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What has it come to ?


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Just come off a difficult shift and part of me wants to cancel travelling tomorrow - I have to admit that I used the road conditions fer Killie as I just couldnt be bothered watching the same old keek again and Cellic just scared me - and I didnt feel overly disappointed that I had missed another away win or an acceptable loss - I was glad for the points but disappointed that Brew just lived fer another day.

I am going to Midden but - as I have never done before - I am considering going to let the world know about my feelings to Brewster and letting it rip - I really do feel that he is totally feckin up this club.

ICT has been a lifeline to me and Brew is standing on the pipe - as far as I am concerned I will post an honest Smileymometer on Sunday but I am NOT going to another game as long as Brewster is in charge and I really cant be bothered repeating myself on threads on here - as I have been shouting about his inadequacies fer feckin months.

I cant help but feel like a turncoat / traitor but I have never felt so let down before and my love fer ICT is waning - am I right or am I wrong ?

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Just come off a difficult shift and part of me wants to cancel travelling tomorrow - I have to admit that I used the road conditions fer Killie as I just couldnt be bothered watching the same old keek again and Cellic just scared me - and I didnt feel overly disappointed that I had missed another away win or an acceptable loss - I was glad for the points but disappointed that Brew just lived fer another day.

I am going to Midden but - as I have never done before - I am considering going to let the world know about my feelings to Brewster and letting it rip - I really do feel that he is totally feckin up this club.

ICT has been a lifeline to me and Brew is standing on the pipe - as far as I am concerned I will post an honest Smileymometer on Sunday but I am NOT going to another game as long as Brewster is in charge and I really cant be bothered repeating myself on threads on here - as I have been shouting about his inadequacies fer feckin months.

I cant help but feel like a turncoat / traitor but I have never felt so let down before and my love fer ICT is waning - am I right or am I wrong ?

Don't think there is a right or a wrong here IHE, you gotta go with how ya feel.

Hope your still gonna contribute to the forum cause if no'' I'd miss the craic and the abuse ! ha

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I cant help but feel like a turncoat / traitor but I have never felt so let down before and my love fer ICT is waning - am I right or am I wrong ?

Yer wrong - just like all the other moaners on here who say they they don't/won't go to games because of Brewster. He's short-term - ICT are here to stay. Let's get right behind the TEAM. Fuckl Brewster, ICT are playing a really important game, one that could have a big say on whether we stay in the SPL or not. If you don't want us to win then you're more wrapped up in getting Brewster out than you are in supporting our club.


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I cant help but feel like a turncoat / traitor but I have never felt so let down before and my love fer ICT is waning - am I right or am I wrong ?

You are right to feel let down IHE, along with the majority on here. As for your love for ICT waning, I fully understand. We've watched ICT grow like a child, from the merger to promotion to 2nd Division, Giant killing cup games to SPL. When a child starts to make their own choices, you know they'll get hurt and all you can do is look on as they hurt themselves. With a child all they need is to be picked up and comforted but with a football club it's going take a lot of picking up. Brewster is throwing our child out with the laundry.

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Dont think you read my post closely enuff Stan - I dont moan - I criticise - and I always try to back that out with fact, observation or rationales. I am going cos I realise how big a six pointer today is and - as ya know - I will be giving the team my full support - but I intend to be very vocal if Brewster starts fannying about with the tactics again.

I always want us to win and I think that we have a team and players only too capable of taking three points from Love Street - Of course the club is bigger and Brew is just a piece of the jigsaw - but he IMHO is dragging us into the SFL and he has clearly lost both the majority of the dressing room and the support. Wins just encourage our board of muppets to keep faith in Brewster - often when it is the performances of the players that thankfully win us the points. The problem is that I want three points and I want Brewster out.

I suspect that our board of muppets will stick with Brewster until after the transfer window - on paper we have three potential wins and nine points up fer grabs - the sticking point will not be my belief or your belief in Brewster - the players need to believe and play for him - that just hasnt been happening - and I doubt that it ever will.

Surely his Wynessesque treatment of Bazza is the straw that broke the camels back. PLEASE.

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Right or wrong?

Difficult question IHE but I suspect the answer is both. You are right to feel let down and the depressing thing is that this feeing wil probably get worse - the ditching of oor Bazza wil not help!

But you cannae let the present turmoils let your feelings for ICT wane. It's been said already the present incumbent of the managerial post is only here for a relativley short period of time but ICT is for life! The good times will roll again and you'll want to be there every step of the way.

