on the head unfortunately.

Long ago, when I had time and money to be obsessed by these things, I bought what we used to call a "hi-fi" system. It cost me ?140 equivalent to a months work then. My mates who had better jobs had systems costing ?500 or so, with "record" "decks" costing ?120 alone. I listened to their systems and while they sounded better than mine - deeper bass, sharper treble etc - they certainly didnt sound 4 times better. This was again demonstrated to me when I was told that some folk spend ?2,000 on decks. After that, I stopped being a hi-fi buff and started listening to music.

This is what is called exponential improvement, as you pay more, the difference is less and less. Sound quality on the x axis, price on the y.


And so it is with Marius. Marius is a ?2,000 hi-fi system, when ICT has only ?500 pound ears. He can, and will, be sold to buy 2 cheaper hi-fi's, the new triple Yes album, a Q, and a big bag of Revels.

***** metaphor, but there you go.

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Guest birdog

To expand on gordy's metaphor, what is the point in having a ?2000 hi-fi and cheapo speakers? You need the quality in the whole system otherwise you are left with the same mediocre result.

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Looks more and more like Marius is being pushed out the door wether he likes it or not.

I believe you may have hit the nail on the head unfortunately.

forced out the door my @rse!

Niculae will be just as eager to move to another club, he said himself when he made the initial move that he was using us to find another club

unless we can afford a year extension to his contract we would be niave not to sell him

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Some people still buying into the Spin that Niculae is earning 4 times anyone else in the squad then?  Thought that Myth had been well and truly put to bed.

Aside from the whole footballing thing and whether we should or should not keep Marius and under what circumstances, can you imagine what this whole nonsense is doing for our reputation in terms of attracting investment to the club?  We had a businessman invest the money to bring this player to ICT for 2 years....bought and paid for in full.  If I was said businessman I would be feeling somewhat cheated right now, especially as the club were replacing my investment with 2nd Div Strikers and practically unheard of French defenders.  If I was someone considering an investment, I'm sure I wouldn't be believing a word I was told about how my money would be spent or trusting the club to follow through.

Also, take into consideration that in the last year we've removed some of the clubs top earning and potentially most valuable players...likes of John Rankin being moved on for a fraction of his real value.  Now we look like we are **** bent on getting rid of someone who currently adds most value to the business.  In any other industry this kind of asset stripping and cost reduction would have shareholders running for the door and company stock would be going through the floor...yet somehow in our case we have people saying it's the best thing for us to be doing!!!  Has the world of ICT gone totally mad?

So, you see, the implications of what the club are doing run far deeper than just our opinions about how good/bad a team we end up feeling and their recent actions could have more long term effects than just a bad season.  It's getting to the stage where people aren't going to want to invest in the club....but perhaps that is no accident, and as I've said before, it's all just about paving the way for Mr Sutherland to make another move for that all magic controlling share in ICT.

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Long ago, when I had time and money to be obsessed by these things, I bought what we used to call a "hi-fi" system.


Great post and metaphor!

PS I still call them hi-fi systems :-)

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Guest birdog

Aside from the whole footballing thing and whether we should or should not keep Marius and under what circumstances, can you imagine what this whole nonsense is doing for our reputation in terms of attracting investment to the club?  We had a businessman invest the money to bring this player to ICT for 2 years....bought and paid for in full.  If I was said businessman I would be feeling somewhat cheated right now.

I was looking for the statement made by Alan Savage when he resigned but couldn't find it, the part I was looking for and I may be wrong was when he was discussing the job he had done for ICT and in particular I remember something about him saying that "if Marius is sold for ?500k does that not show I had made a good decision." I may be wrong perhaps you could forward me a copy so I can structure my response better. I believe the quote I am looking for shows that Mr Savage always expected Marius to be sold on.

Also, take into consideration that in the last year we've removed some of the clubs top earning and potentially most valuable players...likes of John Rankin being moved on for a fraction of his real value.  Now we look like we are **** bent on getting rid of someone who currently adds most value to the business.  In any other industry this kind of asset stripping and cost reduction would have shareholders running for the door and company stock would be going through the floor...yet somehow in our case we have people saying it's the best thing for us to be doing!!!  Has the world of ICT gone totally mad?

Football is like no other business in the world, for years money has been spent hand over fist for no good reason, ICT are admired for the way in which they operate on a low budget.

So, you see, the implications of what the club are doing run far deeper than just our opinions about how good/bad a team we end up feeling and their recent actions could have more long term effects than just a bad season.  It's getting to the stage where people aren't going to want to invest in the club....but perhaps that is no accident, and as I've said before, it's all just about paving the way for Mr Sutherland to make another move for that all magic controlling share in ICT.

