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riddle me dee - question 2

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Guest WynessLegend

As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

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As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

I thought I was alone in thinking this, he loves it, just look at his I heard a rumour Marius was going to be rested before the International thread, only posted to try to create more scandal , Wyness legend we will now get some immature rant back from him, not that this bothers me as it is coming from a middle aged man that takes pride in getting thrown out of the stadium.

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IHE--3930 posts.

Stevico1--5 posts.

Stevico--do you think it is time for you to think before you speak or is the expression of your opinion on IHE too important to miss?   :023:

Scarlett. Firslty how many posts I have made has got nothing to do with you, because somebody makes over 3000 posts does it make them more entilted to an opinion than me.

As a matter of fact I used to regulary post on this site under another user name, however over the last 2 years I feel that the site has went down hill dramatically. it is difficult to find a positive post. Negativity towards all involved with the clubs, slagging of younger players such as Rory. Calls for the manager to be sacked less than a year in the job. This site does more damage to the club than help.

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As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

I thought I was alone in thinking this, he loves it, just look at his I heard a rumour Marius was going to be rested before the International thread, only posted to try to create more scandal , Wyness legend we will now get some immature rant back from him, not that this bothers me as it is coming from a middle aged man that takes pride in getting thrown out of the stadium.

Wow - and this thread was supposed to be pure sarcasm and light relief and not even considered as a wind up. I dont get any pleasure in regard to problems at the club but I am mightily cheesed off that IMHO the club is being dragged down by boardroom politics, business connections, loss of financial constraint and inflated egos - Stevico is obsessed with the protection of Niculae and most of his responses are petty, boring digs at me  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: - There was a rumour and given Saturday it would have been the best thing for the club to actually rest Marius. I took no pride about getting chucked out and in fact I gave a detailed personal apology to the club and got a muted one back as well.

If we didnt have all the cloak and dagger stuff going on behind the scenes and the ridiculous selections, formations and tactics it would be a joy to post purely about the action on the feckin pitch. And if anybody is being churlish and petty - it is Wyness legend and Stevico.

But I do agree about Rory even if his level of perfomance often adds fuel to the flames but perhaps the manner in which Brewster was employed and the manner in which he is treating certain individual players - and the Board keeping all of us in the dark - could be construed as doing more damage to the club than help - and finally this is an independent site and everyone is entitled to their own opinions - and thank gawd not everybody hides their feelings or behaves like a Boardroom lackey or groupie - some of us dont have a humour free life.

Hey it is quite cathartic to bite.  :001:

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As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

As you would so eloquently put it IHE.

Feck off.

You get too much pleasure out of any problems at this club.

I thought I was alone in thinking this, he loves it, just look at his I heard a rumour Marius was going to be rested before the International thread, only posted to try to create more scandal , Wyness legend we will now get some immature rant back from him, not that this bothers me as it is coming from a middle aged man that takes pride in getting thrown out of the stadium.

Wow - and this thread was supposed to be pure sarcasm and light relief and not even considered as a wind up. I dont get any pleasure in regard to problems at the club but I am mightily cheesed off that IMHO the club is being dragged down by boardroom politics, business connections, loss of financial constraint and inflated egos - Stevico is obsessed with the protection of Niculae and most of his responses are petty, boring digs at me  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: - There was a rumour and given Saturday it would have been the best thing for the club to actually rest Marius. I took no pride about getting chucked out and in fact I gave a detailed personal apology to the club and got a muted one back as well.

If we didnt have all the cloak and dagger stuff going on behind the scenes and the ridiculous selections, formations and tactics it would be a joy to post purely about the action on the feckin pitch. And if anybody is being churlish and petty - it is Wyness legend and Stevico.

But I do agree about Rory even if his level of perfomance often adds fuel to the flames but perhaps the manner in which Brewster was employed and the manner in which he is treating certain individual players - and the Board keeping all of us in the dark - could be construed as doing more damage to the club than help - and finally this is an independent site and everyone is entitled to their own opinions - and thank gawd not everybody hides their feelings or behaves like a Boardroom lackey or groupie - some of us dont have a humour free life.

