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Niculae poised to turn down


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?800,000 seems a pretty good deal for me.  I was expecting in the region of ?200k, maybe all this publicity has pushed up his valuation.

Hope brew gets a big chunk of it to spend, and not be forced to sponge off county for another year.

Is our record transfer fee still ?65,000 for don cowie?  Worth it, but still a pitiful record.

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Is our record transfer fee still ?65,000 for don cowie?  Worth it, but still a pitiful record.

If pitiful equates to an excellent peice of buisness....then long may the pitiful transfer fees continue

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really shows the ambitions of our new chairman/board that we want to sell off one of our best assets and biggest signing ever and replace him with a player from div 2 who couldn't cut it in the spl at the first attempt if they can even persuade him to sign :029:

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what? compared to losing Niculae for nothing in a years time?

Don't kid yourselves, Niculae will move, it's just a matter of whether you want one more season or cut and run by making a fantastic bit of buisness

IMO the club has been niave in the past when dealing in the transfer market (Dargo for instance) but on this occasion they deserve full credit for making an absolute fortune from nothing

We are probably the most underdeveloped club in the SPL and cannot afford to be turning down an offer of that magnitude

Hope for ?2mil accept anything over ?1mil

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what? compared to losing Niculae for nothing in a years time?

Don't kid yourselves, Niculae will move, it's just a matter of whether you want one more season or cut and run by making a fantastic bit of buisness

That's a big assumption....it's just as likely that he would be willing to sign a contract extension.....If the club were at all ambitious then he would have been offered just that before he went off to the Euro's and not only would it have added to his value now, but it would also have meant keeping him for another season to allow replacements to be brought in and tried out before selling him in 12 months.

IMO the club has been niave in the past when dealing in the transfer market (Dargo for instance) but on this occasion they deserve full credit for making an absolute fortune from nothing

IMO, they are still being extremely naive, not to mention acting like the amateurs they are by looking like they are willing to sell at the first opportunity and almost creaming themselves in the press whenever someone mentions money.  As I highlighted elsewhere....Grassa was going on about having sleepless nights at the thought of getting ?40k from his Euro appearances.  Yeah, a nice bonus, but the days of ICT getting excited over such an amount should have been long past.

Naive is not even offering the guy an extension and increasing the options.

We are probably the most underdeveloped club in the SPL and cannot afford to be turning down an offer of that magnitude

Hope for ?2mil accept anything over ?1mil

Of course we can afford to turn it down, especially if we extend his contract.  As I pointed out on another thread, we are fairly sound financially and have money in the bank.  If those running the club were serious about development then they'd be using some of what is there already and not relying on one off windfalls.  If their idea of development is blowing ?200k on a 2nd Div player then god help us.

My issues with all this are two-fold.  Firstly, I think we are being premature in courting offers for Marius, and secondly, I don't think those running the club have a clue on how to make best use of any money we might land from selling him, be that now or in 12 months.

?1 Million in the bank or relegation next season...it's as cut and dry as that as far as I am concerned, and I can tell you now...it will cost us a **** site more than that to get back into the SPL if it does happen.

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Its all very well firing accusations towards the club but does Marius Niculae want an extension. He came here to resurrect his career. He see's that career in Portugal or England. He said he would see out his contract if the right offer doesn't come along. I may be totally wrong but I've a feeling he has a get out clause in his contract that allows him to go anywhere other than a Scottish club if the offer is right.

Supporters of this club are becoming very good at blaming everything on the DoF, Manager and Board without knowing all the facts. And so long as we average a less than 5000 gate we will always be a little fish in a big pond fighting to survive.

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Its all very well firing accusations towards the club but does Marius Niculae want an extension. He came here to resurrect his career. He see's that career in Portugal or England. He said he would see out his contract if the right offer doesn't come along. I may be totally wrong but I've a feeling he has a get out clause in his contract that allows him to go anywhere other than a Scottish club if the offer is right.

Supporters of this club are becoming very good at blaming everything on the DoF, Manager and Board without knowing all the facts. And so long as we average a less than 5000 gate we will always be a little fish in a big pond fighting to survive.

