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£200 Bill


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No need for a whip round.  There will be one of those dummy things in the away dug out this weekend!! :wink:


I would have thought the dummy would have been spat onto the field ........ ohh, you mean the "Brahan Seether", indeed !

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I'd far rather have a passionate manager who is clearly frustrated and upset when things don't go well than one who sits in the dugout collecting a wage and barely gives a toss.


If that means we/he picks up the odd bill for a broken bit of perspex or a door or whatever, then so be it.

are you for real

last week you were asking people not to try and get the £5 pound take a friend ticket and pay full price. now you are saying the club ( i assume you mean club when you say "we") should/could pay the bill :amazed:

someone who smashes/lashes out when clearly frustrated is not a passionate manager but someone who cannot hold his temper.


was not that long ago we on here were calling neil lennon and ian macall  thugs for kicking a plastic bottle of water


how are they not passionate, clearly frustrated managers when things were not going their way


goose and gander me thinks

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Double standards if those who were offended by the then Clydebank manager Ian McCall kicking over a pot of paint en route to the dressing room after a game and then defend Terry for exactly the same reason for his damage to a dugout. Its vandalism which any way you look at it and its good of Dundee to ask Terry to pay for the damage instead of complaining to both SFA and or even the police. On both occasions the home clubs has been understanding and the damage paid for then that will be the end of the matter.

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Are the people on here for real? Terry builds possibly the best team we've seen in our teams colours, and we are worrying about him breaking a bit of see through plastic presumably because it makes us look bad or something? Why should we care what Terry's doing in regards to how he's managing the team, venting frustration etc? He's put out a winning team for the majority of the season, why should anything else matter?

It's ok for fans in the stands to shout, swear and ball their fecking brains out at terry and the team when things aren't going the way they'd like it too, but not ok for him to vent his frustration when the team isn't doing well. IMO there is no difference between some ridiculous and at time dispicable comments that come out of fans mouths in the stands and terry punching a bit of plastic. Who does the hitting of the dugout hurt anyway? Terry's healthy bank balance?

For feck sake, ict fans aren't good at very much, but we are fecking fantastic at making a big deal about nothing.

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Are the people on here for real? Terry builds possibly the best team we've seen in our teams colours, and we are worrying about him breaking a bit of see through plastic presumably because it makes us look bad or something? Why should we care what Terry's doing in regards to how he's managing the team, venting frustration etc? He's put out a winning team for the majority of the season, why should anything else matter?

It's ok for fans in the stands to shout, swear and ball their fecking brains out at terry and the team when things aren't going the way they'd like it too, but not ok for him to vent his frustration when the team isn't doing well. IMO there is no difference between some ridiculous and at time dispicable comments that come out of fans mouths in the stands and terry punching a bit of plastic. Who does the hitting of the dugout hurt anyway? Terry's healthy bank balance?

For feck sake, ict fans aren't good at very much, but we are fecking fantastic at making a big deal about nothing.

I wanted to rip up my seat at Easter road when Roberts missed that penalty, but I didn't. If I did it would that make me a more passionate fan and a nice guy for wanting to pay for it? Bottom line is he shouldn't have done it. He said sorry and offered to pay so in my book it's finished but I don't want that to be a regular thing. It's cringeworthy and gives other teams ammo.
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He's said sorry and he's paying the damage. What more do folk want?


Seeing as you've asked, I'd like him not to do it again.

I entirely agree with Doofers Dad. Passion is one thing but vandalism is quite another. If he had been a young fan acting in similar fashion he would,quite properly, be charged with a criminal offence.

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As someone at the game, the lashing out was so un-noticable that the only reason I knew was because it was mentioned on 'Open all Mic's' - most fans probably never knew until they got home. It was clearly nothing more than frustration and if you look at where TB was sitting him elbowing the perspex - which broke. He never got up and made his way over, threw a full haymaker then gave it a boot for good measure, as some seem to be indicating happened - a ful scale display of rage. Equally had be been in another dugout somewhere else he may have cracked a bone or had he been in another seat knocked Mo in the chops.


Responsibly he admitted guilt, no-one was hurt, he said sorry, paying the damage personally - think its time to let it die and move on, before we get comments that more 'popular' managers wouldnt do this like Robbo, 10CC, StevieP and this becomes another TB witch-hunt thread.

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As someone at the game, the lashing out was so un-noticable that the only reason I knew was because it was mentioned on 'Open all Mic's' - most fans probably never knew until they got home. It was clearly nothing more than frustration and if you look at where TB was sitting him elbowing the perspex - which broke. He never got up and made his way over, threw a full haymaker then gave it a boot for good measure, as some seem to be indicating happened - a ful scale display of rage. Equally had be been in another dugout somewhere else he may have cracked a bone or had he been in another seat knocked Mo in the chops.