I really don't think that selling Marius would affect our ability to attract investment, we are a club operating within our budgets and as such we are envied by clubs who had gotten themselves into financial stress.

While I agree with a lot of your sentiments CaleyD I think it is probable that Marius was signed up on a two year deal for ICT's benifit ie He was alwasy leaving after a year and a two year deal would allow ICT to recover some cash in return for letting him put himself in the spotlight. I think that if ICT were to hold on to Marius without getting him to extend his contract would be foolish. I hope that he stays and I hope that his goal tally improves dramatically next season. I also hope that I can win the lottery but it is just that hope, I'd rather have the guaranteed cash, I have been a gambler in the past and believe me it's not a good thing. If he extends his contract then that gives the club the option of keeping him another year and still cashing in at the end, if not and his tally of goals does not improve then the club lose out big time.

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From what I have heard, Marius was keen enough to sign an extension during the season (or perhaps at the end of it) because, after a slow start, he was finally enjoying his football again, as well as the area ...... not sure if that is still the case or not, but it was true at one point. If he were to sign an extension then surely it makes sense to keep him and push for a higher league position and the extra money that brings. An improvement of just 3 positions (to top 6) would bring in around half the figure that is being bandied about as a transfer fee and if we could make top 6 then the final 5 games would almost definitely bring in more revenue at the gate and in hospitality.

Those who say that Savage mentioned selling him for a "plucked from the air" figure of 500K or that Marius mentioned using ICT as a stepping stone are not wrong and I can see their point - especially if he is not (or no longer) willing to sign an extension. However all the current talk of selling him is coming from one direction only and I wholeheartedly believe that this is neither a footballing decision or a business decision but one of internal politics with the man himself caught in the middle.

I hope that this meeting actually brings something positive from both sides so that we dont have to have another month or two of controversy on the boards. Its good for the site hits but not much else, especially ICT themselves !!! It would be nice to think that ICT could sit down, agree an extension with Marius to the end of 2009/10 or beyond which would protect their interests but also give Marius some options if certain teams came in or certain transfer fee expectations were met. That way everybody - including the oft-forgotten fans - wins.

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Guest birdog

From what I have heard, Marius was keen enough to sign an extension during the season (or perhaps at the end of it) because, after a slow start, he was finally enjoying his football again, as well as the area ...... not sure if that is still the case or not, but it was true at one point. If he were to sign an extension then surely it makes sense to keep him and push for a higher league position and the extra money that brings. An improvement of just 3 positions (to top 6) would bring in around half the figure that is being bandied about as a transfer fee and if we could make top 6 then the final 5 games would almost definitely bring in more revenue at the gate and in hospitality.

Those who say that Savage mentioned selling him for a "plucked from the air" figure of 500K or that Marius mentioned using ICT as a stepping stone are not wrong and I can see their point - especially if he is not (or no longer) willing to sign an extension. However all the current talk of selling him is coming from one direction only and I wholeheartedly believe that this is neither a footballing decision or a business decision but one of internal politics with the man himself caught in the middle.

I hope that this meeting actually brings something positive from both sides so that we dont have to have another month or two of controversy on the boards. Its good for the site hits but not much else, especially ICT themselves !!! It would be nice to think that ICT could sit down, agree an extension with Marius to the end of 2009/10 or beyond which would protect their interests but also give Marius some options if certain teams came in or certain transfer fee expectations were met. That way everybody - including the oft-forgotten fans - wins.

Exactly what I was trying to convey Scotty, well put and thanks. Like I said I would love him to stay and sign an extension but if that is not possible then for the good of the club they need to cash in. You have also explained CaleyD's side in a way which I understand better now, the phrase "internal politics" is key and since I have no real understanding of the internal workings at ICT yourself and CD probably have a better insight into the situation.

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Unfortunately, that triple Yes album may well be their last. Jon, still a magnificent performer, has a chronic respiratory problem which caused them to cancel their summer/autumn US tour. They were rumoured to be heading to Europe thereafter..............they may still do so.......I hope so.

Anyhoo............I am off piste n,est ce pas.................Niculae was a step too far for ICT. The whole saga cost the club too many problems. He is a decent player but my 30 year old Rega deck does me just fine. I was never a Bang and Olufsen man.

Does anyone know what I am talking about?..........maybe Gordy

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My point is not that Savage would have disagreed with the selling of Marius, but the fact that the investment was, IMO, made with the intention of pushing the club forwards on the park and in terms of the type of players we would/should (depending on your view) be targeting.  Again it all comes back to PR....if the club were saying that they were looking to sell with a view to signing a couple of players of a better calibre/pedigree than normal, then it wouldn't be a case of "short changing" investors as the deal would be moving things forward, but as it is we're signing players who have either already failed to make an impact at this level or aren't even tested at anything near this level.

