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Stupid site, stupid counting...


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At one point in one of this sites many incarnations my post count was around 2000 (yes I've been about that long!).

This seems to have been lost somewhere along the sites transistions, so I've started this wee thread for me to up my little post count.

That's all.

Thank you.

Move along.


Ha ha ha!!

Damn it my cunning plan is foiled!

Every time i attempt to post a reply it adds it to my original post!

Ha ha! Bugger!

Edited by KingBeastie
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Damn it my cunning plan is foiled!

Every time i attempt to post a reply it adds it to my original post!

Ha ha! Bugger!

Don't you hate it when you devise a cunning plan only to discover that someone else is one step ahead of you!!!


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Hi Beastie.

The same thing happened to me as well. On the old site I had quite a high post count (can't remember what it was exactly, but it was pretty respectable) and when the site was re-launched I lost the whole lot! As I don't have a home internet connection any more I haven't had much chance to build up a proper post count again, which makes me look like a newbie even though I'm not. So if you don't mind, I think I'll join you on this thread and maybe we can both rack up a shedload of posts!

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?1 each?! :thumb04: As someone else on these boards would say: "Oh MY!"

WoC - sounds like a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel!

Keep it clean tho - I wont have my good name being besmirched!

(I don't mean that - I just wanted to use the word besmirched in a post! I feel better now.) :rotflmao:

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  • 1 month later...

Because it would have needed to be done as a manual process and going through hundreds thousands of records to update them by hand was never going to happen.

corrected it for you.

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Oh well, at least I'm over 100 posts now, so I don't look like a complete n00b any more. I suppose I could make some blog postings, like you suggested Scotty, but I don't know if I've got anything to say that people would want to waste time reading! Does the blog have to be about football, or can you write about anything you want?

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Does the blog have to be about football, or can you write about anything you want?

blogs can be about anything ..... there is not much football in mine ..... you can also setup categories for your blog and post different things under different headings .....

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