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1 minute ago, Hiro said:

Our issue is the chronic lack of pace which means that when we win the ball back we're unable to break and capitalise.

and when Celtic break we cant get back .... 0-4

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17 minutes ago, Hiro said:

No idea what Warren was doing there.  0-4 now although hasn't felt like that type of game.

i feel like the performance tonight shows exactly why were are where we are. Granted it is a cracking celtic side but the indecision in our team tonight was almost comical. Nobody wanted the ball they just wanted to get rid of it. Worst i have seen us in a while     

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Things we learned this evening:

1) Celtic are miles better than anything we've seen in Scottish football for a long time. Didn't need to get out of 2nd gear.

2) as hard as this is to say, the presence of Gary Warren significantly weakens our defence.  In the interests of the team and results he should be dropped for Saturday.

3) Brad Mckay can't play left back.  I know that celtic were getting joy down the left early on but they weren't getting in behind or creating anything clear cut. Switching him and Raven didn't work and it should have been left as it was. Raven on the left and Brad on the right was the least worst option.

4) we have no pace if Mulraney doesn't play. 

5) OFW is the streakiest keeper we've had.

6) tonight means nothing and was never going to. We need to pick up points from the rest starting this Saturday at Firhill. 

Edited by Hiro
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Not sure what to make of all of that. How would we have felt if OFW hadn't gift-wrapped 2 goals and we'd lost 2-0? First 40 min we were really solid and only undone by a peach. Agreed, we looked hesitant going forward, but Celtic's pressing was exceptional and forces the mindset. Warren had done OK first 45, but was skinned for the 4th.

The crucial thing is putting it behind us. If we can't and it affects us in the next 3, we're doomed. Equally, RF needs to avoid the temptation of changing the formation or personnel, unless Mulraney and/or Tremarco is fit. Cole was the last player who should have been subbed today - at least he had a couple of decent runs and he did his share of defending too.

Concentrate on Partick and get a bounce game next week.

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Defended solidly in the first half, but Richie was right in his assessment. We weren't brave enough on the ball. Celtic make it difficult and get in your face, but there wasn't much attempt to string a couple of passes together to try and open them up. 

To be fair to OFW, that was a horrendous bobble, although are passing from the kick off was woeful. 

That game was pretty much a foregone conclusion before it started. The real test is against Partick in our next game.

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46 minutes ago, Hiro said:

Things we learned this evening:

1) Celtic are miles better than anything we've seen in Scottish football for a long time. Didn't need to get out of 2nd gear.

2) as hard as this is to say, the presence of Gary Warren significantly weakens our defence.  In the interests of the team and results he should be dropped for Saturday.

3) Brad Mckay can't play left back.  I know that celtic were getting joy down the left early on but they weren't getting in behind or creating anything clear cut. Switching him and Raven didn't work and it should have been left as it was. Raven on the left and Brad on the right was the least worst option.

4) we have no pace if Mulraney doesn't play. 

5) OFW is the streakiest keeper we've had.

6) tonight means nothing and was never going to. We need to pick up points from the rest starting this Saturday at Firhill. 

Hiro you are right in all you say but the game at Firhill is a week on Saturday.

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1 hour ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

We are now in BIG trouble. Looks like a three way fight at the bottom.

So where does this leave your earlier statement that if Caley Thistle didn't get 3 points from their next three games (Hearts + OF) then relegation was certain?

After the Rangers game saw that target overtaken, I asked you  "That's now four points from the first two of them, so does the converse apply? Does this now mean equally definite safety?"... to which you replied "Are you fick or wot ? Of course it is the converse and sets us up fer Cellic."

But now you appear to have abandoned that converse, changed your mind again and once more consider the team to be in "BIG trouble".

Confused, Inverness.

Edited by Charles Bannerman
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1 minute ago, lightwelter said:

To be fair to OFW, that was a horrendous bobble, although are passing from the kick off was woeful. 


To be fair to OFW that was a terrible back pass but there was little bobble and one hell of a sclaff. He was watching Dembele and not the ball. He possibly wasn't expecting that either from OUR kick off. 12 seconds WTF.

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Celtic players are more relaxed and very confident and prefer to pass, and pass quickly,  rather than getting into long  penetrating runs.-- and usually before the opposing players get anywhere near them. Which meant that Caley had to run around trying to pick up loose balls, etc. before they could even start an attack. Slick, swift passing and ball control from Celtic killed us and rarely if ever did they try a blooter, except over the bar at times. They are not a particularly speedy team but positioning and very accurate passing and ball retention are their strong points.  They are calm , possessed and disciplined.Truly though, goalie errors did seem to lead to 50% of the goals against us. 

Our boys did well in the first half until that goal just before half time seemed to knock them right out of their stride. In the second half things just plodded along without any real threat thereafter and they had a hard time both getting and keeping the ball and had disjointed positioning in attack and they sure didn't attack in waves,- you know side by side. Celtic's goalie must have had a somewhat boring and totally unremarkable day out I feel. Cole is tricky enough and he received his share of the ball but he didn't seem to achieve much at all with it and his presence just faded away. Billy seemed to be almost left out of it with hardly any accurate and direct service that could be seen and therefore simply became a passenger  towards the end.

I'm off--least said, soonest mended.


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