I fully appreciate that we've done well from such signings in the past, but it's foolish to think our luck will continue in that regard and I think we're at a stage (and have been for a couple of years) where we should be spending just a little more to reduce the risk.

If we sell Marius at the last minute and don't bring anyone else in then, IMO, we've taken a step backwards.  OK, so we might have a little more cash in the bank, but that's not going to help in the slightest until we reach the January Transfer Window and the damage could already be done by then.

If Marius ends up leaving then as things stand we've got nobody up front with enough/relevant experience to pull us through if things do look to be going pear shaped.  The principles are the same in business, if a company is going through an important transition phase then they want people with experience overseeing it, not someone fresh out of University with a degree who might have potential but doesn't know the business.

It's not that I don't want to see the likes of Barrowman, Woods, McAllister all get their chance and succeed, I just want to know that they are working with people who are a bit more experienced and used to the pressures who can, if need be, carry us through should things not go entirely to plan.

On the subject of losing him for free...I agree that it has to be a serious consideration, but we're getting to the stage where the club must make up their mind one way or another, all we seem to be witnessing at the moment is dithering and to be 4 weeks away from the start of the season and only now getting down to talks about the future of a key player is ludicrous....we've been stung often enough in the past by doing the exact same thing and still we don't seem to have learned.

If we don't sell him and haven't offered him a new contract then we're left with a player who knows he's not wanted by the club.  What kind of message are they sending out by saying....we'd like to cash in on you, but if we don't would you be so kind as to sign an extended deal!!!  In my book that's called "taking the p!ss" and if it was me I'd tell them to shove it....in fact, the clubs (non) handling of things to date from what I can see could well mean it's at that stage already.

P.S.  Don't be expecting any news on these talks tonight or tomorrow as my understanding is that he's not even back in the country yet, let alone available to attend talks at the club.

What I just did there was manage people's expectations instead of allowing fans to get all irate in the morning when we've had no news.  I know it's something the club should be doing, but I'm happy to assist where I can  :004:

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P.S.  Don't be expecting any news on these talks tonight or tomorrow as my understanding is that he's not even back in the country yet, let alone available to attend talks at the club.

What I just did there was manage people's expectations instead of allowing fans to get all irate in the morning when we've had no news.  I know it's something the club should be doing, but I'm happy to assist where I can  :004:

correct Marius does not arrive in Scotland until later tonight

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Niculae was a step too far for ICT.

Sorry Roddy, I disagree.

Here we have a player whose career was going somewhat backwards and through a somewhat convoluted set of circumstances involving friendship with someone who supports the club and the business interests and contacts of our former chairman in his country ended up at ICT. He could have gone elsewhere but he chose to come to ICT ... not for money, but because he believed the club could help him revitalise his career.

ICT was without doubt a step down from where he had played before but it was necessary for him to do something to turn his career around or he would have continued going backwards. You might think he would be dismissive of ICT or make more of the fact that a few years ago he was playing for Dinamo or Sporting and now he might be faced with the prospect of heading to places like Dingwall or Huntly for pre-season friendlies but no, he has always - in public at least - been very positive about Inverness and Inverness CT and spoke warmly of the club during the Euros (which once again our PR juggernaut failed to capitalise on).

ICT on the other hand have become less and less positive about him as time has gone on. The hype surrounding his signing was immense. The outcry over his denied permit was loud, and the expectations placed on him were very high as were the media estimations of his salary. For once, ICT took a chance and despite a slow start most of us have been delighted to see that an ICT player was included in the European Championships. As fans we have become more and more appreciative of the player and most of us would probably be delighted to see him in red/blue next season after a proper pre-season under his belt. A front line with Marius and one of Barrowman, Wood or even Stokes is an interesting and mouthwatering prospect.... Youth and Experience, Class and Hunger etc etc.

Yet there is a possibility that despite him costing us nothing, his wages having been covered for two years, and him bringing us a fair bit of positive PR and definitely raising our profile on the European stage just by the mere mention of the club's name during the Euros that he will be squeezed out for one reason or another (some perhaps legitimate as noted earlier, some definitely not).

I think it is more a case of "Niculae was a step too far for some ICT officials" than "Niculae was a step too far for ICT". .

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This whole thread, full of very valuable comment and discussion, is based on an article from the Daily Ranger and regurgitated by Skysports. And they report a meeting is to be held with the board today (wed) yet we know Marius isn't coming back till tomorrow.

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My comments are not based on any article. I am sure there will be a meeting, it may not be today, but there will be one. My hope for this meeting - whenever it takes place - is that common sense will prevail.

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