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Get Rid Of This Idiot Now!


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Just heard the radio interview and I'm afraid thats the voice of a man who knows he hasn't a clue. Mumbled some garbage about going through a bad spell and we are working hard to find a way out of it.

I wasn't at the game and only have radio to go by but when commentators start saying the manager hasn't a clue then its time for change.

He's lost the dressing room, he's lost the fans and he's lost the plot. Brewster there's no way back from that.

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"I don't think there was much between the two teams but Aberdeen scored three goals." Craig Brewster


Aberdeen passed the ball to feet for fun to ther TWO strikers.. only twice did i count us making more than 4 passes in the first half. Some of Aberdeens passing was as good as ive seen at ICT and were streets ahead of us in every department.

For Brew to say that beggers belief.. :rotflmao:

Its a sad day when you see our own fans arguing about our situation but reality is our record this year speaks for itself and the sooner the board have the balls to be proactive then the better for us all to get on supporting us up the league rather than into Division one.

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Brewster and Malky aren't fit to clean Robbo and Parkies Boots!

Brewster was a heck of a player, but hasn't got a clue as a manager!

Even when Rooney came on, the fans stayed quiet! That should speak volumes!

Everyone I know has now had enough!

There was probably more in the Away End today than in both the Main + North Stand

put together!

Every game now, the stands are emptying early!

It must be gutting for the players to watch!

Sack Brewster, bring back Robbo as caretaker, let him lose in the Transfer Window!

If not - we're going down! :rotflmao:

Mrs PB

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The body language of our players said it all as they came off. Brew the Ship's Captain, ignored most of them and they he. He then proceeded to take his inflated ego around every single Aberdeen player and official. Magnanimous or just milking the hero worship of days gone by?

There is no turning back for him because he has the worst record of any club manager in Britain. He cannot turn things around and his trusty Assistant is now resigned to pleading with the fourth official for fairness.

The icebergs loom in front of the once mighty ICT Titanic whilst the Captain sits afront the ship ignoring the vociferous advice of the diminishing number of customers. The music is sombre but then the band strike up 'I did it my way' which seems to re-energise the Captain. He stands up and places one leg on the table in front of him. Then he hears the words 'and now its time to face the final curtain' which seemed to rattle him.

Down below DJS Guggenheim is thinking very seriously. His Valet Victor Giglio Bennett sinks into his eighth pint. 'What crisis?' he asks, 'I see no crisis!' 'We'll still reach safety he mutters' with a cheeky smile. Chief Executive Mike Smith is busy dealing with protesters. The third class passengers have paid good money but in his eyes they are a bunch of peasants. Captain Brewster's loyal Assistant Thomo, tries to lift spirits with a series of pranks and jokes. Nobody laughs. Tommy, the ship's DIY man, comments that the night is cold and he fears for frozen pipes which could be disasterous. His warnings about doom and disaster are put down to the influence of a recently passed full moon. Guggenheim's other Valet the very quiet George Fraser is trying to contact his boss for new instructions. He turns to a passenger and asks 'Do you believe in icebergs?' The passenger is clinging to a lifeboat and says 'did you not hear our warnings?

DJS Guggenheim senses the need for action. He has no plan to don his best suit and await the inevitable. He tells himself that he has never in his long and distinquished career felt a sinking feeling. ... until now, and then he orders the Captain to his room.

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brewsters level is the likes of raith rovers and nothing higher,as for malky,i wouldnt even trust him to coach strathspey thistle,i know there manager very well,i spoke to him this morning,and even he has more of a clue than malky

What have raith rovers done to deserve him ,I dont think that he has shown he is fit to manage any team regardless of their level

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brewsters level is the likes of raith rovers and nothing higher,as for malky,i wouldnt even trust him to coach strathspey thistle,i know there manager very well,i spoke to him this morning,and even he has more of a clue than malky

What have raith rovers done to deserve him ,I dont think that he has shown he is fit to manage any team regardless of their level

ex player like utd and far enough away from us :rotflmao:

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There was a guy in section G North Stand with a "Brew Out" cardboard banner, some club official sent security to deal with him. He delt with security diplomaticaly and they struggled to know what to do with him, lots of radio-ing back and forth. Most of us round him were with him and security noticed that in the end the club backed down.

So their is no way the anti Brew feeling was not noted by the club..


Well done the big bearded guy with the banner!!

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Its time for the board to get a pair and give him an ultimatum... oh! dont get me wrong, he is not alone in the blame game. Its time for us to give the board the same ultimatum

Brewster & the Board.. get it sorted or these supporters will not show up.

Now i have to go to work on Monday and face a Dons supporter who has never been to an Aberdeen game

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That was without a doubt the most soul destroying 90 minutes of football I've had the misfortune to watch in a long time!

The players hearts weren't in it after the first goal, tactics were nuts (I can't remember, were we two down or three down before he put a second forward on?) and the ref was mince to boot.

Brewster has definitely lost the dressing room and the plot (with his tactics), no-one is gonna want to sign for us during the Jan window, given the mess that we're in at the minute.

Brewster has got to do the honourable thing and resign, otherwise it's First Division football next season!

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Bewster was a good signing when he came here but that was also as a player and he certainly gave us a lift then.

This time around his tactics must be questioned.

Play at home with 1 up, away with 1 up but then last week v St Midden her plays two up - why!

Wood was good today and was turing the Aberdeen defence for fun, when he got the ball to feet, but then found himself all alone

Brewster puts on Rooney once we are 3 down - that achieves what?

3 bas goals, first down to what looked like a bad refering decision to award a free kick (at least from where I was sitting)

Gent in front of me, quite rightly applauded Aluko wen he was subbed - we had no one close to him at all ( 2 rousing Tokely challenges near the corner flag) but other than that he ran the show.

Also did we win the toss and changed ends - was this Brew's last throw of the dice to change our luck at home.

If this is his best tactic then definitely time to go

Who to get in would be next issue

Robbo back?????

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anyone know what the supporter said to aluko when he ran up to him?

:D :rotflmao: :thumb04: :018: ;)

That was Caley100, ask him yourself!

Well done to big Don today. Coolness personified big man, the stewards just gave up and went away.

Next time anybody criticises CaleyD for being a yes-man should remember that.

However I got a call on my moby from Mairi to say I was now famous as CaleyD and everybody nearby were all being photographed by the 'security police' or whatever they're called :lol: :015: :D :P :021:

Hope they got Caley100 giving them the vickys :D

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I dont listen to his post match comments any more. Sick of listening to the bull that comes out of his mouth.

Jimmy Calderwoods comments probably closer to the mark. A comfortable victory. But the Inverness lads worked hard. In other words ran around like headless chickens.

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