I remember back in the very dim and distant past standing on the terracing at Pittodrie when the Dons were losing 5-0 to Partick the ground was emptying fast amid lots of booing and abuse, but one old fella was stood there shouting "C'mon Aberdeen give us 6!". I just hope he was still around to see them beat Real Madrid.

Our day will come mate and I look forward to joining you in a hostelry near Hampden some day in the not too distant future - that'll probably be after a wee change of personnel off the pitch though :rotflmao:

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Its a toughie, on the one hand, a supporter by definition is someone who gives support to the club.

But support for the club could also be directed in a different way, i.e. supporting it by working to remove something that is harmful to it. For example, if a mate of yours was with a real evil partner would you let it fly and say nothing or do the opposite and air your grievances, even cut them off if thats what had to happen.

The underlying question. Is brewster really a harmful influence on this club. Is he the whole reason why its gone from day to night. Are people sure its down to him solely. Could he do an Alex Ferguson and start of badly and suddenly take off. I guess most people are saying its down to CB, therefore i think they are entitled to do what they feel is best. Case by case.

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CaleyCanary that is an excellent post.

IHE when you are losing faith and most of all belief then it is a very sad day indeed.

One thing I have noticed since our amazing rise to the SPL is that the club have changed their stance towards the fans who stood through all the lower division matches. The club are trying, badly, to do their best by us but their attempts at attracting new fans are clashing with their duties to keep us long standing servants happy. I can see what they are trying to do but but it is just not working. Trying to cater for locals who ultimately support another team first is not the way to go, we should concentrate on keeping the ones we have and create more success this will ultimately bring more "neutrals" as a by product. On my latest ship I had the pleasure of meeting an ex Rangers fan who started supporting ICT when we were promoted to the SPL but I believe we have attracted all the fans of this type that we are going to and the club needs to realise that the only way to increase the numbers of these fans is to improve on the product offered. I also know an Orcadian Celtic fan who stated that he would happily attend TCS in the home end for all but Celtic matches as it is getting too expensive to travel from Orkney to Glasgow on a regular basis and ICT were his nearest big club but before telling me this his opening sentence was "I would like to see ICT doing better"

We as you, IHE, have stated are a selling club and as such we should be getting our best players signed up for as long as possible but that has to be balanced with the fact that any players we do sign need to be both good enough and cheap enough and to do this we need to take some risks. The way the transfer market works these days we wont manage to sell anyone at a decent price because there are many players at the level we can afford but signing them is risky and we could end up with a Bobo Balde situation with a player who is just not good enough draining our resources for years but on the other hand when we unearth a real talent then he will end up leaving on a Bosman. Brewster has stated that he thinks he may have some extra cash coming in January and that he has signing targets. It is my opinion that Brewster should be bought out of his contract and Esson Cowie and Black's contract extensions should be made a priority then anything left can be used to bring in new blood. In the rumour mill there is talk of ICT increasing a ?40k offer to St J for Milne IMHO I think any available money we have should be used to put in place a manager who will give us a good product at home where the money is earned and to tie up our best players, no point spending money on replacements who may or may not do the job when we have players in place who would, at the right price and with the right mentor, happily stay.

The fact that the standard of football we are playing atm is not attracting new fans and may well be losing us the ones we attracted through promotion to the top flight is the main concern which the club need to address atm and there is one quick way to do it, I am hoping Brewster resigns but if not then the cash to get rid of him has to be spent.

There are potential bums on seats out there and attracting those means increased revenue all round, refreshments, merchandise and most of all a better bargaining tool at sponsorship negotiations.

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Guest WynessLegend

I am NOT going to another game as long as Brewster is in charge and I really cant be bothered repeating myself on threads on here

If that means you're going to keep away from the forum as well as the games ............... result!

Come on Brew.

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I am NOT going to another game as long as Brewster is in charge and I really cant be bothered repeating myself on threads on here

If that means you're going to keep away from the forum as well as the games ............... result!

Come on Brew.

Oooh, you beeee-ach!

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Johndo, you're spot on. Your only mistake was starting this thread and providing a platform for the cultish faction who reckon that anyone who doesn't blindly and slavishly trot along, to watch the destruction of everything this club has been built on, isn't a supporter; what they mean, I think, is that you're not a fan, as in fanatic (and as opposed to fanny) - and that should be a badge of honour for any. I support my kids, but I'm not so fanatical that I can't see when they do wrong. To those people, I say that voting with your feet is the only supporters' protest which will have any positive effect in the long term.

