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So why can't we just call them "CALEY"


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Kieran... I'm certainly not seeing "all these 'Thistle' fans fighting their corner on here". Kingsmills, for instance, even with his strong Jags past, is taking a commendably balanced view on this issue.

In fact to summarise the responses here, the overwhelming majority are saying "God, not again!.... let it drop", there's the odd pitch for "Caley" and then there's the singularly unique and enigmatic response of IHE!

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Guest Jock Watt

Caley were always the No 1 team in Inverness and we should stick to tradition.

Oh no they weren't !  There were PLENTY of years in the past when the Jags were the HL champions and Cup winners - BUT - those days are now long past and our present team would wipe the floor with any previous Inverness team !

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Just to be a bit mishchievous, since there's not much other crack on the go at the moment, Iam going to mention the words Meadowbank Thistle and 1972, just to make me feel a little better about being not so equal

And for this post I'm going to sing Caley tomorrow!


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Caley were always the No 1 team in Inverness and we should stick to tradition.

Now THAT IS a small team mentality!!  :016:

Nope-that is big team mentality - it would be great for ICT to carry on the Caley traditions - winning;winning;winning

In the Highland League!! -I rest my case

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I didn't want to reply to this thread cos it's likely my post would be 3 pages long....but f~~k it !!!!

I'll try and keep it brief!

Since I first started posting on this board I have noticed over the years that there is an underlying respect between genuine ex-Jags and ex-caley fans. Personally I never refer to Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC as Thistle, I always use either 'ICT' or 'Inverness' and I find that the genuine ex-caley fans do likewise.

Thistle and Caley between them have over 200 years of history. People can argue all they like about an 'unequal' merger but the fact is without both there would not be an ICT!

Therefore, in my opinion, those who choose to refer to ICT as caley are either plain ignorant or plain provocative ! AND equally those who refer to ICT as thistle, although I've never heard it, are the same !

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It's not what we call the team that we follow that matters, it's what they do on the park that counts.

Call them whatever you want.........just don't call them shite.

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Shout Inverness, shout Caley, shout Thistle, it doesn't matter.

Never forget, though,  if there had been no Caley and no Thistle there would be no Caley Thistle.  It was good to see some old Thistle codgers at the game today and more should have been made of that.  Even this old Howden Ender would have applauded (grudgingly  :015:) Tichy Black and Iain Stephen onto the pitch.

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I agree with Buckett--- an expression of empathy and agreement that will no doubt be henceforth referred to as a day that will live in infamy, in view of our past history together. LOL :015:

As time has passed , however, I have learned to appreciate the finer points of the Buckett in so far as , despite being as controversial as ever , he has again rescued this Forum from sinking in recent times into virtual slumber and almost boredom and there is no doubt that the often quite learned lad has his head screwed on at the right angle of the dangle.  :021:

Why, even the commentators on today's match on the BBC have given up on the effort of including the Thistle moniker in the name , now more often than not just saying Caley this and Caley that. So whether we like it or not the fact is that dropping the word Thistle will in all

probability become the norm  if for no other reason than because it is too much breath to expire at once. I mean, to please a few punters on here we can also add Inverness generously to the rant but  by the time we have emoted our thoughts we have no puff left and our time has run out . :001:

And for good measure why can we not just add a few extra words for effect bellowed in the stentorian call of the large and lonesome Moose as in ...." C'mon the Great White North Inverness Caley Jags "?  That will sort the men from the Boys and no mistake.

Personally speaking I like the name Caley since Thistle has a prickly antagonistic feel to it which is probably holding a few fans back from opening their wallets and making them stay away from tiny Tulloch Stadium.

Och, Caley--the very name thrills my guid Scottish heart , my blood run warm  in the snell Northern breeze and despite some  huffy, stuffy opinions passed on here it helps me to remember the old adage.." A rose by any other name smells the same" (fer heaven's sake) -- and so I just love the smell of the name since it reminds me of the Distillery end .

And if old Buckett gets more of a sniff he might just buy me a wee drammie or two and that will be another day that will .........  Hoch! Hoch !  :002:

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None of this really matters. Whether you were a caley fan, a thistle fan or neither before the merger -they no longer exist. Like Clydebank and Third Lanark before them are no longer teams. They are confined to the history books....

If either of them were even worthwhile putting in there. Well there is 1 reason - ICT, the caley jags!

