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An idea well worth trying.The club and us fans need to be broadcasting it from the rooftops. Let's aim to double the crowd and get 6,000 into the ground.


If 100 of the newcomers become regulars the initiative will have been a great success.

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Maybe a saturday game would have been better to try this on instead of a tuesday night (e.g. school night, work next day etc...)


It comes down to risk management, especially as there's little or no data upon which to base how it will go...I wouldn't even want to guestimate it.


All numbers used below are purely hypothetical.


1. If you do it on a Saturday when your average walk up is 1000 people then your "risk" figure is around the £20,000 mark.


2. If you do it on a Midweek when your average walk up is maybe a third of that then the financial risk is greatly reduced.


We know not everyone is going to pay a penny (or at least you'd hope not!), but as it's a first then it's hard to know what people will pay...and it makes sense to minimise the risk.


If we guess that people might pay, on average, £10 a head then you need an extra 1000 people on a Saturday to break even...or a third of that midweek.


It falls to fans not to abuse it if they want to see it repeated...our fans don't have a history of abusing offers (a few, but not enough to spoil it for everyone), which is why things like the Friend for a Fiver and U12/U16 offers get repeated.


Who knows, and I certainly believe it's feasible, if it shows signs of being successful for this game, then there's every chance the club may take the plunge and opt to try it for a Saturday game.


I know we talk about "Pay What You Want", but I'd like to think people would view that as "Pay What You Can".  It's not intended as a vehicle for people to pay as little as their conscience will allow....it's designed for people to get access to the game for a price that is comfortably affordable and reasonable to them.




The club will have full information available in the next couple of days explaining exactly how turnstiles etc will operate on the night.


Tickets are on sale now from the stadium (or over the phone)...just tell them how much you wish to pay when you're buying.


Pretty sure online ticket sales are for those wishing to pay full price only as the system can't provide an option for people to select their own price....but I'll double check on that.


DoofersDad, I think the bucket thing has already been thought about, but I'll flag that it has been mentioned on here just in case it hasn't.

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I've already paid - £300 for my season ticket. Fine if we get significantly more new fans on the night but the question is how can their interest be sustained? Bring a friend for a fiver and free entry for under 16s doesn't appear to have resulted in a noticeable increase in our gates. On the other hand Stuart Bathgate's article in today's Scotsman on the state of the Scottish game gives a lot of reasons why we and other provincial clubs just can't get enough fans through the gates these days.

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Surprised Sevco haven't tried this, given the obvious opportunity it creates to stiff the taxman

Fans are bound to link what they pay to the quality of recent performances so would this not be a pretty risky one for Sevco?


No Income Tax, no VAT, no money back, NO GARANTEE.

Cushty, you plonker!

Edited by mainstander
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Surprised Sevco haven't tried this, given the obvious opportunity it creates to stiff the taxman

Fans are bound to link what they pay to the quality of recent performances so would this not be a pretty risky one for Sevco?


No Income Tax, no VAT, no money back, NO GARANTEE.

Cushty, you plonker!


They'd probably get 20,000 IOUs.

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The one really good thing that I find coming from this is the good work by the commercial and media departments with the coverage this is receiving. I am being contacted from all over the UK and beyond from people that are hearing about this and saying what a great club ICT must be to think of fans at this time of year. Whatever happens crowd wise the idea has been a brilliant one.

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Queens Park tried a 'similar' initiative at the weekend to coincide with their return to Hampden after the long break due to the Commonwealth Games. Although, I don't think it was 'pay what you want', but rather much reduced admission prices. The expected 500 gate was dwarfed by the 2,000 who turned up!


Anyway, as Kingsmills suggests, aiming for 6,000 would be great. Although, with minimal away support, mid-week, it may be on the ambitious side.

Incidentally, do the away fans also get the 'pay what you want' option?


As a yardstick, we've played St Johnstone midweek before...twice

A Wednesday night game attracted 3,000 while a Friday fixture saw 3,700 attend. I can understand the Friday game having more, as some folk would be off-work the next day and included the game (with a few beers before) as the start of their weekend - possibly 'going out' after the match too.  


As a traditionalist, I prefer football to be on a Saturday at 3pm, but if it's to be either Fri/Sun I prefer the Friday option for the reason above - a bit of a buzz to start the weekend, as opposed to the rather 'flat' feeling of a 12.30 kick-off on a Sunday, knowing there's work tomorrow. Just my opinion as I like a drink before and after games. (and during, if that option ever becomes reality)! :lol:

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Queens Park tried a 'similar' initiative at the weekend to coincide with their return to Hampden after the long break due to the Commonwealth Games. Although, I don't think it was 'pay what you want', but rather much reduced admission prices. The expected 500 gate was dwarfed by the 2,000 who turned up!


Anyway, as Kingsmills suggests, aiming for 6,000 would be great. Although, with minimal away support, mid-week, it may be on the ambitious side.

Incidentally, do the away fans also get the 'pay what you want' option?


As a yardstick, we've played St Johnstone midweek before...twice

A Wednesday night game attracted 3,000 while a Friday fixture saw 3,700 attend. I can understand the Friday game having more, as some folk would be off-work the next day and included the game (with a few beers before) as the start of their weekend - possibly 'going out' after the match too.  


As a traditionalist, I prefer football to be on a Saturday at 3pm, but if it's to be either Fri/Sun I prefer the Friday option for the reason above - a bit of a buzz to start the weekend, as opposed to the rather 'flat' feeling of a 12.30 kick-off on a Sunday, knowing there's work tomorrow. Just my opinion as I like a drink before and after games. (and during, if that option ever becomes reality)! :lol:

Yes the offer is open to St Johnstone fans. Being a tuesday night I'd be surprised if there was a substantial crowd increase. The offer may attract a few extra visitors but I dont think it'll be in the hundreds.

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Maybe a saturday game would have been better to try this on instead of a tuesday night (e.g. school night, work next day etc...)

Maybe thats the very reason they are trying to enccourage peeps along, worried about a low attendance for the reasons you highlight

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For those who wish to help with spreading the word by putting a poster up at work, school, local shop, community centre or wherever, then you can download a printable copy from HERE


Also, as we expect a few people along who may never have been to the ground before and/or may not understand how the offer works we've put together a wee FAQ which can be downloaded HERE

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