Responsibly he admitted guilt, no-one was hurt, he said sorry, paying the damage personally - think its time to let it die and move on, before we get comments that more 'popular' managers wouldnt do this like Robbo, 10CC, StevieP and this becomes another TB witch-hunt thread.


I was at the game and didnt notice anything at the time either! Didnt know about it till I got home so I agree totally with above.

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It does seem that there appears to be one rule for TB and another for everyone else in some peoples eyes,If opposing fans ripped out seats because one of their players made a mistake would we say "that's ok they are passionate". Like someone said its over now but I also hope it is not repeated.


I want my manager to show passion but there are other ways to show passion as opposed to vandalism.

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People......get over it. If you have never lashed out in anger at something, be it punching the air, banging your head against a wall, kicking a stone in the street, slamming a door or whatever, then you have the right to criticise. I think the majority will have done so at some point in their lives.


To vandalise is to deliberately and knowingly cause damage. TB lashed out in anger and the perspex broke. Did he expect it to break. Did he deliberately cause the damage. I think not. He admited his mistake and took full blame for his actions. End Of.

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Its usually doors that come of worst with our Terry !!!!
- took the referee's door off its hinges at Pittodrie after a loss to Aberdeen when still a player at Rangers (source). [This was the 'highly charged' game where Durrant was crocked by Simpson]

- famously booted the door at Parkhead as Billy McNeill was being interviewed (source)

- booted down a dressing room door at Easter Road while manager at Motherwell (source)


Personally, I dont really have an issue with any of it. As noted in earlier posts, each individual incident happened in a moment of frustration for various reasons, and whilst there was no intention to cause damage in any of the cases, that was the end result !!! It just so happens they all occurred in an industry where every thing you do is dissected and scrutinised for public consumption ... and where you can get a criminal record for just playing the game !!! (source)


Whilst kicking doors or accidentally breaking a perspex screen may be undesirable and not a good example to set for his peers, its definitely not vandalism in my mind as it was not deliberate. I also think the McCall incidents (there was more than one) were also similar in nature. He was frustrated, and because ICT fans already hated him anyway, he was villified, but really, none of it was malicious, just unfortunate. Lets also not forget that while Messrs Butcher and McCall were taking it out on inanimate objects (even if McCall did manage to hit a person with one of them), Mr Ferguson of Manchester was lobbing crockery or football boots at his players and causing lacerations on the bonce of goldenballs Beckham !!! Should he have been charged with assault or ABH ?


Who here has not let frustration get the better of them on some occasion? Whether at work, at the football, when driving or travelling, or elsewhere in personal life? I know I punched a few walls in my old house and had to replace plasterboard on the odd occasion ! I also destroyed a few electronic items over the years when they didn't do what they were supposed to !!!! Am I a vandal ? nope, just got frustrated and when the red mist lifted, made amends for my momentary lapses !

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before we get comments that more 'popular' managers wouldnt do this like Robbo, 10CC, StevieP and this becomes another TB witch-hunt thread.


I'm pretty sure Craig Brewster would have done no such thing, or if he would it would have been a world class strike rather than a rather feeble one.

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Are the people on here for real? Terry builds possibly the best team we've seen in our teams colours, and we are worrying about him breaking a bit of see through plastic presumably because it makes us look bad or something? Why should we care what Terry's doing in regards to how he's managing the team, venting frustration etc? He's put out a winning team for the majority of the season, why should anything else matter?

It's ok for fans in the stands to shout, swear and ball their fecking brains out at terry and the team when things aren't going the way they'd like it too, but not ok for him to vent his frustration when the team isn't doing well. IMO there is no difference between some ridiculous and at time dispicable comments that come out of fans mouths in the stands and terry punching a bit of plastic. Who does the hitting of the dugout hurt anyway? Terry's healthy bank balance?

For feck sake, ict fans aren't good at very much, but we are fecking fantastic at making a big deal about nothing.


did you see the photo of tel in this weeks record.

he was photographed through the hole in the perpex. arms folded, he looked a right tube.

would not be surprised if he will be an item on "off the ball this weekend"  and get slaughtered by some very funny supporters across scotland who contribute to this show.

i think he is our best manager to date and hope he is here for a long time, but he has to curb his temper.


ict portrays itself as a family club. maybe the match day announcer should add to the " will not tolerate foul and abusive language" blurb to include

" and will not tolerate any vandalism "


ps            very honest of you to include yourself in the last sentence :clapoverhead:

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