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General Election 2010


General Election 2010  

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  1. 1. General Election 2010

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But if you count North Sea money (and why wouldn't you?), then Scotland actually pays out more money than it gets in.

Do the SNP supporters want closer ties with the EU and entry into the Euro?

Uh oh we're talking oil. It's my opinion that thatcher used the money from oil revenues to smash the unions when the money should have been used to improve and build infrastructure.

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If anyone watched the History of Scotland last week, you would have seen how much of a blight on Scotland Thatcher really was. Personally, i hold her the main reason Scotland is not in a better state as she ruined us for the benifit of England.

Yes Scotland would be in a much better state if the massively subsidised, loss making nationalised industries had been propped up by government in perpetuity.

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It's been announced today that Brown, Cameron and Clegg have agreed to take part in a series of live TV debates in the run up to the 2010 election.

As yet Alex Salmond hasn't been asked to participate. Should he be? The SNP are obviously not going to form the next Westminster government, but they could very well hold the balance of power in the event of a hung parliament.

Surely they should participate in at least one debate on TV, even if only shown in Scotland, involving all four party leaders?

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It's been announced today that Brown, Cameron and Clegg have agreed to take part in a series of live TV debates in the run up to the 2010 election.

As yet Alex Salmond hasn't been asked to participate. Should he be? The SNP are obviously not going to form the next Westminster government, but they could very well hold the balance of power in the event of a hung parliament.

Surely they should participate in at least one debate on TV, even if only shown in Scotland, involving all four party leaders?

Sinn Fein & Plaid Cymru would also need to be invited.

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There will have to be separate "regional" debates which include those parties and no doubt some second tier politicians from the main parties.

My fear is that we in Scotland won't get to see the main leaders debate because it would breach the broadcasters' required impartiality by not including the SNP.

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There will have to be separate "regional" debates which include those parties and no doubt some second tier politicians from the main parties.

My fear is that we in Scotland won't get to see the main leaders debate because it would breach the broadcasters' required impartiality by not including the SNP.

Assuming you've got Sky TV you should be able to see all of these planned debates.

Taking up PullMyFinger's point, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to come up with regional variations involving Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru.

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It always seems strange to me this presidential route we're going down when we have no say on who the leader will be. I find it galling insofar as it's Murdoch's BSkyB network which has pushed and pushed for this debate to take place. I think that each constituency should have debates where constituents could quiz the candidates who are standing.

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It always seems strange to me this presidential route we're going down when we have no say on who the leader will be. I find it galling insofar as it's Murdoch's BSkyB network which has pushed and pushed for this debate to take place.

I think it's very wrong of a news channel to have a campaign. They should be impartial and only report the news. Not make it.

I think that each constituency should have debates where constituents could quiz the candidates who are standing.

They do. They're called hustings. Usually not televised but keep a look out in your library and you'll see them come up.

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If Alex Salmond is invited to take part, will Lord Pearson also participate? After all, UKIP receved more votes in the last Westminster elections than the SNP? Also, whoever is leader of the Green Party commune could also ask for an invite as they got almost as many votes as the SNP.

If BBC Scotland want to produce some pishy version of the debate with Iain Gray or Jim Murphy bumping gums with Baron Von Smugback then they should go ahead.

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If Alex Salmond is invited to take part, will Lord Pearson also participate? After all, UKIP receved more votes in the last Westminster elections than the SNP? Also, whoever is leader of the Green Party commune could also ask for an invite as they got almost as many votes as the SNP.

If BBC Scotland want to produce some pishy version of the debate with Iain Gray or Jim Murphy bumping gums with Baron Von Smugback then they should go ahead.

It would appear that Rabbie Burns's "such a parcel of rogues in a Nation" is still very much alive and kicking.

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If anyone watched the History of Scotland last week, you would have seen how much of a blight on Scotland Thatcher really was. Personally, i hold her the main reason Scotland is not in a better state as she ruined us for the benifit of England.

Yes Scotland would be in a much better state if the massively subsidised, loss making nationalised industries had been propped up by government in perpetuity.

The steel works in Motherwell were one of the larges in Britain. Yet it was shut down.

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If anyone watched the History of Scotland last week, you would have seen how much of a blight on Scotland Thatcher really was. Personally, i hold her the main reason Scotland is not in a better state as she ruined us for the benifit of England.

Yes Scotland would be in a much better state if the massively subsidised, loss making nationalised industries had been propped up by government in perpetuity.

The steel works in Motherwell were one of the larges in Britain. Yet it was shut down.

Sorry I forgot - large = good.

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Ravenscraig was the most economic steel mill in Western Europe. That's not even taking into account (after all, Thatcher didn't) the increase in social security that would have had to come without closing such a large place in an otherwise deprived area.

4M unemployed, employment figure calculations changed over 30 times, interest rates at 15%. Had it not been for the Falklands, there was no way Thatcher would have survived her first re-election. After that, who to vote for? The Left was in chaos with extremist infiltrators, the modernisers were either battling with them or leaving for the SDP. It was like Blair's last re-election. That time, the Tories were so inept, with their back-biting and internal pro and anti EU battles, plus other issues, that they stood no hope of forming a cohesive government.