Yes, this great team rose from the merging of these two diddy team to become an SPL side capable of beating the biggest in the country home and away.

It doesnt matter what you call the team because they are all parts of a name of the only team that matter - Inverness Caledonian Thistle. So lets get behind them! :021:

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Although it's ancient history now, their was little transaparency in what exactly each party brought to the table in terms of assets. However the final figure after disposal of their respective assets was roughly two thirds Caley and one third Thistle.

However it's impossible to see the relevance of that now nearly a decade and a half on when most of the working capital of the club is that invested by a commercial contruction company and it's erstwhile chairman.

ICT is a dream that would never have come to fruition without the sacrafices that took place in both sides quite some time ago now. The fact of the matter is that the enterprise has succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of most Cley ad Thistle members who took that bold step and the success will only continue with the same amount of application and determination of all those associated with he club from the chairman down to occasional attendees in the future.

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I agree with Buckett--- an expression of empathy and agreement that will no doubt be henceforth referred to as a day that will live in infamy, in view of our past history together. LOL :015:

As time has passed , however, I have learned to appreciate the finer points of the Buckett in so far as , despite being as controversial as ever , he has again rescued this . . . . .etc.

Kind words indeed Scarlet, for which I thank you, although I will not discount the possibility of the presence of a piece of  Pimple Irony in there.

And good to see you got the point of my post where some dismissed it as just another merger thread.

Yes we did have a bit of history, eh? I must admit I came in with all guns blazing – probably a form of defence against the inevitable newbie initiation rites. Maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong, but it sure was exhilirating.

I'm older and wiser now, and like to think of myself as a bit of a serious poster – a sort of thinking man's Charles Bannerman, although there's still a place for a wee bit of controversy now and again!  :001:

And when you get yerself across here to a Caley game, the person standing next to you in the Innes Bar buying you a post-match drammie might well be Old Buckett!!

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Guest SPL_Jaggie

As an Jaggie " 'Mon Inverness" is my shout of choice but I have no problem with the Caley chants.

The best shout I can remember was from 4 more senior fans standing in the bridge end while we were still in the Second Division. The first shouted " 'Mon Caley" the second " 'Mon Thistle" the third " 'Mon Inverness" the last shouted " 'Mon F.C.".

Light hearted banter which is what most of the fans enjoy. It does no harm to remind everyone where we came from in such a short period.

The fact the merger was a messy affair is niether here nor there now. It had to happen for the good of football not just in Inverness but for the whole of Scotland.

Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club is who we are and always will be.

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'Inverness' is my shout of choice as well.  I have never joined in with the awful CALEY chants

If it was my club, they would be called Inverness City, Inverness United or Inverness FC.

At least ALL the fans can go in the same direction together and stop living in the past

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Should never rebrand - Inverness Caledonian Thistle is the most Scottish football club name in the leagues, and that is something we should be proud of.

I take it you mean we have the longest name in Brittish football??

Wow.  Thats hardly something to be proud off!  We should be more worried about how to get more fans to the game and how to improve the home atmosphere.  Changing the name to Inverness would help move the club in the right direction... In my opinion

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IHE-- the three stooges in the Innes....Bucket , IHE and the Pimple.. :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015:

Hey stranger things can happen. Maybe sooner than later.....right now I am trying to sell-off my business and retire. If it happens, then first stop Inverness----and the Innes.

Mark this well..never mind a pint or  the drammie,  mine's a buckett. LOL : :016: :015: :002: :021:

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This will subject will always bob up now and then....and so it should be allowed to, as we currently live in a democracy. if people dont like it, they should not qualify its existance by replying to it.

I remember posting a reply to a similar thread many sites ago under my then username. My view is this. I was a Caley man. Originally Brought up where i could hit Caley Park with a well aimed stone. Had been going to games since 1976-77. Used to go chase footies for em at training every monday and thursday as a wee boy. And had been known to go in on a sunday and help clean the ground (mainly to try a find a free programme) Now.......when the merger was going thro, the questionaire was passed out asking for views on Name, I had forseen all the problems that would eat away at people by leaving Thistle and my beloved Caley in the name. The most embarrasing problem being, the still present division between supporters of the same team. I voted for Inverness! And I can tell ya this much. ICT never has, and never will replace what I had for Caley. But they are gone, and so the name should too, along with Thistle.

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