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Terry's Battle Cry!

Harry Chibber

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Right let's get fecking stuck into them from the first whistle to the last... we may not be on the pitch with the boys but we are fighting for our survival out there and we need to do our bit off the park!!!

I expect the crowd to make noise throughout the game without one moment of silence - a wall of sound, to break the hopes and spirits of the Falkirk faithful!

Let's show these soft southern, wheel loving, central belters exactly what it means to be born in the highlands!!

I don't expect any ICT fan to leave the TCS with their voice still intact... Do you want to be sitting in the Innes after the game thinking "if only I had tried that bit harder to encourage Zadi to bomb down the left wing, for Imrie to try that extra bit of magic, for Tokely to get his head to a corner from Blackie??"

Think of of everytime you've seen teuchter spelt incorrectly?? everytime you've heard that bloody 'Amarillo' song at westfield?? the apologetic look you get when you tell someone from down south where you're from?? that tw@t from Real Radio!!

I don?t know what to say, really. This Saturday will be the biggest battle of our lives. Now either we heal as a team or we?re gonna crumble, inch by inch, play by play, 'til we?re finished.

We?re in hell right now, gentlemen, believe me. And, we can stay here -- get the 5hit kicked out of us -- or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell one inch at a time.

Now, I can?t do it for you. I?m too old. I look around. I see these young faces, and I think -- I mean -- I made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I, uh, I pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who?s ever loved me. And lately, I can?t even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know, when you get old in life things get taken from you. I mean that's...part of life. But, you only learn that when you start losing stuff. You find out life?s this game of inches. So is football. Because in either game, life or football, the margin for error is so small -- I mean one-half a step too late, or too early, and you don?t quite make it. One-half second too slow, too fast, you don?t quite catch it.

The inches we need are everywhere around us.

They?re in every break of the game, every minute, every second.

On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch, because we know when we add up all those inches that?s gonna make the fuckin' difference between winning and losing! Between livin' and dyin'!

I?ll tell you this: In any fight, it?s the guy who?s willing to die who?s gonna win that inch. And I know if I?m gonna have any life anymore, it?s because I?m still willin' to fight and die for that inch. Because that?s what livin' is! The six inches in front of your face!!

Now I can?t make you do it. You got to look at the guy next to you. Look into his eyes! Now I think you?re gonna see a guy who will go that inch with you. You're gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows, when it comes down to it, you?re gonna do the same for him!

That?s a team, gentleman!

And, either we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals.

That?s football guys.

That's all it is.

Now, what are you gonna do?

copyright - Al Pacino

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Well said mate, alot of passion and attitude in that speech!

Seeing Caley Thistle stay in the SPL would mean everything to me!! Not the end of the world, but to beat Falkirk on Saturday would see me in one of the best days of my life!! I get a mint feeling thinking about the rush of adrenaline i would get after the final whistle. I just hope i get to feel it on Saturday!

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When did you become Butcher's script writer and why did you write such drive for Brewster? This is inspirational stuff.

I just hope Big Terry reads the lot to his players and delays the kick off. Yogi might be concerned but we have Grasser, Mr Smith, our new Chairmen and a few other 'leaders' behind the scenes with sore sphincter muscles praying that by a miracle we win and they can then say they sacked Brewster in time. This speech could go down in history!

Equally the hopes of the Highlands go where Dingwall supporters would want it to go. Let's stand and deliver. ICT's greatest comeback was the 4-3 win over Ayr. Yogi hated that. So what inspired us then? He hated playing us as an Ayr player. Nowadays he's started to enjoy it. Rossco will never forget.

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Well said Harry/ Al. You could come out with a whole lot of stuff about this game, but I would really like the feeling that I got in the 1990 grand slam, when Scotland walked on the pitch in a line, smacked the ball down on the centre line and then proceeded to cuff the people from the flat lands in the south. Fair made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and Granty has to be a leader in the mould of David Sole on Saturday. I think he can do it.

If we had a haka that didn't involve baring your ar*e then I'd recommend that and all.

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Class post. I will be giving everything possible from the back of the North Stand on Saturday. Can't wait.