Absolutely right Alex, we have to appreciate the size of the club and the fact that we are not in a strong position in the transfer market for reasons that we all know. I have posted on here before that I cannot believe there is not some sort of clause in Marius' contract to allow him to leave if a certain offer comes in - if he does not his agent needs to be shot.

We find it difficult to recruit and that will always be so unless a sugar daddy arrives on the scene. We cannot afford to be too hard line with targets that we want to sign - we simply cannot afford to, therefore having a go at the DoF or the board is unrealistic and unfair.

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Its all very well firing accusations towards the club but does Marius Niculae want an extension.

I believe if he was offered one, or had been before the club started making noises about wanting rid, then he would definitely have signed an extension.  The fact is, if it's not offered then he can't accept or refuse....surely it makes sense for them to at least find out, unless their mind is made up that he is going no matter what happens.

Let's say nobody comes in with an offer.....and Marius decides that because they've messed him around he doesn't want to sign an extension, how much will you be defending the club then?

He came here to resurrect his career. He see's that career in Portugal or England. He said he would see out his contract if the right offer doesn't come along. I may be totally wrong but I've a feeling he has a get out clause in his contract that allows him to go anywhere other than a Scottish club if the offer is right.

Who's to say he wants to make that move now?  When he arrived he was making noises about resurrecting his career, but it was more in relation to getting back into the Romanian team and he's managed that.  Not all players are mercenary barstewards, and perhaps Marius would be happy to stay another year at ICT to thank them for giving him the chance to realise his ambition.

The whole thing about "clauses" was just another Urban Myth which was allowed to run, along with the one that said he was on ?4000 a week.  It suited the club to have fans believe these things as it always gave them a "get out" if things didn't work out.  It's as if they expected it all to fail, but it hasn't and now they haven't got a clue what they should be doing.

Supporters of this club are becoming very good at blaming everything on the DoF, Manager and Board without knowing all the facts. And so long as we average a less than 5000 gate we will always be a little fish in a big pond fighting to survive.

Don't need to know all the facts to realise that we are going backwards as a club.  Can you honestly say that your happy at the prospect of losing both top scorers from last season and replacing them with someone who already failed at SPL and never found his level until playing in the 2nd Div?  When everything goes to pot next season and we're here 12 months from now wondering what went wrong, will you defend the actions of the Club, DoF and Manager?

Prevention is better than cure, you may be happy to sit defending the club regardless on the basis of "you never know" or "you can't criticise because you don't have all the facts", but I won't.

ICT fans are far too complacent, perhaps that's because we've been spoiled in the past and that's lead to some having blind faith...I just hope that people wake up and see exactly where we're heading before it's too late.

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Supporters of this club are becoming very good at blaming everything on the DoF, Manager and Board without knowing all the facts. And so long as we average a less than 5000 gate we will always be a little fish in a big pond fighting to survive.

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And of course you know that he hasn't been asked to stay.

And you believe that if he had been offered an extension and refused it then the club wouldn't have made that information public to support their cause for getting rid of him?

You don't need to be "in the know" to see what's going on, you just have to accept that the club and those currently running the club don't always act in ICT's best interests.

The whole thing stinks of "Self Preservation" and I don't mean preserving our position in the SPL, I mean people at the club preserving their cosy positions.  I also suspect a large part of it is down to ego.  David Sutherland can't seem to accept that someone else has done something great for ICT, so he seeks to get rid, spin the whole thing as a massive disaster and tout himself as the man who stepped in to save the club, sell the player and turn it into a huge financial success.  Much in the same way as he was on TV trying to spin it that signing Marius had left us over ?500k in the hole  :015: - if that wasn't an attempt to pave the way for him to stick a few more quid in to secure a majority shareholding and sway opinion in his favour then I don't know what is.

You can lap it all up if you like, that's your choice, but I'm not buying it for one second.

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Hang on a minute. We signed a classy striker on a free, he's been called up to play for the 12th ranked country in the world, played in a major tournament, is attracting attention from big clubs and is now worth a large 6 figure sum. And people are apportioning blame?  :017:

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I believe that Rankin has the distinction of holding both records.

Maybe. Rankin went for ?110k, where as, if my memory serves me correctly, Brown went for "an undisclosed six-figure fee".  So we don't really know  :017:

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