Hey it is quite cathartic to bite.  :001:

IHE, ok point taken, yes agree that a most of my posts were digs at you, this is wrong and for that I apoligise. I am not obssesed with the protection of Marius I just think he has taken a bit of unfair flak. What does confuse me is what the board are keeing us in the dark about.

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Well - I think Marius has been given to much praise and some - like me - can comment on his weaknesses and his strengths. And if you cant see how the Board is keeping people in the dark take yer sunglasses off - Charlie Christie, Neil Warnock, Craig Brewster, Niculae funding, Donald Park, Malky Thompson, contracts, transfer windows, Craig Dargo, Darren Dods, John Rankin, Steven Watt, Don Cowie, Richie Hart, Denis Wyness, the Singing Section, away fans in hospitality, the stewarding problems, personal comments to fans, fan blaming in the media, we are SPL and you should be happy quotes, inanely defensive post match comments, the influence of Savage etc., etc.

And I do know that a lot of business in football is done behind closed doors and a lot of deals are done weeks in advance or sometimes months in advance BUT in my opinion there used to be a more mutual and honest communication between the fans and the club - almost family like, friendly and with clarification. Again I appreciate that going into the SPL dispels a lot of this but it feels that decisions are made but reasoning blurred, hidden or distorted - they even tried the tokenistic fans forums which fell flat on their face - the truth or the half truths emerging weeks later - it feels that the Board have shut their doors and have attempted to discuss their dirty washing in total privacy - but that in turn heightens rumours, gossip and chinese whispers and fuels the flames.

Our Board appear amateurish in regard to running an SPL club - fer fecks sake - we have a PR man who incites most of the support - or perhaps the abbreviation really is meant to be Per Rectum.

Long live Tommy Cumming.  :001:

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Well - I think Marius has been given to much praise and some - like me - can comment on his weaknesses and his strengths. And if you cant see how the Board is keeping people in the dark take yer sunglasses off - Charlie Christie, Neil Warnock, Craig Brewster, Niculae funding, Donald Park, Malky Thompson, contracts, transfer windows, Craig Dargo, Darren Dods, John Rankin, Steven Watt, Don Cowie, Richie Hart, Denis Wyness, the Singing Section, away fans in hospitality, the stewarding problems, personal comments to fans, fan blaming in the media, we are SPL and you should be happy quotes, inanely defensive post match comments, the influence of Savage etc., etc.

And I do know that a lot of business in football is done behind closed doors and a lot of deals are done weeks in advance or sometimes months in advance BUT in my opinion there used to be a more mutual and honest communication between the fans and the club - almost family like, friendly and with clarification. Again I appreciate that going into the SPL dispels a lot of this but it feels that decisions are made but reasoning blurred, hidden or distorted - they even tried the tokenistic fans forums which fell flat on their face - the truth or the half truths emerging weeks later - it feels that the Board have shut their doors and have attempted to discuss their dirty washing in total privacy - but that in turn heightens rumours, gossip and chinese whispers and fuels the flames.

Our Board appear amateurish in regard to running an SPL club - fer fecks sake - we have a PR man who incites most of the support - or perhaps the abbreviation really is meant to be Per Rectum.

Long live Tommy Cumming.  :001:


the list of things you gave are what you are not happy with, but that is not a case of being kept in the dark. As Savage is the Chairman is it not normal for him to have an influence. Are we kept in the dark any more than other SPL clubs. I am not trying to make out everything in the garden is rosy I just think that a lot of the problems, not all, have been blown out of proportion.

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Is it not ironic that this specific thread has devloped ino this !!  :024:

I think you will find that most people will feel that they have been kept in he dark becos they simply have not been used to it - of course the SPL is its own secret society but ICT has never previously alluded to that stance - the problems have been blown out of proportion becos of the secrecy and the apparent deceit.

I actually do feel that Savage is committed to the club and is at heart a supporter - but it would appear that he does exert an influence at times and that can appear to blend into conflict with his business interests - as it appeared to do with Sutherland - and I do not believe that these TWO were BOTH players in the signing of Niculae - who unfortunately has become a scapegoat for behind door agreements and the secretive inner circle.

Grasser also appears to be a major sufferer - the boy has ICT running through his veins but he appears to have become the man in the middle with little apparent say and is caught in a fly trap between the senior management and the football side management. That appears to be an ego influenced power play in itself. The club appears to be being run by a regime which ignores the views of the players and the fans.

