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The New Mascot

Guest TinCanFan

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Guest TinCanFan

Just wondering what people think of the new mascot, Nessie.  Quite good I suppose but not as good as Angus the Stag.

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Just wondering what people think of the new mascot, Nessie.  Quite good I suppose but not as good as Angus the Stag.

Quite frankly, I was glad to see the back of ICAT. All true ICT fans knew that ICAT was a manufactured choice. At no time were we consulted, and only a run of poor results brought his tenure to boiling point. He has moved back to the Central Belt for family reasons.

Angus the Stag, was the peoples mascot. His bagpipe playing drew the best from team and fans. He is still with us and awaits his chance.

Nessie has come in at short notice, many would say he was a logical choice, many would say that his lack of track record in animal mascotry makes him a long shot, but if his sucess as a mythical tourist attraction is anything to go by we shoud be in for some good times. Can he make the step up? Only time will tell.

One thing is for sure though. NO-ONE wants the Fox back!

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  are you taking the p*ss ?

  If not tell me how you got the position as Nessie ?

Actually i would be very interested to know WHO is wearing NESSIE suit ??

My daughter asked at the end of last season if she could be ICAT or CALEYCROC & at that time she was told she'd be considered for 2007/08 season & then we got an Email in January asking if she was still interested as they were launching new NESSIE mascot at Aberdeen game & she'd be required to be NESSIE at every home game after that

We even went to see the person who does ICAT to discuss things & arranged with Hospitality to come to the Stadium the week before Aberdeen game

Well only last weekend we recieved an Email from ICT to say they've had to have a rethink & my daughter wouldnt be required to be Nessie !!!

This may appear trivial to some but for a young ICT season ticket holder to be let down like that is a disgrace !!

How can ICT expect young following if they're treated like that ?

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CCATWEASEL, It appears as i've always suspected, this club is run by a clique harping way back to the highland league days.

Obviously someone decided to give the mascot job to one of the ' in-crowd' It's just a pity your daughters feeling were hurt!

Never mind, when they come calling for next seasons ticket renewal tell them to g.t.f.

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CCATWEASEL, It appears as i've always suspected, this club is run by a clique harping way back to the highland league days.

Obviously someone decided to give the mascot job to one of the ' in-crowd' It's just a pity your daughters feeling were hurt!

Never mind, when they come calling for next seasons ticket renewal tell them to g.t.f.

  Yes you're probably right , we're not part of the "In Crowd " or the clique

  Typical of Inverness  folk & their narrow mindedness

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I had to laugh when I saw that the club were introducing yet another Mascot.

I spent a lot of time investigating the subject of the club mascot on their behalf back in 2004.  I spoke to fans, I asked opinions on here, spoke to people at the club both on the footballing and commercial side to see how the mascot was to be used....matchdays, at childrens parties at the stadium, going out to schools, high street leaflet drops etc etc.

During my investigation it became apparent that neither the club or the fans wanted a "Nessie" (or one of several other ideas) as they wanted something which had a little more thought put into it that would give the club a bit of it's own identity.

At that time the club had been offered a free Nessie costume by the Exhibition Centre (those who have provided this one) but they had rejected it because they felt that all that others had ever been looking for was free advertising for them.....

Angus The Stag (Highland News)

Caley Croc (Aquadome)

Fox (Foxes Pub)

My work had narrowed down the most suitable Mascots as either a Dolphin, in connection to the Moray Firth, or a styled/characterised Highlander figure.

I approached several companies to get quotes and had prepared a presentation which I was die to give to the club and the BoD.

I had also been asked if I would be interested in taking on the roll of the person to wear the suit which I had agreed to do.

So you can imagine the surprise I got when I woke up one morning to find that the club had launched a competition via the local schools for them to design a mascot which was to be paid for by the SPL Sponsors....I had put in weeks of work on the mascot and all the time they had been coming up with another plan themselves and nobody had thought to tell me and they just let me continue wasting my time....not to mention the money I had spent (out of my own pocket) on putting together a proper presentation with large printed graphics etc.

I never even got so much as a proper apology.

We're now on to our 5th Mascot....and to date every one of them has been nothing but the club allowing themselves to be used by others as a means for getting some free/cheap advertising and, IMO, we still don't have something the fans can identify with as being representative of the club/team.

The choice of mascot and the way in which yet another fan has been treated poorly is just indicative of the clubs attitude towards us and the half a55ed manner in which they do things.  I've lost count of the number of times the club have p!ssed on me, yet it's my club and I was passionate about doing what I could to help so kept going back for more for long enough. 

There's only so many times you can let someone treat you like an idiot before you lose all respect.

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