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On this occasion I don't buy in to the idea that because the player/agent has requested a transfer then he is not 100% dedicated to the team he currently plays for.  Dods is not looking to go on and further his career, he is looking for his last contract, he wants a decent contract and he wants to be nearer his family or receive a commitment from ICT to keep him here for 4 years.

All in all the issue seems to be one regarding personal circumstance and not financial gain for the player.

If Dods was to stay at ICT till the end of his contract, then he will still be looking for a new contract with a club closer to home, it does him no favors to spend the season playing half hearted or below the level we know he is capable of, if he did that then any clubs who may now be interested in him are likely to look elsewhere for potential better prospects.

I think we should let Dods go now, not because of any doubts I have regarding his commitment, but because the guy wants to be closer to family/loved ones.  This has always been the case and he has already given us a year more than he originally signed on for (2 years if he stays till end of this season).  He could have simply asked for a one year extension and left this summer, but by signing 2 years he has generated some value for us as a club, but ONLY if we move him on now.

Give the guy a break and appreciate the reasons he wants to go and lets try and not be so selfish about things.  Yes, it is a dog eat dog world, especially in football, but just because all other clubs act like mean barstewards does not mean we have to follow suite.  We have always stood up and done things our own way and it has served us well, so lets do the right thing by the player and the right thing by the club and let the guy go get his final contract and be closer to those he wants to spend more time with.

If Dods stays he will get 100% support from me unless he gives reason for anything else.  If he goes I wish him all the best at wherever he ends up.  If thats Utd, then so be it, it might stick in the throat a bit, but such is life, he has served us well and deserves our respect for that.

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Not sure about relegation but I think we're the only club he hasn't scored an og at.  Quite prone to these in the past was Dodsy!  Get him out of the team now, we play Utd on the 16th he may want to change that statistic if we don't let him go!!!

dont think he would WANT to change that statistic ... he is a professional and it would be wrong to suggest he would do something against the team deliberately.

It seems we are in danger of letting our disappointment at his transfer request and our desire for him to be dropped because of the uncertainty surrounding that request turn into a 'frankenstein moment' where we send out the lynch mob to confront the monster. I dont want him in the team if he wants away, but I stop short of suggesting he will act anything other than professionally on the park.

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CaleyD - I cant totally agree with you !!! Whilst we are making many of the same points, the fact remains that this whole thing is a sorry mess that has been conducted by many parties through the media and the player, however professional is not blameless. I am not suggesting a witch-hunt, but I hope he never wears an ICT shirt ever again and I will have no good luck comments for him.

We have had players that left at the end of contracts before, for financial reasons, to advance themselves, or to be nearer family - consider Barry Wilson, Dennis Wyness, Barry Robson and even Bobby Mann. Whilst not everyone will like all of these players, they all did a tremendous job for us and moved on - or in two cases, moved on and then back to us. IF DD stays till the end of the season and IF he performs at the same level as last season, and IF he stops his agent (allegedly) leaking things to the press then maybe he can move on with dignity but right now I think most of us are not very happy with him, want him gone, and would not hold the chairman's earlier statements against him if he did decide to sell him to the Grocer.

- his efforts last season -  :022:

- his physical presence in the team -  :022:

- his desire to be near loved ones -  :022: - understandable -

- his (alleged) 4 yr + coaching contract request -  :022: - cant argue with that, he is looking for security

- his reluctance to sign a new contract -  :022: - understandable given personal circumstances and lack of 4yr deal

- recent reports linking him with DUFC -  :020:

- recent reports (leaked ?) of him being unhappy -  :32:

- faxed transfer request (also leaked ?) -  :33: 

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 Dods is not looking to go on and further his career, he is looking for his last contract, he wants a decent contract and he wants to be nearer his family or receive a commitment from ICT to keep him here for 4 years.

If a premiershp club down in England offered him a contract, I take it he would turn it down because he wouldnt want to be too far from his family (Aye right)

who may now be interested in him are likely to look elsewhere for potential better prospects.All in all the issue seems to be one regarding personal circumstance and not financial gain for the player.

I take it he would be willing to accept equal or less money at whichever club he goes too. (Aye right)

I think we should let Dods go now, not because of any doubts I have regarding his commitment, but because the guy wants to be closer to family/loved ones.  This has always been the case and he has already given us a year more than he originally signed on for (2 years if he stays till end of this season).  He could have simply asked for a one year extension and left this summer, but by signing 2 years he has generated some value for us as a club, but ONLY if we move him on now.

He signed for 2 years because at the time nobody else was sniffing about and it gave him security for a couple of years, no other reason

Give the guy a break and appreciate the reasons he wants to go and lets try and not be so selfish about things.  Yes, it is a dog eat dog world, especially in football, but just because all other clubs act like mean barstewards does not mean we have to follow suite.  We have always stood up and done things our own way and it has served us well, so lets do the right thing by the player and the right thing by the club and let the guy go get his final contract and be closer to those he wants to spend more time with.

