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Black slams Brewster


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At this time we need winners. Brewster was a big time loser as a manager. His ego was his downfall. Anyone who has a four foot high card board cut out of themselves in their hallway is not a motivator of other people as the great Shankly was.

Ian is a winner and at the current time all other players I suspect really want the freedom to express themselves and win. It is quite pleasing to see Ian being relieved of the burden that was Brewster. Brewster destroyed the winning ethic. Increasingly players lost the belief that they could win especially at home.

The players have in general been polite about Brewster but are restricted in what they can say. He is history now so we hopefully will have a new manager soon so that the old regime can be soon forgotten because it was ICT's greatest disaster.

A new chapter begins and it would be magic if Ian could do a Dodds and give his all on Saturday and score the winner for ICT.

I believe if given the chance then he just might do it, however we must wait and see, he is available, but whether he is selected or once again dropped for speaking out, remains to be seen, let us all judge after Saturday.

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Are you expecting ICT to go down then? I'm certainly not hence my quote yesterday. And for the record once and for all NO I'm not CB

I hope we don't go down but as things stand in the league I certainly wouldn't make any references to Graeme Spiers. If you're not CB you must be very close to him? :rotflmao:

I dont think so I dont even Brew would put the repeditive training down to the grass not been cut :thumb04:

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I'm telling you it wouldn't help, and also I'm pretty sure that Craig Brewster has played under as good if not better coaches than Marius during his football career so regardless of what you and others think he does know a thing or two

The training regime was geared towards Brewster the player and not to a team of individuals of varying abilities and he couldn't see that.

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I'm telling you it wouldn't help, and also I'm pretty sure that Craig Brewster has played under as good if not better coaches than Marius during his football career so regardless of what you and others think he does know a thing or two


I aint getting into an argument over who played under the best coaches, all I am saying is that it was the first coach EVER that Marius played under that didnt practice set pieces, be honest Ralph do you not think this is a bad thing.

Edited by stevico1
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Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

Scotty, your last statement is the important one!

The 'getting rid' element, on here, has now got their way - the most important part now, is the recruitment of the correct, for ICT, manager. We are an unusual club (family feeling, with this being our first sacking of a manager for instance) and our feelings were normally focused on the end result, with little personal criticism of the players/ managers/ board.

Now that the power of attack, via this type of medium has been experienced, I fear the future will not reflect the past!

A bad result, in someones view, will result in a verbal attack on here, with the managers past life, wifes past, grannies past, all being posted and used as ammunition and of course, 'and he's lost the dressing room' and this will result in pages of 'I knew this before we signed him' 'We could have done better'

Hope I'm wrong But..........!

Sorry, but I think you are. I hope you are. This site has always, as far as I can remember, carried a minority of people who'd mump and grump about managers, players. This is our pressure valve, after all, those of us who blow off from time to time. Scotty or Don may know different but I doubt you can even say that a majority of the support log on here and take a look. Old Sneck is still a village dressed as a city and there's a lot more goes on in pubs, offices and sewing circles to contribute to the herd direction than is said on these boards.

What's unusual about this time is the breadth of agreement on this site alone that something was going horribly wrong, and all pointing in the same direction. When you get a lot of people who usually fight like cat and dog mostly saying the same thing, the chances are that opinion has been re-inforced by what they're hearing from friends and colleagues and family.

That's why I think what's been said on here and at the Trust meeting has been no more than a weather-vane for a more widespread unrest. I just can't see truth in the idea that a few folk voicing discontent on here or organising a meeting would influence what's essentially a closed shop; what sounds more credible is the idea that the board have been hearing for some time, from a majority of people they know, that Brewster is taking the club down and they're daft for doing nothing. That that sentiment should be echoed on here is obvious, because we mostly talk to people in the same community, and I'd be interested to see the ratio of ex-pats to still-locals who opposed Brew's sacking.

