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Start charging the players?

Mrs Pauliebee

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

A woman after my ain heart Mrs P, but fair to say that that late penalty cost financially, if the players don't start winning soon and get their win bonuses I'm thinking there will be bilin hens for Christmas Dinner as there will be no money fer turkeys.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Glad you mentioned Falkirk Alex, three seasons ago I mentioned on here that we should try signing Latapy and I got shot down by a seasoned poster on here who said he was past it?? up to that point I had always taken that poster seriously!

Did a couple of jobs in Trinidad last year and Latapy is highly repected among the locals, not the same for Dwight Yorke as they see him as arrogant, then again it might have something to with the fact that he's a Tobago lad, ( it must be years since I last had Kidneys Tobago mmmmmmmm!), anyway as I mentioned on another post we really could do with someone like him, bring back Bingo or Juanjo maybe?

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:006: that's what Rankin was bought for and what Black was trying to do yesterday... how can you go on about progress and then suggest Latapty being the answer?? The truth is that we were poor on the wings yesterday full backs and out wide they played a 4-3-2-1 formation with their wide 2 acting almost like another 2 forwards that is why we were caught on the break so often and why our only 2 real chances in the game were when McBain and Wilson made use of the extra space and crossed for Bayne to head the ball. 

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Guest Suspicious Mind

Not ever going to happen but why is a "Latapy" being dismissed Harry?

No matter how old he is or how many fags a day he smokes he is still, without doubt, one of the most creative players in Scotland! His vision and set pieces change games as he has proven time and time again.

If he can still do at 55, i would still sign him!

The future is now?

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Don't get me wrong I think Latapy is a great player and would love to have him in the team but if ICT are going to progress as an SPL club then we can't be looking at a 40 yr old player, when we are clearly trying to rear our very own Latapy in Ian Black.  Black will hopefully give us a few years of service on the pitch and if he did move on we can hopefully obtain a decent fee.  ICT are only going to survive as a club if we look to lower divisions and our own youth system, we do not have the resources to buy the better players from clubs in our own division and probably never will.  Anyway, as I already said our problems are on the wings not in the centre of the park.

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Guest Suspicious Mind

Still think we shouldn't be dismissive of "good old pros", especially if youth is to be the future. Investing in a couple of experienced guys would make a **** of a difference to the whole club albeit within the budgets we can afford. European leagues are full of 40 year olds still playing at a decent level.

On the wide issue, Latapy has been deployed in wide role in almost every game I have seen him play this season. His delivery is tremendous and lack of pace never stopped John Robertson (Notts Forest not poison dwarf)!

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Still think we shouldn't be dismissive of "good old pros", especially if youth is to be the future. Investing in a couple of experienced guys would make a **** of a difference to the whole club albeit within the budgets we can afford. European leagues are full of 40 year olds still playing at a decent level.

On the wide issue, Latapy has been deployed in wide role in almost every game I have seen him play this season. His delivery is tremendous and lack of pace never stopped John Robertson (Notts Forest not poison dwarf)!

"Latapy has played in the centre most of the season and although occasionally drifts left he is not a winger" (I sit beside a Falkirk season ticket holder at work).  As I already said I do rate Latapy as a player but not for ICT, especially when we have Black showing a lot of potential.  The one thing our team is crying out for is pace and a bit of enthusiasim from the midfield.

I am not being dissmisive to "good old pros" I'm sure we will be looking for one when Dods leaves to replace the void in defence but not for the wings.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Aye right Harry, have you finished writing all you know about football on the back of that stamp yet or is it too big? tear it in half and that will do lad.

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We could also look at it from the players poijnt of view and say how about we go to work and have a bunch of folk who don't know us come in and shout abuse at us for 90 minutes telling us we are doing a pish job?

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Admittedly criticism especially shouted at you from the sidelines is never easy to take but it is the nature of the game especially in this country where pundits, the media and fans alike thrive of throwing criticism at players. Having played numerous sports myself i have have criticism and praise thrown at me from the sidelines and its not something you let get to you, you just have to get on with it. As professional footballers they should know its part and parcel of the game whether they like it or not and will have to take it on the chin or ignore it..

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I've never understood why so many so-called supporters, think they are entitled to give the players' dogs abuse, at the first mis-directed pass....It's like mob rule and shouldn't be part & parcel of the game.

Eric Cantona, instead of being pilloried by the media, should have been given a special MOM award for that infamous karati kick he aimed at an abusive supporter....If more players were to react like that I wouldn't complain...

Nice one Eric..!!  :022:

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It's like mob rule and shouldn't be part & parcel of the game.

I agree completely but there's not a lot we can do about it, the last few times i have sat in the main stand, the abuse that Duncan gets is both unnecessary and often un-warranted but it is a feature of British football and theres not a lot that can be done with it. Unless we condone retribution in the form of Eric 'kung-fu king' cantona (which admittedly was quite amusing at the time) then it will continue.

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I can mind a good few years ago, with nothing better to do, wandering into Central Park, Cowdenbeath, where a match between the home side & Albion Rovers was just getting underway. Always a mouth-watering fixture.!! The attendance was around 250, you could hear every single shout from the crowd....

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from a bunch of guys, about a dozen, who were sitting right behind me... Every bad pass, header, cross, mis-timed tackle from Cowdenbeath brought forth a torrent of... THAT'S FECKIN P1SH... WE COULD DO FECKIN BETTER THAN THAT... THIS IS FECKIN CRAPP... THAT'S FECKIN RUBBISH....etc, etc..

These guys were quite presentable and quite well turned out... It wasn't until one of shouted.... YOU USELESS ****, WILSON - YOU SHOULD BE FECKIN SITTIN UP HERE BESIDE US... that somebody sitting close-by explained to me that they were the reserve team....!!! 

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I've never understood why so many so-called supporters, think they are entitled to give the players' dogs abuse, at the first mis-directed pass....It's like mob rule and shouldn't be part & parcel of the game.

Eric Cantona, instead of being pilloried by the media, should have been given a special MOM award for that infamous karati kick he aimed at an abusive supporter....If more players were to react like that I wouldn't complain...

Nice one Eric..!!  :022:

Imagine Blackie doing that!  :015:

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Agree or Disagree with it....shouting at players/officials/managers has been part of the match day experience since Mantis was a boy (did they have football then???) - I just think that some people need to grow thicker skins and realise that, on the whole, it's not done out of any kind of hatred and is more of a release of frustration.  I'd rather see people shouting at bad tackles, passes, decisions etc than sitting quietly saying nowt.  At least if they are shouting then it shows that they actual care somewhat about whats going on.

Now before people start jumping on me, I realise their are different levels of "abuse" and I agree that certain things should not be tolerated, but giving a player an earbashing for a bad pass/tackle or whatever isn't doing any harm...and in that regard I think the players need to grow a thicker skin.

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