And yes, I mean you Stan :rotflmao:

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Johndo, i sincerely hope that we will see you at ICT games soon. Yer passion and commitment over the years has shown you to be a true a fan (as in fanatic not fanny) and we need guys like you in our support.

4ize, you obviously see watching ICT as a consumer choice rather than a big part of your life. Fair enough, the merger was always going to attract people like that - your entrance fee will be missed.

We've had 14 amazing years following this club. It needs us now much more than it did when we were doing well.

I hope that all those who care about this club can get together to change it and support it. Turning away won't help us to stay in the SPL. Showing how much we care just might.

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Johndo, get your tattooed erse up to TCS on Saturday. I believe that the fans in attendance will be in the right frame of mind to get behind a chanted protest at the way our club is being run and I sincerely believe that you are the man to lead that protest.

I am not talking pitch forks at the doors just a few songs with the right words belted out from the North Stand. I am sure the Christmas "spirit" will loosen a few larynx, mine included.

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Guest WynessLegend

Johndo, get your tattooed erse up to TCS on Saturday. I believe that the fans in attendance will be in the right frame of mind to get behind a chanted protest at the way our club is being run and I sincerely believe that you are the man to lead that protest.

I am not talking pitch forks at the doors just a few songs with the right words belted out from the North Stand. I am sure the Christmas "spirit" will loosen a few larynx, mine included.

......... and detract from our chances of getting a much needed home win and three points?

The match is a time to get behind the team and the club.

If you really want your protest why don't the lynch mob just gather behind the main stand after the match?

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Johndo, get your tattooed erse up to TCS on Saturday. I believe that the fans in attendance will be in the right frame of mind to get behind a chanted protest at the way our club is being run and I sincerely believe that you are the man to lead that protest.

I am not talking pitch forks at the doors just a few songs with the right words belted out from the North Stand. I am sure the Christmas "spirit" will loosen a few larynx, mine included.

......... and detract from our chances of getting a much needed home win and three points?

The match is a time to get behind the team and the club.

If you really want your protest why don't the lynch mob just gather behind the main stand after the match?

Screw that, as long as we don't have a go at the team and direct the venom towards Brewster I am happy, why physically intimidate someone with numbers outside when it can be done less intimately from inside the stadium and from where Brewster can fell safe behing walls and security? No need to get up close and personal, yet.

I like the way you are thinking though, welcome to the mutiny on the 'Sneck :rotflmao:

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I went to Love street yesterday looking to be proved wrong - I actually thought fer a moment that the tide may be changing when I saw Proctor lining up at full back and Cowie on the rite and Dougie on the left. But the rest, as I have alluded to elsewhere, just deepened my depression. It feels a bit like the Tartan Army under Berti Vogts.

I aint spending my money to go and watch such garbage - the fans are fed up, some of the players look fed up and disinterested. My main beef is with Grasser and the gutless muppets in charge who - fer fecks sake - must see what is happening - Brew must have some sort of hold on them.

So my next planned game has to be Hamilton - unless Brew resigns or is ditched before then.

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I agree that it is up to the board and others higher up in the scheme of things at ict to change things around; they don't seem to care about the current state of the club and fans. But, i'll give brewster a couple more chances to turn it around before i consider stopping going to the games. I'm not one of those tubes who try to make anyone else look like less of a fan, so good luck in the protest.

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Johndo, i sincerely hope that we will see you at ICT games soon. Yer passion and commitment over the years has shown you to be a true a fan (as in fanatic not fanny) and we need guys like you in our support.

4ize, you obviously see watching ICT as a consumer choice rather than a big part of your life. Fair enough, the merger was always going to attract people like that - your entrance fee will be missed.

We've had 14 amazing years following this club. It needs us now much more than it did when we were doing well.

I hope that all those who care about this club can get together to change it and support it. Turning away won't help us to stay in the SPL. Showing how much we care just might.

Oooooh! Shake that handbag, sunshine :rotflmao:

I'm one of the the seven or so people in section B, main stand who, for the last decade, have braved the disapproving glares of the toffee-paper faithful to scream the team on. I've held a season ticket through most of those years, and bought owt the club has to offer in terms of merchandise.

