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This is really unravelling. Fans having a go at players, players having a go at coaches, players having a go at other players. Disharmony reigns. I wasn’t at the game today, so can’t comment on Polworth’s performance, but his effort for the cause this year has generally been above most if not all of his teammates. The abuse is unwarranted, misguided and counter-productive. His only sin is that he gives a damn. Many of the others don’t. The club is rotting at its core and staring down the barrel.

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I said early in this thread that Polworth had a shocker.  Others may disagree but in my eyes, he did.  I have reasonably high expectations of the guy as I rate him, which makes displays like today's harder to take.  However I am most certainly NOT one of the folk who picks fault with him in minute detail, as many in the main stand were today (as with many other games).  I've got friends who would never have him in the team, whereas I'd never consider leaving him out. 


I agree that he's a confidence player and incredibly self critical. To me it's not lack of effort to back track when he's dispossessed, it's anger and frustration at himself. I could be wrong, I don't know him at all.  However I remember reading he was notoriously shy as a youngster in the squad.  I've no doubt about his ability, but a player with self confidence is always going to be more successful on the pitch than someone without it. 

Incidentally if he had been in the middle of the park today instead of Chalmers then I doubt we'd be having this conversation.. 

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Mmm, it wasn't a convincing display with disquiet from some fans justified. If we had a decent forward we would have won about 7 or 8 nil. Polworth, Chalmers and Calder sluggish most of the game. Donaldson and Daniel MacKay were the plus points.

I am aware the disharmony is coming from Robbo's style of management. Polworth hasn't exactly helped with his poor attitude as he doesn't want to be there.

I also saw Gary Warren with his hand in plaster today. Training ground accident or another bust up? He was sitting with Ross Draper in the Main Stand in the second half.

Edited by Row S
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2 hours ago, DoofersDad said:

Absolutely agree with that.  The abuse of Polworth was coming loud and clear from the North Stand as well.  I really find it quite disgusting that some so called fans abuse the players in this way.  There really is no better way to demotivate players of your own team than shouting abuse at them.  Some of these people might as well sit in the South Stand for all the "support" they give our lads.

OK, so apart from a great goal, Polworth was very poor today, but in no way does that justify the abuse.  He was poor but he tried.  He always tries and when he fouls up you can see by his reaction that he's every bit as annoyed at himself as any fan is.  Actually, that is part of his problem - he shouldn't react like that, he should immediately work to get the ball back / get in position.

By all means roll your eyes and quietly mutter a few expletives when players mess up.  But then when they do something half decent give your support be it vocal or clapping or both.  Players need that support and encouragement, especially in situations like now when their confidence is shot.  Supporters support.  It really isn't a very hard concept to grasp.

I've never understood why our support are so antagonistic towards some of our players. For some reason some players get it far worse than others and Polworth is one of them. 

However that doesn't excuse his disgraceful behaviour at the dugout.

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5 minutes ago, Fraz said:

I've never understood why our support are so antagonistic towards some of our players. For some reason some players get it far worse than others and Polworth is one of them. 

We seem to always have some players fans seem desperate to fail.  I remember Wedderburn was absolutely hated by some people, yet he wasn't really that bad.  Tremarco was another one for a long time.  Bizarre.

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Polworth is a really talented footballer who, a few seasons ago, was a player I had tipped to be our next best thing. I think, as others have said, he is a confidence player, he is good when he is playing in a good team, when others are leading and pulling the team through, but now it's up to him to lead and fight and scrap for every ball, instead he let's his head go down and his body language is bad, this is what the fans don't like, they want to see players fighting to get the ball back not dwelling on how they lost it. The unfortunate incident in the dugout shows that he has aggression in him, so he needs to take it onto the pitch and impose himself on the games. 

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You are spot on with fans picking on certain players. When Billy McKay was with us he could have 4 or 5 terrible games but nobody would boo him and shout get him off.  On the other hand if Polly or Vigurs make a couple of bad passes they get dogs abuse . We don’t have a Messi  or Bale to take there place so give them a brake. 

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The person letting Polworth down the most is....Polworth.

Technically he is probably the best player to have ever come through at the club, but his attitude stinks and he behaves like a sulky, spoiled wee bairn when things don't go as he likes.

He was pretty much switched off for the entirety of the second half, chased nothing and was playing as if he was knocking a ball around with mates in the street. A few others seemed to have joined him in the pursuit by the end of the game and it was as if doing just enough to win was the aim.

