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Top Of The Pops......BUT!

absent friend

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We are, as I have said, top of the pops however a number of thoughts are now thrown up by this.

Terry must be on the radar of a number of clubs.

The spending power of ICT is not going to increase due to our lack of support.

If we slip down the league to say third/fourth place the forum will be full of the normal negative views from our resident mind reader and his followers - not the sort of postings a sought after manager wishes to read.

Considering the foregoing, I wonder if this could be the most exposed we are as a club re losing our manager. Whilst job satisfaction must come from sitting on top of the league at this stage of the season with a highland team cobbled together for little outlay, the future outlook, for him, must be very curtailed by lack of cash, lack of local interest and the inherent local negativity.

Maybe our elevated position in the league could herald a change at the club.

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We literally couldn't be doing any better at this stage. Top of the league after almost a quarter of the season, and in the quarter-finals of the League Cup. There's also a Scottish Cup campaign coming up, where we're automatically in the last 32. All good!


But, yeah, I suppose there may be some concern that as it stands Terry, Mo and Steve Marsella are in their last year unless they get extended contracts sorted out.

The current situation sees only Doran on a long-term deal.


Signed up till the end of season 2015-16:

• Aaron Doran


Signed up until the end of next season:

• Josh Meekings

• Nick Ross 

• Gary Warren

• Graeme Shinnie

• Billy McKay

• Daniel Devine

• David Raven

• Liam Polworth

• Ryan Christie


Signed up until the end of this season:

• Ross Draper

• Ryan Esson

• Richie Foran

• Conor Pepper

• Matthew Cooper

• Jay Cheyne

• Calum Ferguson

• Ben Greenhalgh

• Danny Williams

• Adam Evans

• James Vincent

• Marley Watkins

• Curtis Allen

• Joe Gorman

• Nick Draper

• Calum Howarth

• Cameron Mackay

• Jason Brown

• Alasdair Sutherland

• Carl Tremarco


(Butcher and Malpas and Marsella are also in this category)


Signed until January:

• Torbjørn Agdestein


On loan until January:

• Dean Brill

Edited by Sneckboy
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Just to add to my previous post....I would be very surprised if Terry was looking to leave his idyllic Ness-side paradise. Besides, he'll want to see how far he can take this team.

A look at where Barnsley are currently placed (bottom of their league with 4 points from 27), and it's clear he made the correct decision to stay with us. And it wasn't for the short term, I don't think. Butcher knows what he's doing...

I envisage a new contract of 2 years for the management team being offered and accepted!

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Terry & Mo will stay, my concern is the players/board. If we are still doing well, come Jan we could have offers for McKay, Shinnie, Draper, Doran etc - who knows we could be looking at a few key players moving on. However I'm hopeful the board would reject offers as would the players on the basis TB took them from nothing to make them better and that any Jan move would be there come the summer - stay, show loyalty and maybe get a reward at the end of the season with a cup final/trophy etc.

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It may be a bit 'head-in-the-sand"-ish but I have no great concerns.


TB has a nice lifestyle here, he likely has one of the safest jobs in football, and he can literally do as he pleases at the TCS without fear of board or others clamping down on him unless he does something really stupid. He has experienced the goldfish bowl at bigger clubs as well as the disappointment of being sacked a couple of times and I believe those experiences alone make him hesitant to go anywhere else.


We know its not about the money or we would have lost him last year, so I can only assume the lifestyle and quality of life in the Highlands are just as important to him. He has also mentioned a few times the "challenge" or that the "jobs not done yet" at Caley Thistle and I don't think it ever will be .... there is always another challenge.


We are riding high right now, and my heart would love to say we can and will win the title this season, but realistically, over the course of a full season we will likely have a dip in form at some stage and maybe suffer a couple of key injuries and teams with more resources and deeper squads could overtake us. We have never won a League Cup, a Scottish Cup, qualified for Europe or won the title in the top division so each of these are ongoing challenges that he speaks of .... If he managed all those this season, I think he would just retire with his knighthood and sip a few glasses of red by the shores of Loch Ness while Maurice masterminded our charge on the Champions League ... or maybe not ... the lure of Europa League and/or Champions League would likely be too much ... yet another challenge !


Ok, so the last paragraph was a bit tongue in cheek, but it serves to show he does have a good number here, and plenty of things to challenge him so thats why I have no great concerns ! If he were to leave, it would take something big, like an EPL side, or perhaps Ipswich. I would also have said Rangers but apparently him and Rangers fans no longer see eye-to-eye - not sure what that is about?


