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Tenerife Trio


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I note with sadness the passing of Tom Anderson in the Courier yesterday .Tom was keyboard player in the very popular trio that played the tenerife lounge during the 70,s A very fine musician. I always thought it was unique that he played the pub by evening and then moved to the church next door to play the hymns on a sunday morning.

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Yes, that one always intrigued me... Caley Hotel Saturday night, St. Columba High Church Sunday morning. In fact I think that on Christmas Eve Tom would be playing in the Tenerife until closing time and would then move straight along the road for the Watchnight Service.

I think we had a discussion about the Tenerife Trio on another thread recently. Tom, on keyboards, Les Munro on guitar and on drums the chap Walker whose life we used to make a misery when we were noisy kids in Dalneigh.

A great band. My best memory of the Tenerife was back in the days when on Hogmanay the pubs used to close an hour early (ie 9pm) and wee used to indulge in the reverse of the modern practice of "front loading" and stock up there in the pub on Carlsberg Specials to see us over the 3 hour hiatus before carryouts at the bells.

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A typical weekend for myself & mates was ,  One in the Royal (Now the Clydesdale bank , Academy Street ) , along to the Eagle (upstairs ) then a couple in the Moray & along to the Tenerife (famous for Jelly Beans , Blue Lagoons , Maggie Ryan & Graham Bell .

Then we'd go downstairs to the Caley  Bop the night away & if we were lucky enough to have any money left we'd get a burger at one of the vans on way home. Ahhhhhh those were the days

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