I took the time off work to go down to Edinburgh with Exiled ICT and LKMUT to present the Exile's petition when Partick took us to the High Court. And I believe that voting with your feet is the only thing likely to wake this club up. You'll note that another of those folk - Mee - who worked so hard to get that petition organised, printed and delivered, has boycotted games for the last couple of years on principle.

Myself, I will sorely miss the odd win at home and the ritual around which I organise my weekends, but I would rather sit and watch County than sit by, doing nothing, while seeing the club I love being buggered up by Craig Brewster, Malky Thompson, Graeme Bennett and those supporters who believe that doing nothing is a mark of pride.

An empty seat on match day is a more telling statement than a thousand posts on here.

[Edited - Holyrood wasn't commissioned at the time, but I accidentally said '*****' in the Church of Scotland HQ, which was fun]

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Fair play 4ize - my drunken vitriol was fired in the wrong direction.

Myself, I will sorely miss the odd win at home and the ritual around which I organise my weekends, but I would rather sit and watch County than sit by, doing nothing, while seeing the club I love being buggered up by Craig Brewster, Malky Thompson, Graeme Bennett and those supporters who believe that doing nothing is a mark of pride.

An empty seat on match day is a more telling statement than a thousand posts on here.

It looks like we've got a disagreement over tactics here. I'd prefer to take my seat make my feelings known from there. There are plenty of good suggestions on this forum for ways to get our point across without turning away (chants, demos, e-mails etc.). If we try these things and are ignored then i'll be the first to come on here and tell you that you're right.

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Fair play 4ize - my drunken vitriol was fired in the wrong direction.

Myself, I will sorely miss the odd win at home and the ritual around which I organise my weekends, but I would rather sit and watch County than sit by, doing nothing, while seeing the club I love being buggered up by Craig Brewster, Malky Thompson, Graeme Bennett and those supporters who believe that doing nothing is a mark of pride.

An empty seat on match day is a more telling statement than a thousand posts on here.

It looks like we've got a disagreement over tactics here. I'd prefer to take my seat make my feelings known from there. There are plenty of good suggestions on this forum for ways to get our point across without turning away (chants, demos, e-mails etc.). If we try these things and are ignored then i'll be the first to come on here and tell you that you're right.

I'd had a couple meself for the original post - giz a hug :rotflmao:

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Fair play 4ize - my drunken vitriol was fired in the wrong direction.

Myself, I will sorely miss the odd win at home and the ritual around which I organise my weekends, but I would rather sit and watch County than sit by, doing nothing, while seeing the club I love being buggered up by Craig Brewster, Malky Thompson, Graeme Bennett and those supporters who believe that doing nothing is a mark of pride.

An empty seat on match day is a more telling statement than a thousand posts on here.

It looks like we've got a disagreement over tactics here. I'd prefer to take my seat make my feelings known from there. There are plenty of good suggestions on this forum for ways to get our point across without turning away (chants, demos, e-mails etc.). If we try these things and are ignored then i'll be the first to come on here and tell you that you're right.

I'd had a couple meself for the original post - giz a hug :rotflmao:

but will that empty seat be noticed among the thousand of others ?

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I went to Love street yesterday looking to be proved wrong - I actually thought fer a moment that the tide may be changing when I saw Proctor lining up at full back and Cowie on the rite and Dougie on the left. But the rest, as I have alluded to elsewhere, just deepened my depression. It feels a bit like the Tartan Army under Berti Vogts.

I aint spending my money to go and watch such garbage - the fans are fed up, some of the players look fed up and disinterested. My main beef is with Grasser and the gutless muppets in charge who - fer fecks sake - must see what is happening - Brew must have some sort of hold on them.

So my next planned game has to be Hamilton - unless Brew resigns or is ditched before then.

Hamilton is also my next game Johndo and I very much look forward to seeing you and enjoying a beer. ( the Hilton is available if you need it). I am looking forward to seeing people I havent really seen this season because of work but not looking forward to the game. I have been to one away game this year in the CUP at Falkirk. The craic wa a good as ever but the football poor. In all the games I have missed I have missed the trip on the train, meeting in the pub and a good sing song but what else is there to miss? I hate the lack of motivation for the team at the moment and I guess it is sad as you should be there for them. I still support and back the team but when you have to make choice over where to spend money it aint going to be to pay to watch them play badly knowing that there is little going to change with the current manager in place. All said, Hamilton will be fun, football aside.

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