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Hooking of Blackie

Caley Stan

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Ian Black was outstanding today. In the second half he really started to run the show and with 15 minutes to go, i  felt that with Blackie pulling the strings, we had a great chance to go on and get something from the game.

Then, Charlie goes and hooks him. I just read on BBC that he was substituted "for his own good".  Charlie goes on to to suggest that refs are punishing Blackie because of his reputation - well isn't that exactly what he did by taking him off while he was at the top of his game. Ian Black did not look like he was going to lose the head today, he looked like he was going to win us the game.

Two and a half months ago, he did something very stupid against Falkirk. I'd like to ask ask CC the very same question he asks of the refs: Are we going to hold that against him for the rest of his days?

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I think blackie had a great second half as well but i think it was the right decision to take him off. it was mainly the ref that got him subbed. he got booked for a challenge, that was similar to many others commited by unpunished killie players, and then had a couple dodgy challenges after that and I dont think it would have been long before he got his second booking. To be honest he seemed to be keeping his cool when the ref wasnt and was just responding to the crowd.

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are you trying to tell me that you didn't think he was on the verge of a red??

He had at least 3 or 4 bad timed challenges, not to mention the jip he was giving the ref... he should perhaps realise that if he doesn't get a yellow card then he will get the full 90 minutes.  He's just got to stop being a petulant ****... simple!!!

Christie was absolutely right bringing him off and if I was Christie I would give him some time on the bench again, and keep doing it until he learns.  If he is going to act like a school kid then he should be treated like one, TBH I don't even see why CC is defending him.

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I still find it quite amusing that Black was booked when it was Tokely that fouled Naismith/Nish as they ran towards goal  :015:

He was unfortunate with that and he was also unfortunate with Naismith flinging himself to the ground by the corner flag like a complete tosser. Additionally, how Black can get penalised for a foul when the Killie player had flattened Wilson with the same challenge is beyond me.

Yes he was hooked for his own good but I agree with CC that it was unfortunate that he had to be taken off.

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I was'nt at the game, however some differing opinions from fans who were at the game.

If Black stayed on would we/could we have gone on to get a point? who knows, but CC seems to have bit of a problem with Black, hooking him against Celtic in my mind cost us the game, why does he not just leave the wee man on fer fecks sake? we were getting beat, nothing to lose.

All we can hope for now is to be the best of the rest.

Good to hear Patti had a good game.

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Thanks Caley 100 -

There's no doubt in my mind that bringing him off during the Celtic game cost us a place in the semis.... To say that he (Black) was asking to come off was complete bull$h!t....   :020:

Like you say - what did we have to loose by leaving him on today.....

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He wasn't. He was walking away from any challenges I saw him involved. I did notice Duncan and Rory get involved with Hay and Di Giacomo towards the end after a free kick had been given to us.

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I'd rather accept your version of events rig as you were there. But The commentary team certainly did say that, as the Killie fans sang 'Ian Black you're a w~~~~r', Ian Black was sining along to it !!! :015:

It actually made me lol at the time !  :015:

Ian Black was standing in the centre circle at this point with his arms out by his sides trying to figure out why they were singing that - quite a funny sight!  :015:

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I'd rather accept your version of events rig as you were there. But The commentary team certainly did say that, as the Killie fans sang 'Ian Black you're a w~~~~r', Ian Black was sining along to it !!! :015:

It actually made me lol at the time !  :015:

Ian Black was standing in the centre circle at this point with his arms out by his sides trying to figure out why they were singing that - quite a funny sight!  :015:

Black went in for a header and missed the ball completely but took the player, the player went down injured and the killie fans started chanting Black's name, Black then walked away because he knew he was likely to get carded.  While they were chanting his name he started conducting them with his hands, which I thought was quite funny.  Could have quite easily seen red for it.

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Just to correct Caley 100 regarding the Celtic game - Charlie did not hook Blackie by choice. 10 minutes before he came off he asked to come off because he was exhausted. Charlie managed to extract another 10 minutes out of a completely spent player.

From the radio commentary and knowing who the referee was yesterday, it is surprising that Black was not sent off. As everyone knows, and Strathclyde Police are perhaps a bit stricter on this, inciting the Crowd is potentially a breach of the peace. Jan Vennegor of Hessle etc was sent off at Inverness because referees are under strict orders from the police on health and safety matters.

That aside, Black seemed to engage in unnecessary altercations after getting booked so that it is a great credit to Charlie after being criticised last week for fan comments, that publicly he came out and supported Black. I suspect privately he will get a good kick up the proverbial on Monday.  We can but hope wee Donald has the same ability as Cloughie who turned Kenny Burns career around. 

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Just to correct Caley 100 regarding the Celtic game - Charlie did not hook Blackie by choice. 10 minutes before he came off he asked to come off because he was exhausted. Charlie managed to extract another 10 minutes out of a completely spent player.


Yeah.... You were completely wrong about that Caley 100.... AND you've already received an explanation..... :018: :018:

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50/50 whether to hook Black yesterday. He did deserve his booking, he did a couple of earlier challenges that went unpunished, but he was the most likely along with Pat to unlock the Killie defence. He may have lasted the whole game, but thats no guarantee that we would have gone on to get a point or three.

mabees aye.............maybees no.

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got to agree with those who said he had to be hooked .....

by some fluke, I managed to get audio of the second half and the commentators were saying that his next tackle would get a red. Whilst his reputation goes before him - and it might be unfair that he gets a card more easily than others because of this - it will take some time and good behaviour to reverse. Charlie did the best he could in replacing him and Barry with Richie Hart and Zander - Most have said Zander was fine, and it sounded from the radio like RH got stuck in too .....

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i thought that when black and wilson were taken off that the team would lose its edge as they did against celtic, but there was a continuity about the play that meant we were still going for a third goal right up till the final whistle. hart and sutherland coming on was pretty successful, and i'm sure CC will use them both more regularly.

i also think black is using other ways to channel his aggression. he was giving it back to the killie fans during the "iain black, you're a ******" chant, and that can only be a good thing

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Just to correct Caley 100 regarding the Celtic game - Charlie did not hook Blackie by choice. 10 minutes before he came off he asked to come off because he was exhausted. Charlie managed to extract another 10 minutes out of a completely spent player.

Yeah yeah yeah...heard it all before... i had said that after the Tic game that Black was hooked for being knackered, fair enough, why was he knackerd? because he has not been getting games! why was our best midfielder not getting played?

CC dont like him.

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Just to correct Caley 100 regarding the Celtic game - Charlie did not hook Blackie by choice. 10 minutes before he came off he asked to come off because he was exhausted. Charlie managed to extract another 10 minutes out of a completely spent player.

Yeah yeah yeah...heard it all before... i had said that after the Tic game that Black was hooked for being knackered, fair enough, why was he knackerd? because he has not been getting games! why was our best midfielder not getting played?

CC dont like him.

Your as bad as Celtic fans.

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