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Desert Island Discs


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Your about to be marooned on a desert island. Your fairy godmother pops up with a sloar powered hi-fi. She allows you to take ONE album to listen to. What would you choose?

Mine would be U2- Joshua Tree

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not really an album per say, but right now on my MP3 player i have been tending to listen to a collection of all the songs ever featured in the John Peel Festive 50 from 1976-2003 ... a mixed bag if ever there was one !

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Geatest Hits - Chas and Dave  :023:

Always enjoyed the early Chas and Dave and their raw energetic classics such as "Rabbit Rabbit" and  "Got my beer in the sideboard here" which reflected their cockney routes and in many ways engendered a generation with the gritty realism in the lyrics,latterly i felt they deserted their origins moving onto the more melodic and less hard hitting songs such as "aint no pleasing you" in search of record sales but deserting their working class origins in pursuit of record sales and catering to the marketing people.A sell out if ever their was one!

Much can be forgiven however, for the everlasting lyrical brilliance of Snooker Loopy which must surely go down as a classic of our times.

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