As for players, I also have no huge concerns. If TB stays then we are in the best position to keep many of our players and to rebuff low offers that previously we might have accepted. He can obviously motivate and manage the players and despite a good few being out of contract at the end of this season, many will be made offers by him and accept although we will likely continue to lose a few each year due to them looking for fresh challenges or more money elsewhere .... but lets not forget that the deal handed out to Aaron Doran last season was the longest contract we have dished out in years ... 2 years was our max for as long as I can remember, so 3 years is quite a departure. If we continue to do well then that could be the norm and squad stability will sort itself out ......

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We know its not about the money or we would have lost him last year, so I can only assume the lifestyle and quality of life in the Highlands are just as important to him. He has also mentioned a few times the "challenge" or that the "jobs not done yet" at Caley Thistle and I don't think it ever will be .... there is always another challenge.


I think his loyalty to Malpas plays a major part.  *Allegedly* this was one of the key factors in the breaking down of the Barnsley talks.  He wouldn't go there without Malpas, they didn't want him.


Ok, so the last paragraph was a bit tongue in cheek, but it serves to show he does have a good number here, and plenty of things to challenge him so thats why I have no great concerns ! If he were to leave, it would take something big, like an EPL side, or perhaps Ipswich. I would also have said Rangers but apparently him and Rangers fans no longer see eye-to-eye - not sure what that is about?



Butcher's autobiography apparently didn't go down well with Rangers fans well at all.  He talks in it towards the end about how much he resents the baggage that comes with them, and also referred to them as a new club prior to us playing a phoenix club last year.

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Even if our current management team were to depart, history suggests that the club are likely to to appoint an able successor.


We have had six permanent managers in our history and three of them have led us to outstanding success. Steve Paterson took us up through the divisions to the cusp of the Premier League. John Robertson led us into the SPL and almost to the Scottish Cup final and Terry Butcher has taken us within one game of European qualification and may yet trump that this season. Personally, I believe that Charlie Christie was also a successful appointment and would have joined that list if only he had had faith in his own ability.


So, a two thirds success rate in managerial appointments suggests that the future is promising whether Terry stays or not although I concede even more so if he does.

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Glasses becoming half empty again in some cases on this thread, fortunately not all of you though, some typical Inverness negativity reflecting on the negative instead of being positive and looking at what has happened here. .....................Forget the BUT!..................... We are the top.


The togetherness factor is still high, most of the players are more than content to give their all for the club and eachother that reflects in the play.


Did someone say something about cobbling together a football team?? A lot more than a bit of cobbling I would say, skilled workmanship, training tutoring and management more like so mark my words the Management Team are enjoying this success as much as anyone and they will want to go on doing so for a long time yet.


The posts coming in since I started my reply post are much more suited to the Team's fortunes and status so I don't think I need say any more, at least for the time being.


EXCEPT keep the faith and enjoy.

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The most negative post on this thread is the opening one. They deride our manager, our team, our future and some of the more prominent and knowledgeable posters. And then like the fishing worm that they are they crawl under a stone and await the hook to work.

Hard feckin lines.

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We are, as I have said, top of the pops however a number of thoughts are now thrown up by this.

Terry must be on the radar of a number of clubs.

The spending power of ICT is not going to increase due to our lack of support.

If we slip down the league to say third/fourth place the forum will be full of the normal negative views from our resident mind reader and his followers - not the sort of postings a sought after manager wishes to read.

Considering the foregoing, I wonder if this could be the most exposed we are as a club re losing our manager. Whilst job satisfaction must come from sitting on top of the league at this stage of the season with a highland team cobbled together for little outlay, the future outlook, for him, must be very curtailed by lack of cash, lack of local interest and the inherent local negativity.

Maybe our elevated position in the league could herald a change at the club.

 And you accuse others of negativity!


Just not worth saying anything more.

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 And you accuse others of negativity!


Just not worth saying anything more.

Stating a few facts is negative????

Where tell me is the negativity in my post?

If you do not see the current position from my view point that is your right BUT ... It is my right to offer MY views and just consider .... If they differ from yours perhaps, just perhaps, I have looked at the current situation from a business view and not a blind believer stand point.

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 And you accuse others of negativity!


Just not worth saying anything more.

Stating a few facts is negative????

Where tell me is the negativity in my post?

