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To the Board of Inverness CT

Alex MacLeod

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I think it's great news that the board are backing Brewster by making funds available in January. Too many clubs sack their manager when things start to go wrong and will not let the manager turn it around. Too many clubs don't realise that it may be due to other factors other than the manager/assistant manager that are causing poor results. The management have taken the team on good runs before (beating celtic last season) and soon, with a victory, the team will go on another good run. With a few good signings in January, as well as the managements willingness to give youngsters a chance, this should strengthen the squad short term and long term. With a good run of results, ICT will steer clear of the danger zone. There's 3 teams on 17 points, ICT are far from beaten. Right now ICT are performing at their worst at home. That may be because TCS is very intimidating..... for the home team. The vibe from the supporters is very negative. On Sunday however this can change if the supporters get right behind the team 100%. Positive vocal support for the team from start to finish will boost confidence and morrale. Anti-Brewster banners, fan walkouts, waving sheets of white paper/banners will negatively effect the team. So on Sunday, it's time to get behind ICT 100% and cheer the team on.

Have you watched the team on the park recently? The spirit that's taken us on great runs in the past is completely absent; experienced players are making simple mistakes, looking shorn of confidence and don't seem to want the ball; and several of the players that helped us on those good runs in the past are either already gone or on the way out. Fair play to you for belief and loyalty, but I think the circumstances surrounding the team are different than they were even 15 months ago.

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I think it's great news that the board are backing Brewster by making funds available in January. Too many clubs sack their manager when things start to go wrong and will not let the manager turn it around. Too many clubs don't realise that it may be due to other factors other than the manager/assistant manager that are causing poor results. The management have taken the team on good runs before (beating celtic last season) and soon, with a victory, the team will go on another good run. With a few good signings in January, as well as the managements willingness to give youngsters a chance, this should strengthen the squad short term and long term. With a good run of results, ICT will steer clear of the danger zone. There's 3 teams on 17 points, ICT are far from beaten. Right now ICT are performing at their worst at home. That may be because TCS is very intimidating..... for the home team. The vibe from the supporters is very negative. On Sunday however this can change if the supporters get right behind the team 100%. Positive vocal support for the team from start to finish will boost confidence and morrale. Anti-Brewster banners, fan walkouts, waving sheets of white paper/banners will negatively effect the team. So on Sunday, it's time to get behind ICT 100% and cheer the team on.

I admire you see you in the SFL, have you ever applied to be on the board of directors at ICT you seem to have all the atributes needed

Edited by stevico1
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I think it's great news that the board are backing Brewster by making funds available in January. Too many clubs sack their manager when things start to go wrong and will not let the manager turn it around. Too many clubs don't realise that it may be due to other factors other than the manager/assistant manager that are causing poor results. The management have taken the team on good runs before (beating celtic last season) and soon, with a victory, the team will go on another good run. With a few good signings in January, as well as the managements willingness to give youngsters a chance, this should strengthen the squad short term and long term. With a good run of results, ICT will steer clear of the danger zone. There's 3 teams on 17 points, ICT are far from beaten. Right now ICT are performing at their worst at home. That may be because TCS is very intimidating..... for the home team. The vibe from the supporters is very negative. On Sunday however this can change if the supporters get right behind the team 100%. Positive vocal support for the team from start to finish will boost confidence and morrale. Anti-Brewster banners, fan walkouts, waving sheets of white paper/banners will negatively effect the team. So on Sunday, it's time to get behind ICT 100% and cheer the team on.

how does beating celtic over a year ago consitute a good run. presumably one home win all season makes the tcs a fortress?

the players have been getting the support at home, were you at the aberdeen game?, it made no difference, we're a shambles.

wakey wakey, we are falling apart and no amount of vocal backing will fix it

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"how does beating celtic over a year ago consitute a good run."

When ICT beat celtic 3-2, they were already on an unbeaten run at the time. So a few games unbeaten including beating celtic constitutes a good run. I just worded it badly!

worded it badly ! the fact you have to go back to 2007 to find any positives says it all. you are clearly deluded and/or on the wind up.

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I admire you see you in the SFL, have you ever applied to be on the board of directors at ICT you seem to have all the atributes needed

I don't need to apply... their already doing a fine job

Your whole 1st post was worded badly CBsBluenRedArmy.

Of course they are lets hope they keep up the good work

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I agree that the attitude of the fans can affect the players on the park. However, you have to realise that the fans were positive and supportive for a considerable time during some dross displays earlier in this season and at the end of last. Remember, its the fans that pay to support the team so they have the right to voice their displeasure.

As for the argument that we have a good management team! thats not being supportive im afraid, only blind to the real problems facing the club. Look at team selection, faith in poor players, tactics, reactions to defeats and the attitude of the players when up against it. How can that not be down to the management? they are responsible!

I hope we beat Rangers and Partick (i doubt it) but if we do it will be in spite of Brewster, not because of him!

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Why do you think we're bottom of the league CB'sB&R Army?

I don't no for sure but here's a number of reasons why ICT MAY be joint bottom with 2 other teams, other than anything to do with the management.

One of the poorest financial teams in the SPL (lose players to clubs offering more money)

Players from central scotland are more likely to sign for Falkirk etc than ICT due to travelling

ICT support is one of the least noisest in the SPL (and when there is noise it's usually negative)

ICT have very poor training facilities

Last season ICT relased their full time fitness coach from the club

ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs

The team are in a transitional period of giving youngsters a chance - with time they will improve

And remember a couple of defeats and ICT may still be at worst joint bottom with other teams... a couple of wins and then they will have breathing space.