I am no lover of Smith but what has he done ? He is supposed to be the person publicising the club and IMHO the person who sould have his ear to the ground and communicate clearly with the Supporters club and the Trust  :029: And does he know the difference between business and a family club atmosphere - it can be done with a bit of tact and honesty and advanced communication skills - perhaps that is a job for CC or a means of repatronising Grasser. Lets get in a no nonsense Director of football with proven experience and a bit of bite and responsibility.

I possibly suspect that the aforementioned rue the day that they brought Brewster back but i cannot see a quick amicable end to all of this and I fear that more disgrace and bad publicity will befall ICT in the near future.

OK - now I am feckin reverting to IHE - Feck aff back to the boardoom Stevico.  :001: 

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I did not say that you were not entitled to your opinion just because you have only posted five times. That would be ridiculous and obviously in this context you do not know or understand Scarlet (with one "T" please) very well either.What I was inferring is that if you want to attack another poster personally, instead of passing your opinion on events, at least show how smart you are by getting to know him well first.

And if you have been on this forum for much longer what was your former user name and why did you give it up in favour of another name? Nothing to hide or be afraid of have you?


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Thinks...you were Marty Wares weren't you Stevico1?  :001: Or "the Squirrell"?

Remember Marty, IHE" Talk about a running fight.

Highly-entertaining though on both fronts.

And I am sticking mit der Scarlet (with one "T") 'cos I like him.Come what may, through thick and thin--so onwards and upwards, Scar. :rotflmao:

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I can confirm that Stevico is neither "Squirrel" or Marty. To be honest, not sure what name he used to post under and cant be bothered investigating but I think most of us realise he is not a director or club official but a friend of Marius. It is only natural that he would defend a friend. I have done exactly the same thing and as many know, my actions in doing so hastened this site's reversion from official to unofficial status. It was coming anyway, but my actions when forced to make a choice definitely sped the process along !!!!

Anyhoo, back on topic ... ICT has always had a number of concentric circles in its corridors of power where members of each were privy to increasing degrees, amounts and types of information depending on how close they got to the centre. As we have moved up the leagues, these circles have decreased in size and quantity and less and less people are included.

I say this from the perspective of someone who was - at one time - perhaps regarded as being in one of the "outer" circles when running the official site, who got the odd glimpse of the next level, and who has also seen others excluded from things on the basis of who they were, or seen people have genuine offers of (voluntary) help discarded because of suspicion or wariness of their (non-existent) ulterior motives. I would also add that a lot of this pre-dates the current chairman, DoF, and Chief Exec.

Personally, I don't give a rat's *** about being part of the in-crowd - in fact being able to actually have an opinion is both refreshing and cathartic - I just want to watch (if possible) or listen to ICT matches, grab a few beers with fellow fans on my infrequent trips home, and generally blend in with the normal crowd. I just wish that ICT would realise that the fans helped build this club through all the good times as well as the bad and even the most vociferous of critics have a passion for ICT that they would far rather turn to praise .... but we will only do that when and where it is due.

It is at times like this that I wish we had archive copies of the message board postings from Feb 8-10th 2000, or from the weekend where we beat Hearts in the cup, or reactions to David Sutherland's financial rescue plan, or many other times where 99% of the postings were ultra positive. It is not and has not always been doom and gloom on here but if the club insist on not releasing any information, on screwing up their PR at every turn, and in distrusting the fans who care about the club then they only have themselves to blame for any and all criticism levelled at them.

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:clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

I only wound up Stevico as he bit about the Board wind up - to be honest his perspective is probably close to mine but from a far more obtuse and less "controversial" angle.

Wonder why Caley D isnt joining in.  :001:

Scotty - I am still very much in the loop fer paragraph two but i am a lot more cryptic about it - and that is changed times.  :018:

Great - Great post - when ya can read between the lines.

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Manfer--"up-to-date"? About what?

As fer IHE , you are right , he can joust with the best of them...come to think of it though,  it is strange that he does not come to my rescue against your unkind words from time to time sent in my direction. You can have an unprovoked sharp tongue in you on occasion. Oh well, it takes all kinds...... :023:

With IHE this is too one -sided so I will have to reflect on that.  :029:

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