See above

If Dods stays he will get 100% support from me unless he gives reason for anything else.  If he goes I wish him all the best at wherever he ends up.  If thats Utd, then so be it, it might stick in the throat a bit, but such is life, he has served us well and deserves our respect for that.

CaleyD if you honestly believe any of what you have written, fair play but you are living in a fantasy world.

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Sooner this is settled the better, to give us time to enhance the squad if necessary before the window closes.  Dods has done more for ICT than any of us ever expected, and history will look on his time as the high water mark in his career.

It seems unthinkable that he can play for ICT while he wants away.  Caff will be relishing the prospect of a run in the team.

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Let him go, let him go! His hearts not in this club! I disagree on both counts. First, where do we find a replacement in a hurry that will guarantee to give what Dods has. Second, he is a professional footballer who knows he has to always play to his best, regardless of whats going on around him, if he is to attract the type of interest he seeks.

Darrens main problems are not that he doesn't want to play for ICT, its more his personal life that seems to be dictating what he must do.

I am confident that the machine will still honour his position and give his all whilst he is still playing for this club.

Finally, the club are always expected to honour their part of any contract and so should the players. If we agree to one transfer request does that then open the floodgates to others who may think they can just walk out whenever they wish.

I'm also sure that if the right value is offered for any player they will be sold on. So if the money is right Dods will go.

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Sooner this is settled the better, to give us time to enhance the squad if necessary before the window closes.  Dods has done more for ICT than any of us ever expected, and history will look on his time as the high water mark in his career.

It seems unthinkable that he can play for ICT while he wants away.  Caff will be relishing the prospect of a run in the team.

You are spot on DJS. He has done extremely well for ONE season and I'm sure he has been very well paid for it. He hasn't been here anywhere near long enough to earn the legend tag and has started the season relatively poorly. He has known for some time that Brewster wants him in the City of Discovery and this has obviously unsettled him. We have done his career no harm at all, infact we have probably enabled him to re-launch it.

Thanks Dodsy, time to move on and good luck in Dundee.  :clapping04:

Thanks Grocer, we have had the best of him and your cheque will be spent wisely.  :011:

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As far as Proctor is concerned, it's like this....if you go into a grocer's shop and eye up a loaf of bread priced at 99p, no grocer in the world would give you the goods if you offer him 50p. Ansd no customer in the world would keep hassling the grocer for a cut price... unless, of course, that customer was desperate.

Similarly, if the Grocer wants to buy anything, he should expect to pay the going rate.

In the case of Dods, there's the additional consideration that David Sutherland has said that no player who fits into the manager's plans will be sold. That makes it difficult to go back on. To be honest I've not been all that impressed by Dods's commitment this season. I'm torn between letting this loaf of bread go for a good price before it reaches it's sell by date and continuing to stick 2 fingers up at DUFC.

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From BBC Sport site

"Graeme Bennett's latest sneer regarding Utd's bids for your players should send you crofters up to the ground to complain.

This man is 100% useless, acting like a sulking child and, by rejecting a transfer request from Dods is depriving your club of whatever fee we'd pay for him now (£50k?) as opposed to the £0 we'll get him for in January.

Add to that Bennett's unprofessional ineptitude and general lack of courtesy in choosing not to respond to our bid for Proctor (who ICT are happy to see leave), thus delaying another £40k to your club, and ICT have employed the most incompetent, immature and worthless 'Director of Football' in the UK.

Dods and Proctor both want to come to Tannadice, they will end up at Tannadice either this season or the next, so why would you turn down between £75k - £100k for the players when they will quite clearly leave for nothing in a matter of months?

This guy is an embarrassment to football and to ICT and is doing your club a huge disservice with his primary school behaviour.

Thoughts? Or are you lot all cut from the same cloth?"

Come on Grassa they are now starting to take the fish - do the deal and move on  :sleep01:

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I say we keep Proctor and sell Dods!!

Totally agree. Proctor gives us cover in a range of positions. He's never let us down, in fact, he's always impressed whenever he's had the chance. And he's still young.

What was the score/scorers??

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More history

There are clubs with a far longer and more succesful history langushing in the lower leagues - are they also "Big Clubs".  Being a so called "Big Club" has very little to do with history and far more to do with what you are doing here and now.

bigger fanbase

Size of the fanbase is relevant to geography, population make-up and age of the club.  Taking all these in to consideration I would say we are doing ok on the fanbase front.  Also, you could have a fanbase of 50,000 and it doesn't guarantee any greater success on the pitch.  Gretna obviously have aspirations of playing in the SPL, are they as big/bigger than the teams already playing there who aspire to survive each season?

higher aspirations

I'm sure every team from the local amatuer leagues to the OF aspires to play at the top level, just because you aspire to achieve something doesn't make you any bigger than anyone else.  I would say we are doing a far better job than most at achieving our aspirations, which are to play at the highest level and maintain a healthy balance sheet.  It matters not a jot what your aspirations are or how much money you throw at achieving them if it doesn't produce the desired results.