We won today, but strangely it didn't feel like one. People will maybe dismiss the dugout incident as heat of the moment, but that was out and out thuggery on the part of Polworth. No excuse for it, and if he's the shy unassuming guy people claim, then today was a sign of more than an ill chosen comment or disappointment at being subbed.

All good though, as it'll give our new leaders an excuse to issue another statement full of promises that will never be kept.

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I wrote this without reading what other fans have said so my comments would be original and not coloured by others , I will read their observations later

Taking into account the standard of the opposition the overall result was more or less as expected. so the score line was good. However the performance was average.

I suppose we have to be thankful for small mercies

Two saves by our excellent goalkeeper helped immensely. It was notable that the custodian took on the role of organising the defence, throughout the match he was forthright in his  annoyance of the standard  shown by the back 4.  Mainly  their positional play and failure to press and close down in a professional manner. 

The midfield I thought was not up to standard their weak play put the defence under a lot of pressure, especially towards the end of the game , when a lack of fitness seemed to take its toll

The forwards are weak not enough strength and a target man most be found before any real progress in that department will be found.

I was pleased with the attitude in the team in general, they worked hard and seemed enthusiastic. One or two, I won't name because if they read this, it's not fair, but they are not up to the job, in skill, and their passing is very average to say the least.

It is nice to see an improvement but their is still a long way to go.

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7 hours ago, Jaggernaut said:

Polworth is a really talented footballer who, a few seasons ago, was a player I had tipped to be our next best thing. I think, as others have said, he is a confidence player, he is good when he is playing in a good team, when others are leading and pulling the team through, but now it's up to him to lead and fight and scrap for every ball, instead he let's his head go down and his body language is bad, this is what the fans don't like, they want to see players fighting to get the ball back not dwelling on how they lost it. The unfortunate incident in the dugout shows that he has aggression in him, so he needs to take it onto the pitch and impose himself on the games. 

100 % agree with this. It when he loses the ball and does not chase back that gets me. 

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I’m not sure Polwarth’s ‘body language’ is much of a guide. I saw him playing aged about 14, and he had the same slightly hunched run, looked gloomy, but had a fantastic game. On the other  hand, at that age, Ryan Christie looked like an enthusiastic Labrador puppy, chasing absolutely everything. 

The degree of abuse Polworth receives, must depend on where you sit. There’s a bloke near me in the main stand who shouts at him, but he shouts at several other players who he also seems to dislike.

On the other hand, he’s also generally against keeping the ball, and in favour of lumping it long - and when they do, he shouts at Baird for his ridiculous failing of being shorter than the opposing Centre Backs.

So, he shouts his opinions at most things and Polworth is just one of a long list of apparent irritants. If they can do it, players must be better off ignoring the crowd as far as possible.

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17 hours ago, Garrincha said:

The degree of abuse Polworth receives, must depend on where you sit. There’s a bloke near me in the main stand who shouts at him, but he shouts at several other players who he also seems to dislike.

There are a handful of 'supporters' like that in the main stand and honestly, it's a big reason why I don't visit anymore. Makes for a rather unpleasant experience. I do love a good atmosphere but to not even be able to think due to a few loud mouths is really uncomfortable. Stressing few here, but that's already two too many.

Also why is it that the ICT YouTube channel can get highlights of a game that we lose up within a day but when we win there seems to be zero media coverage? I get that there was the altercation with Polworth and Kellacher but surely they can at least show those of us who don't attend the goals. -_- 

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I was in the Main Stand on Saturday for a change and I couldn't believe the abuse the players were getting. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a great performance but every single little earlier was met with whistles and players being abused by supporters. Absolutely zero encouragement was offered during the course of the game just near constant abuse.

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While abuse (personal) is not acceptable, general discord should be accepted, as fans we pay our money afterall. While its not great watching your team get beat if its when the team show heart, desire and effort but are just outplayed then that can be accepted but sadly for many games this season we have looked awful and quite a few players have the body language and attitude of not giving a f***.

Fans are angry and had about enough, we've felt like the board lied to us over the summer, there are so many questionable decisions around the club and we now have a series of managers who feel public slating of players is acceptable including calling some (Ridgers) basically incompetent..........no wonder some fans think its ok to do the same. Unfortunately we can all write whatever we want and vent on here but the only way to express our views direct to the club are those 90mins on a Sat - while some (and I've heard the same abuse both home and away at our current and former players) seem to go overboard its a culmination of the frustration everywhere, it is a minority and there are still many who support and back the team - now we see it boiling over onto the pitch too. 