Win or draw, and the feeling is gonna be unbelievable. Defeat, and its gonna be unbearable, and I couldn't live with myself if I thought I could have done a bit more to get behind the team. Hope others are the same.

Lets slaughter them once and for all for all they've put us through this season. For the 4 times i heard that f**kin' Amarillo b****cks last time out. For twice denying us a trip to Hampden, fairly or unfairly. For the sheer fact that John Hughes is a complete and utter bawbag.

Bring It On.

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Great Post Chibber, made the hair stand up on my arms...

maybe someone can sneak you into the dressing room on Sat to deliver that speech to the players, although knowing Terry & Mo they will be saying something with equal passion

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Its been a topsy turvy season ...

In the early part of the season we had difficult times between board and fans / fan organisations, a manager that heavily split fan opinions regarding his future, a team that we knew could do it looking demoralised and all sorts of petty in-fighting and bickering at all levels.

After Christmas, we got a great double-present in the shape of Terry and Maurice and things have looked up since then. Relations between board and fans are being repaired, virtually everyone believes TB and MM have worked minor miracles in getting us off the bottom, they have got us into a position where relegation is not a certainty, and we have seen a once demoralised squad return to the team we know they can be ... a team of fighters, of battlers, a team that will stave off relegation.

We KNOW they can do it and now it is our turn !!!!

Sadly, I cant be there in person, but I will be up at 6AM (local time), donning my ICT gear, pouring several large mugs of coffee into my ICT mug and then drawing my mouse across my ICT mousemat as I load up Radio Scotland, CaleyThistleOnline, and - if I can find one - some dodgy video stream from the UK.

I will be screaming at the coverage coming from my monitor just as much as any of you in the ground .... I will feel the pain if things are not going our way, and the elation if it goes how I hope ..... and I urge all of the 7000+ that will be there to give it their all in loudly backing the lads to come away with the victory that will keep us in the SPL (stuff the draw, we want a win - playing for a draw is too dangerous).

I know we have had the odd negative thread in recent days and even though I disagree with the content I wont slag off the posters as unfortunately, the topics contained realistic "what if" types of questions. However, lets banish that negativity (on this thread at least), get behind the team, the manager, the board, and give it laldy from right now until the end of the game on Saturday and show the world that our normally reserved and quiet band of loyal followers can and always will be the team's secret weapon.

C'MON ICT !!!!

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Just read through this whole thread and watched the video clips of memories past. Its brought tears to my eyes. Ive never been more proud to support ICT especially reading and seeing the genuine passion that so many of us share. Ive tried not to think about Saturday too much this week but now it can't come quick enough. I know we are good to enough to beat Falkirk and I genuinely believe the fans will give the team the extra edge on the day. C'mon ICT....

:) :D B)

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Whatever happens to Saturday, I can't help but feel a sense of a new era fall on the Caley Stadium. From a team that stared relegation in the face under Brewster and Thompson, an absolute transformation has occurred under the leadership of Butcher and Malpas. It saddens me that I cannot be there in person to witness the most momentous and important game in the history of Caley Thistle, but I have hope of what could happen, hope of what can be done, you gotta have hope. But whatever happens on Saturday, I know for almost certainty that the Golden Years of Caley Thistle are still to come and should ICT stay in the SPL, I truly believe that under the leadership of Terry Butcher and Maurice Malpas, season 2009/2010 will be the greatest in the history of this small club. As I said, I cannot be at the ground for this game, but I will be staying up as I often do to listen to the game, if I can stand the tension. I know that it may be some time before I see my beloved team again, I just hope the next time I take my seat in the North Stand, it'll be in SPL competition. But one things for sure, whatever happens on Saturday, the hope will still live, the work will continue, the dream will live on, and it will flourish again.

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"ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! That's a warface, now let me see your real warface!" - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor.

I think we can do this, as long as we all get vocally behind the team. I'm f***ing ready for this! Let's get in tae these soft southern c***s!!!!!

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calm down.....

time to bring out all the old traditions: scarf on just when i arrive at the stadium, pie eaten while reading programme and stand up while watching the player's shooting training. listen to the radio until 5 minutes before the game.

and finally, no posting on this website the night before.....

oh. :ohmy:

Edited by tokelyisvictorious
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