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It could be us (Manager Scalps - Merged)


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Contrary to what some may think I believe, no matter the result, McGhee will not be sacked. He may walk of his own choice though. Aberdeen have not the money to pay him off and likely have to compensate another team for a replacement. Like many other builders Stewart Milne is feeling the pinch. The club have not been able to buy in players of the expected calibre for a few seasons now and what they have is no better than most of the other teams in the league. I also hear on the grapevine that some of the players brought in were on the say so of Willie Miller and are not really McGhee's choice. A lot of Dons fans I've spoken to believe Miller to be the problem at Aberdeen. It was he who got shot of, probably, the best goal keeping coach in the country.

But I digress. I believe we will win tonight. They have not gelled as a team and they cant maintain their discipline. We go out and play as well as we have in recent games and the away record will be protected.

With the benefit of hindsight I'd have to say that turned out to be a pretty good prediction.

Keep it up, old timer!

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understand the sticking point is Stuart Milne, with the rest of the board wanting him gone. Stuarts reason for keeping him is his deep pockets - cause he dont want to pay off McGhee for getting them into another fine mess.

Sure they do as any compensation to be paid will not come out of their pockets! Easy to be generous with other peoples money.

Sacking McGhee will, IMO, not solve the problem that is Willie Miller. A joke figure in the city now who goes around asking businesses to help out the club whilst at the same time leaving a trail of his own business debt round the city with the same companies. That the alledgedly huge salary he is drawing for what?

If I was a Dandy, I'd be concentrating on removing Miller, nothing else.

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