If you do not see the current position from my view point that is your right BUT ... It is my right to offer MY views and just consider .... If they differ from yours perhaps, just perhaps, I have looked at the current situation from a business view and not a blind believer stand point.



OK - I'll bite.


You have not stated facts, you have expressed opinions.


All of your opinions are negative.  To paraphrase "We are currently top so the manager will be head hunted".  We'll have less money to spend because gates are going down".  "When we slip in the league the forum will be full of negative posts which will increase the chance of the manager leaving".  "The manager will want to leave due to lack of cash and the apathy and negativity of the fans".


Nobody is questioning your right to voice your views, but I do rather object to your arrogant assertion that your views are somehow more valid because of your apparently superior "business" standpoint. 


Nobody expects us to be top of the league for ever and we all know (even us numpties with no understanding whatsoever of the business viewpoint) that fortune will take a turn for the worse soon enough.  But the fact is, we are top of the league.  Can we please enjoy it while we are? 

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:twothumbsup: Relax! Terry will not leave until he wins the League. Why?

Because the challenge to win big is so tempting and so magnetic that he will never be able to resist it.Being a big fish in a smaller pond is very attractive ..he has never been feted in the way that his present position offers. And,imagine his worth in the marketplace if we win the league and progress dynamically through Europe.

And, if we ever get a sniff in the champion's League you will be sure that half the Premiership Managers will be shaking in their boots in case their bosses want to approach Terry the Terror. Manchester United?..Maybe? Why not? That team is slipping and simply does not have the roster now to compete. Rooney will be off within another season since his play is now required to keep this team's head above water, let alone win the league. Or so it seems. David Moyes looks so despondent and is putting on a brave face but, let's face it, if he doesn't start winning, then Alec Ferguson's opinion or not, his job will be in jeopardy by half-way through this season. He looks like a man who feels he has not assessed the job correctly based on the criteria of the present circumstance he now has to face. And, yes, maybe the shoes he filled are too big or he has bitten off more than he can currently chew. But the fans there are so used to being top of the heap etc. that their patience mightalready be wearing thin?

As Scotty says, his hacienda above Loch Ness offers tranquility, peace and a retreat from stress and an ideal way to recharge his batteries every day. How envious of him are you? And if he can guide our heroes to the League Title, a cup win and an entry to Europe then he will achieve that emotional high that all winners crave and rightly so.

Forget the negative ideas and attitudes from some of the posters on here; I think we are on a winner and so does Terry.

I have waited a very long time for this..only 60 years or more so I intend to enjoy it..
POSITIVE, Positive, POSITIVE. :twothumbsup: 

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 And you accuse others of negativity!


Just not worth saying anything more.

Stating a few facts is negative????

Where tell me is the negativity in my post?

If you do not see the current position from my view point that is your right BUT ... It is my right to offer MY views and just consider .... If they differ from yours perhaps, just perhaps, I have looked at the current situation from a business view and not a blind believer stand point.


OK - I'll bite.


You have not stated facts, you have expressed opinions.


All of your opinions are negative.  To paraphrase "We are currently top so the manager will be head hunted".  We'll have less money to spend because gates are going down".  "When we slip in the league the forum will be full of negative posts which will increase the chance of the manager leaving".  "The manager will want to leave due to lack of cash and the apathy and negativity of the fans".


Nobody is questioning your right to voice your views, but I do rather object to your arrogant assertion that your views are somehow more valid because of your apparently superior "business" standpoint. 


Nobody expects us to be top of the league for ever and we all know (even us numpties with no understanding whatsoever of the business viewpoint) that fortune will take a turn for the worse soon enough.  But the fact is, we are top of the league.  Can we please enjoy it while we are?

We'll you have definitely got me there - imagine writing facts instead of opinions!!!!

It is not a fact he is on the radar of other clubs.

It is not a fact that ICT will have an ongoing lower spending budget due to the undoubted success unfortunately not attracting larger crowds.

It is not a fact that we have posters on here who offer negatives even when we are flying high.

It is only my opinion .

Silly me!

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I am so gladdened that posters are allowed to have their own views and opinions. I am also heartened that some posters can disagree with the views of others without the need to personalise. I am further boosted to see that some posters are learning to clarify their comments with rationales instead of leaving them open to misinterpretation.

The better posters provide critiques with rationales. It would be a boring world without differences of opinions, debate, discussion and the balls to point out concerns.

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