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On a brighter note lets hope we have found a rising star in Daniel Mackay. Appreciate he only got 5 minutes but during that time he had the crowd on their feet at least twice. Cannot remember the last time I genuinely felt that good when we scored. Of course this kinda thing is not going to happen every week, but if we can progressively  bring one of our own through instead of wasting our meagre  finances on journeymen that must be progress. 



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25 minutes ago, forresjags said:

On a brighter note lets hope we have found a rising star in Daniel Mackay. Appreciate he only got 5 minutes but during that time he had the crowd on their feet at least twice. Cannot remember the last time I genuinely felt that good when we scored. Of course this kinda thing is not going to happen every week, but if we can progressively  bring one of our own through instead of wasting our meagre  finances on journeymen that must be progress.  

Completely agree especially with this point. It was great to see the young lad score and also good to see the entire team celebrate with him as well. A rare happy moment for the ICT fans (and players) in what has been an almost year long period of misery.

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6 minutes ago, forresjags said:

On a brighter note lets hope we have found a rising star in Daniel Mackay. Appreciate he only got 5 minutes but during that time he had the crowd on their feet at least twice. Cannot remember the last time I genuinely felt that good when we scored. Of course this kinda thing is not going to happen every week, but if we can progressively  bring one of our own through instead of wasting our meagre  finances on journeymen that must be progress. 



This was the highlight of the match for me. He was effectively brought on to help run down the clock but in the 5 minutes he was on he brought more energy to the team than I've seen all season. I don't blame him for trying to score with his first chance instead of passing to Baird. He should get a lot more than a 5 minutes run out against Falkirk.  Please note Gordon Strachan,  he is not a big lad either.

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Young Daniel must be sitting top of the world rankings for minutes played per goal scored over the course of his career.  Well ahead of journey men like Messi and Ronaldo etc!

But we mustn't get carried away.  Whilst it was an absolute dream start for the lad, it is important that people don't have unrealistic expectations of him.  It will be important that the club nurtures his talent carefully.  Talking of nurturing, I wonder if the manager put him on the park on Saturday because he felt he would be safer there than in the dug out! :tongueincheek:

Edited by DoofersDad
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On ‎08‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:01 AM, Garrincha said:

I’m not sure Polwarth’s ‘body language’ is much of a guide. I saw him playing aged about 14, and he had the same slightly hunched run, looked gloomy, but had a fantastic game. On the other  hand, at that age, Ryan Christie looked like an enthusiastic Labrador puppy, chasing absolutely everything. 

The degree of abuse Polworth receives, must depend on where you sit. There’s a bloke near me in the main stand who shouts at him, but he shouts at several other players who he also seems to dislike.

On the other hand, he’s also generally against keeping the ball, and in favour of lumping it long - and when they do, he shouts at Baird for his ridiculous failing of being shorter than the opposing Centre Backs.

So, he shouts his opinions at most things and Polworth is just one of a long list of apparent irritants. If they can do it, players must be better off ignoring the crowd as far as possible.

I was at the game on Saturday and I think that I was sitting a few rows behind the person that you are referring to.  It was getting to the point that I was tempted to move seat but realised that I would probably still have heard him from anywhere in the ground.  "Fans" have a right to voice their opinions but when a team is lacking in confidence and struggling then it is positive comments that are needed not just abuse.  The poor crowd on Saturday just helped this person's abuse be heard by everyone as he had little to compete with.

Vigurs and Polworth get dogs abuse at games and on this forum but at the end of the day they are probably two of our most skilful players and we need them a lot more than they need the abuse that they receive.  Things aren't good within the club and it needs genuine supporters to rally round and support our players when things aren't going well on the park.

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1 hour ago, forresjags said:

On a brighter note lets hope we have found a rising star in Daniel Mackay. Appreciate he only got 5 minutes but during that time he had the crowd on their feet at least twice. Cannot remember the last time I genuinely felt that good when we scored. Of course this kinda thing is not going to happen every week, but if we can progressively  bring one of our own through instead of wasting our meagre  finances on journeymen that must be progress. 



100% with you in this one The feel good factor after his run and then the goal was Just Great nice to see a lad from Millburn doing so well.  I’m fairly sure Ryan Christie was there as well they must be doing something right at the school training 

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