Bottom line, I think these have been extraordinary circumstances and I doubt we'll see their like again in the near future, including the sustained singling-out of a club employee for grief. We're better than that, and hopefully still good enough for the SPL.

Peace love fitba.

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Have to agree with Ralph (who is he then? Malky?) about Donald Park. Sometimes two people just can't work together. That's it. Not necessarily a blame game. Just a clash of the way things should be done.

As for training, I can imagine the likes of Munro, Tokely, Duncan etc probably benefited from the uber-fitness regime. For Black and Imrie, touch is far more important to their game. Seems as though that wasn't addressed. Really needed, if not Donald Park, then someone in that way minded.

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[scotty or Don may know different but I doubt you can even say that a majority of the support log on here and take a look. Old Sneck is still a village dressed as a city and there's a lot more goes on in pubs, offices and sewing circles to contribute to the herd direction than is said on these boards.

Our normal viewing rate is about 10-15,000 page views per day. Over the last month or two I would say that this has steadily increased in parallel with the discontent the fans are displaying. Over the last few days it has peaked at around 30-35,000 per day. Our new registrations since January 1st have also been at a higher rate than normal (250 from Sep-Nov, 151 in Dec, and 196 so far in Jan). We are now seeing somewhere between 600 and 700 of our 1627 registered (and active*) users logging on every day and a fair proportion of the rest logging in every few days.

We might not represent the majority of the fans, but our userbase is pretty sizeable ...... for a club of our size :rotflmao:

[*active: if a user has not logged on in 90 days they are classed as inactive and not included in our "active member" total. If they fail to logon for a further 90 days, the account is deleted so our membership level is not bloated like some other forums with users who havent been seen for years !!!]

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[scotty or Don may know different but I doubt you can even say that a majority of the support log on here and take a look. Old Sneck is still a village dressed as a city and there's a lot more goes on in pubs, offices and sewing circles to contribute to the herd direction than is said on these boards.

Our normal viewing rate is about 10-15,000 page views per day. Over the last month or two I would say that this has steadily increased in parallel with the discontent the fans are displaying. Over the last few days it has peaked at around 30-35,000 per day. Our new registrations since January 1st have also been at a higher rate than normal (250 from Sep-Nov, 151 in Dec, and 196 so far in Jan). We are now seeing somewhere between 600 and 700 of our 1627 registered (and active*) users logging on every day and a fair proportion of the rest logging in every few days.

We might not represent the majority of the fans, but our userbase is pretty sizeable ...... for a club of our size :rotflmao:

[*active: if a user has not logged on in 90 days they are classed as inactive and not included in our "active member" total. If they fail to logon for a further 90 days, the account is deleted so our membership level is not bloated like some other forums with users who havent been seen for years !!!]

Now, there's lies, damn lies, and... :thumb04:

I just think we're navel-gazing if we believe that letting off steam/venting spleen on here constitutes direct action or has done anything beyond reflect what the granny in the row in front is getting from her son and telling her friends.

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Our normal viewing rate is about 10-15,000 page views per day. Over the last few days it has peaked at around 30-35,000 per day. Our new registrations since January 1st have also been at a higher rate than normal (250 from Sep-Nov, 151 in Dec, and 196 so far in Jan). We are now seeing somewhere between 600 and 700 of our 1627 registered (and active*) users logging on every day and a fair proportion of the rest logging in every few days.

We might not represent the majority of the fans, but our userbase is pretty sizeable ...... for a club of our size.

Where are you holidaying this year then? (Not being disparaging but you deserve it for your commitment) Costa del Nairn?

Well done

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Now, there's lies, damn lies, and... :rotflmao:

I just think we're navel-gazing if we believe that letting off steam/venting spleen on here constitutes direct action or has done anything beyond reflect what the granny in the row in front is getting from her son and telling her friends.

Never said our membership had any direct effect on things although I believe it would be foolish to think the comments have not been noted as we know they have. However, I was merely responding to a question about the number of people who come on here relative to the size of our fanbase.

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