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Getting relegated will do nothing to improve all the areas you have mentioned. Some of which are fair, most of which are rubbish.

To use travel distance as an excuse is nonsense! that isnt really a new problem is it. Inverness is still the same distance from the central belt as it always was!!!

As for financial backing, we have never been able to pay big bucks but we have managed to use what we have, well. Untill now. We have some good players, we have a good support (despite what you think).

We dont have any motivators! and that is down to the management! end of story, case closed. thank you for playing.

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"how does beating celtic over a year ago consitute a good run."

When ICT beat celtic 3-2, they were already on an unbeaten run at the time. So a few games unbeaten including beating celtic constitutes a good run. I just worded it badly!

You failed to mention that on the end of that good run (and yes it was a good run - 5 league wins in a row), we went on another run which saw us win only 2 league games in 12 and included a spell where we endured 7 defeats in a row.

When we came out of that bad run in April we won 2 back to back games (against Gretna and Killie) and havent repeated that feat since !!!!

We are - as I am sure you know - on a bit of an impressive run right now ..... 2 wins in the last 12 games including a streak of 5 defeats in a row that could well be 6 after Sunday.

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Why do you think we're bottom of the league CB'sB&R Army?

I don't no for sure but here's a number of reasons why ICT MAY be joint bottom with 2 other teams, other than anything to do with the management.

One of the poorest financial teams in the SPL (lose players to clubs offering more money)

Players from central scotland are more likely to sign for Falkirk etc than ICT due to travelling

ICT support is one of the least noisest in the SPL (and when there is noise it's usually negative)

ICT have very poor training facilities

Last season ICT relased their full time fitness coach from the club

ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs

The team are in a transitional period of giving youngsters a chance - with time they will improve

And remember a couple of defeats and ICT may still be at worst joint bottom with other teams... a couple of wins and then they will have breathing space.

On top of the reasons you quote, we have lost Black and Wilson, we might lose Cowie, we have a management team that have lost the dressing room(apparently) we have a board that have lost touch with the fans and the major shareholder that has publicly gone against the supporters trust, apart from the negatives you point out where are the positives

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Why do you think we're bottom of the league CB'sB&R Army?

I don't no for sure but here's a number of reasons why ICT MAY be joint bottom with 2 other teams, other than anything to do with the management.

One of the poorest financial teams in the SPL (lose players to clubs offering more money) - That's why we're giving Brewster an increased Budget for January then?

Players from central scotland are more likely to sign for Falkirk etc than ICT due to travelling - We've proved that we're capable of better with the players we have (had) so signings have little to do with current situation.

ICT support is one of the least noisest in the SPL (and when there is noise it's usually negative) - Nonsense, crowds are quiet all over the SPL, and only recently have the ICT crowd become in any way negative.

ICT have very poor training facilities - No better or worse than they have been since 1994, and it's never hindered progress in the past!!

Last season ICT relased their full time fitness coach from the club - And replaced them with Brewster, who's abilities as a Fitness Coach are not in doubt and probably considered to be among the best available!!!

ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs - Again, they never have....why would they all of a sudden need one now (apart from the fact that the Manager is destroying their confidence of course)

The team are in a transitional period of giving youngsters a chance - with time they will improve - Are these the youngsters who have been performing better than some others yet are being left on thebench?

And remember a couple of defeats and ICT may still be at worst joint bottom with other teams... a couple of wins and then they will have breathing space.

I was tempted to answer you with a simple "Clutching at straws" response, but thought I would go into more detail (responses highlighted in red).

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Unfortunately it gets worse. if the board persist we may actually find that money is spent on players selected by CB. If he cant get a system right now, how can add to it effectively?

It seems a shame to think we spent so long building properly to secure our club whilst climbing the leagues to end up like this. I hope we dont become another Airdrie or (god forbid) Livingston..... i actually feel sick now!!

P.s - Apologies to all true ICT fans for mentioning the vile livi on our site! i promise it wont happen again.

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ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs -

Again, they never have....why would they all of a sudden need one now (apart from the fact that the Manager is destroying their confidence of course)

Actually, I believe Charlie Christie did bring one in - can remember Graham Bayne mentioning it in the papers.

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Unfortunately it gets worse. if the board persist we may actually find that money is spent on players selected by CB. If he cant get a system right now, how can add to it effectively?

you are right however there are 2 sides, it is just as easy to dismantle (if fact probably easier) a system than add to it, what we have seen over the last year is the system been dismantled with no evidence of it been rebuilt.

ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs -

Again, they never have....why would they all of a sudden need one now (apart from the fact that the Manager is destroying their confidence of course)

Actually, I believe Charlie Christie did bring one in - can remember Graham Bayne mentioning it in the papers.

Yes he did, if fact I remember Marius telling me he asked him (the psycholigist), what do you expect at ICT and he replied to win the league, they all looked at him like he was crazy and Marius told me if you dont try to be first you will be last, crazy Romanian

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ICT don't employ a sport psychologist full time like other clubs -

Again, they never have....why would they all of a sudden need one now (apart from the fact that the Manager is destroying their confidence of course)

Actually, I believe Charlie Christie did bring one in - can remember Graham Bayne mentioning it in the papers.

Was that not a "Sports Scientist" who was working with him on personalised training/fitness plans? If not, then I'll happily stand corrected.

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