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Butchers Bandages


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To welcome Mr Butcher to the ICT rollercoaster, we are going to distribute free blood stained bandages to fans who are willing to wear them to show their appreciation of our new manager.

Ask in the Innes Bar before the game and we will have about fifty blood stained bandages on offer, free. This will be on a first come first serve basis. Be there early to avoid disappointment. To compliment the bandage theme, all we ask is that you wear your best white, bloodstained top for the full effect.

These courageous images were epitomised by Terence and we should show the management team we are prepared for a battle.

Bleed for the team this Sunday.

See the Butcher story on the main page if you are unsure.


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To welcome Mr Butcher to the ICT rollercoaster, we are going to distribute free blood stained bandages to fans who are willing to wear them to show their appreciation of our new manager.

Ask in the Innes Bar before the game and we will have about fifty blood stained bandages on offer, free. This will be on a first come first serve basis. Be there early to avoid disappointment. To compliment the bandage theme, all we ask is that you wear your best white, bloodstained top for the full effect.

These courageous images were epitomised by Terence and we should show the management team we are prepared for a battle.

Bleed for the team this Sunday.

See the Butcher story on the main page if you are unsure.


May I suggest that you make this more believable and truer to life. What you need to do is to pair peeple up, stand them twenty feet apart and get them to run at an imaginary ball in the middle and thereby headbutting each other on contact. Colin may just need to enrol a First Aider to add to the authenticity and Scoobie needs to ensure there is lots of warm soapy water to mop up the floor.

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We should all wear blood-stained Butcher bandanas to the Celtic game and to every game to the end of the season. It would be a tribute to Butcher's never-say-die spirit and hopefully an inspiration to the team.

I will be busy making bandanas for our section today.

For those who are too young to remember, here is an extract from Wikipedia.

Then, on 6 September 1989, while playing for England in a vital World Cup qualifier in Sweden, Butcher suffered a deep cut to his forehead early in the game. Butcher had some impromptu stitches inserted by the physiotherapist and, swathed in bandages, continued playing. His constant heading of the ball - unavoidable when playing in the centre of defence - disintegrated the bandages and reopened the cut to the extent that his white England shirt was entirely red by the end of the game[1]. This match remains his defining moment as one of England's great footballing heroes, especially as England got the draw they needed to qualify for the 1990 competition, and is often used when referencing Butcher even today.


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Well................did you get yours..........

Bleed for Butcher

The only small problem was that all the bloodstained bandages I could see appeared to be white with simply a largeish circle of red at the front. They unfortunately looked a bit like the Rising Sun and might well therefore also have been taken as a tribute to Mr. Nakamura!

I did mention the tribute to TB in my post match interview and he seemed to appreciate the recognition, although he did make the point that it's not perhaps a great fashion statement!

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Well done to all the guys and girls who took part in Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Big Terry appreciated this gesture.

The ones with just a mere round spot of red were mere imitations.

ps, by the way, if your mum likes the colours on the bandages, it is Chestnut Red, vinyl matt emulsion from B&Q

The full effect with the splattered T shirts were just perfect.

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Guest themoth

Be careful with Mr Butcher, he came down to Brentford with all guns blazing, full of great ideas, then lost the plot and we got stuck in a downward spiral. Fortunately he got sacked and we were saved from a trip to the Conference. Change of management and look at us now!

All I am saying is be careful, don't get carried away by his optimism, still don't want to see you go down and good luck for the rest of the season.

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