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Spot on CD

The only thing that makes most teams bigger than us is the size of their debt and the number of seats in their stadium. Other than that they all have the same aim.....to be successful at the highest possible level. Even the East Stirlings of the world have aspirations, though they may not have the same expectations.

ICT is able to give direct employment to near a hundred people, with a lot more than that indirectly involved. Surely that makes us quite a big club by Scottish standards.

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This raises several issues:

Has Mr Sutherland painted himself into a corner with his previous statement? My opinioon is simply ..no.  He preserved ICT's right not to trade or discuss a transfer for those players who figure in the club's plans. Dods still is in contention for a place and...regardlesss of the action off the park.....he would be well advised to produce his very best if he is favoured by being in the team on the park. What has he to gain by doing otherwise?

It serves no useful purpose for the Managerment to pout and play childish--in fact the Management of ICT over the past few seasons does not appear to have this trait at all. At the same time it is chawing for them to put up with Mr Brewster's cantrips and persistence when he does not want to pay the asking price. How many times can you say no, we want our asking price, before you really start to get upset?

The bottom line here is a very simple situation:

1. Brewster--persuade Thompson to pay ICT's price and then complain only if ICT  don't allow Dods to go. Whether we like it or not, the situation has gone too far for Dods to ever really feel at home here again in my opinion and I feel that if Brewster offered a FAIR price for a man who has played very well last season ICT could see their way to agree to the transfer--but why the hairoil should they give a player a chance, grease his wheels and meet their commitment to him contractwise and then roll over and die just for another quitter like Brewster who does not have the interests of ICT at heart at all. If they do what kind of a precedent is that setting.

2. If Brewster will not increase the "derisory" offer  give Dods one more chance to play in the first team and advise him of the club's expectations. Failing a full commitment from him put him in the reserves, agree to transfer him and let him go to the highest possible bidder within their price range. This is a firm and fair approach since contracts must be respected and players who cannot understand that even in this day and age can then in the future decide whether they want to play for a team that has standards of morality to which they are willing to subscribe.

3.The team must set the tone of the debate and the decision, not the player. The player seeks to better himself but this also applies to the team of ICT who in addition  have a responsibility to the paying public, especially those who have supported ICT through thick and thin.

4. Whether a player wants to be closer to his family or not this is NOT the issue. As a mature adult he is aware that separations in the pursuit of his career are possible and may be inevitable in order to meet his commitments to his employers and to further his career. If he, after discussions with his family , considered that playing for a team is likely to lead to unhappiness first and foremost then perhaps he should not have agreed to the initial deal at all.

This is a matter of business and the honouring of contracts . Anything else is simply a distraction from the issues. The final decision to play or not to play is his and if ICT have treated him fairly why are they obligated to compromise their own inherent interests by considering his personal problems as more important than the bigger matter of their own responsibilities to the team and to the paying public?

The punters on here who repeatedly stress that no one player is bigger than the team are dead right. Pay a fair and fuller price Brewster or GTF. And if The Board do not want to sell Dods, then tough luck Dods here's a soother for the Edinburgh train----and  Brewster GTF.

Period. :008:

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Was at the reserve game tonite against Aberdeen, and guess who played at centre back and was my MOM: a certain Mr Proctor!!!!!!!!! I say we keep Proctor and sell Dods!!

I also agree - but having said that, Dods and Proctor are big mates at the club, so I think the chances of this happening are slim.

Whatever happens I hope Dods is not in the squad for Saturday - and I hope that Charlie is frantically searching for a new Central Defender we can sign up before the window slams shut.

For Saturday, Caff and Munro in the centre of defence, with Proctor on the bench.

After Saturday, if we can sign a new defender I say we keep Dods, let him languish in the reserves until January and punt him then for a few quid.

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Guest Arabest

Being a United fan I want this resolved as much as you do as ICT fans.  The way I see it is that we are not the so called desperate club we are being portrayed in the press by your Director of Football. 

Following an encouraging performance V Rangers (I know one result doesnt change much but its excellent for morale) and two trialists who are showing up VERY well in training things look a tad better.

It looks as though your DoF is trying to drag this to the transfer window to see exactly how much United will pay despite pleas from players and players agents to allow them to go.  Heck, United have even offered the fees the club have demanded for the players.  But with the way things are going, ICT  will be left with players who dont really want to play there, will be very unhappy for not being allowed to go and with a deflated squad because the way the situation has panned out your DoF is making out the wantaways are BIGGER than the club!

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