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Define "experienced"?


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Having just posted on the Richie Byrne thread....i got to thinking....am still wating on these experienced signings we were boldly promissed by our chairmen. But heres my question....what to you means "experienced"?

Is it just a player with a lot of games under his belt, regadless of the level. So, for example....... a player from Elgin Sh1tty, with 300 games games under his belt could then be defined as fitting the bill.

To me....I would define the term as someone who has played consistantly, at a reasonably high level.

Whats your opinions?

Edited by SMEE
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You can only buy whats out there ..... I would have liked to see us get Pressley but that didnt happen. (although Mihadjuks had a solid debut and may help our defensive woes).

We know we need a striker, and I am sure Brewster does too. However, as much as I will slam his tactics, or be quite open with my belief that he is not the man for the job in the long term, I have to give him some slack on this ..... which experienced strikers, who are available, and seem to be in our bracket in terms of transfer fee and wages have we missed out on ? Who is available ? I would wager that its not a very long list !

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Scotty, I think it could be described as "setting yourself up for a fall" and/or "making empty promises"

It was Brewster and the Board who told us they would be making substantial investment and bringing in experience, so they can hardly complain when people ask where it is!!!

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True ... but at the end of the day, they can only buy what is out there ...... despite what may well have been well intentioned promises. still 19 days to go though

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As far as an experienced striker is concerned, Although this is an essential requirement if we are to escape relegation I tend to agree with Scotty that, no matter how well intentioned the board are, our options may be limited.

I still think that Kenny Deuchar might fit the bill and would be within budget.

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The problem is whilst we might be able to find away to fund a decent strikers wages.

It would probably break the wage structure, something I don't believe the board will do especially as it seemed to cause a lot of problems and player unrest when they did it with Marius.

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As I've said before.....I believe Andy Barrowman is on a wage which is closely comparable with what Niculae was getting, so if you buy into us having a wage structure that was broken my him then it is still being broken.

Which might go a long way to explaining why there appears to be some kind of a malaise, which is badly affecting several of our players just now....

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As I've said before.....I believe Andy Barrowman is on a wage which is closely comparable with what Niculae was getting, so if you buy into us having a wage structure that was broken my him then it is still being broken.

i know what wage barrowmans on,not sure what nicalue was on ,but i dont think barrowman gets as much

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Scotty, I think it could be described as "setting yourself up for a fall" and/or "making empty promises"

It was Brewster and the Board who told us they would be making substantial investment and bringing in experience, so they can hardly complain when people ask where it is!!!

Which brings out another question. Define 'substantial investment'. Substantial investment for Rangers may be ?10m whereas for us its ?10k as an example.

At the end of the day there are two teams in the SPL who are not in debt. Us and Falkirk. I'd like to see things remain that way so, unless someone with lots of spare cash comes along, I dont see us being able to make big buys at any time.

And, I have it on good authority that Barrowman is on less than ?2k a week.

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Met this woman in Cardiff years and years ago, a lot older than me, but was she experienced!!!! :rotflmao:

So.. if you want me to define experienced, pm me and i'll tell you the details.

Feck me - you wouldnt find many able women in feckin Wales a lot older than you now - except perhaps in the Nursing Homes of the Valleys.

I would prefer to use words like "reliable .. skilled .. proven .. fit .. motivated", preferably with a point to prove or able to pass on their knowledge of the game to others .. an example / somebody to look up to and learn from.

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