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..........is back in the "big" time i see. Peterhead have appointed SP and Neale Cooper as their new team following the departure of Stewarty.

That will be interesting to watch.

Personally i hope he does really well and proves to a large number of sceptics what a great motivator he is.

Good luck Steve..................unless of course we meet you on Cup business!!!

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Interesting appointment , I don't think P-Head will be paying huge wages but at the same time SP & NC won't be cheap , I'd say promotion within 2 years would be the target set for them.

Good luck to them - both Paterson and Cooper have assured their places in Highland footballing history as they turned Scottish footballs newbies into respectable, established teams...with Paterson building an ethos into ICT that  through many of his players still at the club and one of his most talented disciples now at the helm! :022:

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I read that Peterhead intend to turn full time. That's ambitious for a club with average crowds of well under a thousand.

As I said in the other thread the Peterhead board are extremley ambitious and that's why they sacked Stewarty - they are **** bent on getting into Div 1.

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Should be interesting after match interviews in the pub.
... or in lay-bys (in Cooper's case)  :015: :015:

But seriously, good luck to both.

Spoke to Cooper a few times when he was at County - bizarrely enough, one of them was an ICT event in a marquee at the TCS - and despite his bad choice of team to manage, he seemed a decent enough chap. Its taken a long time, but I think I have finally forgiven Paterson enough to be able to wish him well in his new job. I have focussed on all the good he did at the club before he left rather than the method of his departure and the good memories certainly outweigh the bad ones.

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I don't think Steve and Duncan are quite as close as they once were.  Also, Duncan is meant to be moving back to Inverness, so he may not have fancied the travelling to Peterhead.

Good luck to Pele, he deserves to be back in the Scottish league, I'm sure he will do well.

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