A goverment that has got over 30% of the electorate (including those that didn't vote) hasn't been formed in decades, much less one that got over 50%.

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......the Tories were so inept, with their back-biting and internal pro and anti EU battles, plus other issues, that they stood no hope of forming a cohesive government.

Is that not still the case?

Anyone who votes for the Tories or Labour need their heads examined. Over my life span, and I'm not young, I have yet to see how Scotland has benefitted under either party.

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2010 election. So what are the choices?

New Improved :004: Labour - nicked many of Thatchers policys in order to get elected in 97. Really The New Tory Party who for some strange reason still sing the Red Flag at there conferances. What a hypocriticle joke that is.

Conservatives - bunch of public school tw*ts hell bent on loking after there own and stuff the little man. The party of priviledge who still think they are the natural ruling classes.

LibDems - Bloody Nice Blokes but.... oops. Run out of anything more to say about the LibDems!

SNP - The White Heather Club. A "pretendy" political party which is really a Regional Single Issue Pessure Group. Small minded wee Jocks who love picking fights with Westminster and the English. More interested in using minority power at Holyrood to con Scots into independance than to run the place.

BNP - The Grand Loyal Orange Order of England. Bunch of racist, fascist skinhead neds who should be criminalised.

Greens - shower of tree hugging lentil eating hippys.

UKIP - Think their still running the Empire. Little Englanders.

Add to that the unifying "principles" which they all, as politicians, share with a vengance - Self interest, electability and screwing the expenses system for every penny they can.

These are your options apart from - Dont Vote.

Edited by mainstander
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SNP - The White Heather Club. A "pretendy" political party which is really a Regional Single Issue Pessure Group. Small minded wee Jocks who love picking fights with Westminster and the English. More interested in using minority power at Holyrood to con Scots into independance than to run the place.


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2010 election. So what are the choices?

New Improved :lol: Labour - nicked many of Thatchers policys in order to get elected in 97. Really The New Tory Party who for some strange reason still sing the Red Flag at there conferances. What a hypocriticle joke that is.

Conservatives - bunch of public school tw*ts hell bent on loking after there own and stuff the little man. The party of priviledge who still think they are the natural ruling classes.

LibDems - Bloody Nice Blokes but.... oops. Run out of anything more to say about the LibDems!

SNP - The White Heather Club. A "pretendy" political party which is really a Regional Single Issue Pessure Group. Small minded wee Jocks who love picking fights with Westminster and the English. More interested in using minority power at Holyrood to con Scots into independance than to run the place.

BNP - The Grand Loyal Orange Order of England. Bunch of racist, fascist skinhead neds who should be criminalised.

Greens - shower of tree hugging lentil eating hippys.

UKIP - Think their still running the Empire. Little Englanders.

Add to that the unifying "principles" which they all, as politicians, share with a vengance - Self interest, electability and screwing the expenses system for every penny they can.

These are your options apart from - Dont Vote.

A depressing but all too common attitude which is why the UK political scene is in the kind of mess it is now. As I said in another recent thread, we get the politicians we deserve. If you don't vote, then in my opinion you have no right to criticise what the subsequent government does. Just accept what your apathy produces.

Rather than simply not vote and thereby betray the sacrifices of those in years gone by who died so that we can have the right to vote, you should vote for the party that comes closest to reflecting your beliefs. Beyond that, join a party which comes closest to your aspirations and try to influence it from the inside.

Of course, your summaries of all the parties are nonsense but I accept that they are not intended to be taken seriously. For instance, the Greens are a far cry from your rather tired stereotype and consist of people from all walks of life who simply take a bit of a longer term view than others. Understanding that the planet does not have the capacity to support an ever expanding population using an ever increasing amount of resources does not make you a tree hugging hippy - rather than opting out, it means opting in to modern technological fixes that allow for sustainable development.

For me, the Green agenda will have to be adopted sooner or later on an international level if society is not to degenrate into warfare over ever diminishing resources. So better vote Green now and help to get the agenda into the media a bit more than it currently is.

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2010 election. So what are the choices?

New Improved :lol: Labour - nicked many of Thatchers policys in order to get elected in 97. Really The New Tory Party who for some strange reason still sing the Red Flag at there conferances. What a hypocriticle joke that is.

Conservatives - bunch of public school tw*ts hell bent on loking after there own and stuff the little man. The party of priviledge who still think they are the natural ruling classes.

LibDems - Bloody Nice Blokes but.... oops. Run out of anything more to say about the LibDems!

SNP - The White Heather Club. A "pretendy" political party which is really a Regional Single Issue Pessure Group. Small minded wee Jocks who love picking fights with Westminster and the English. More interested in using minority power at Holyrood to con Scots into independance than to run the place.

BNP - The Grand Loyal Orange Order of England. Bunch of racist, fascist skinhead neds who should be criminalised.

Greens - shower of tree hugging lentil eating hippys.

UKIP - Think their still running the Empire. Little Englanders.

Add to that the unifying "principles" which they all, as politicians, share with a vengance - Self interest, electability and screwing the expenses system for every penny they can.

These are your options apart from - Dont Vote.

A depressing but all too common attitude which is why the UK political scene is in the kind of mess it is now. As I said in another recent thread, we get the politicians we deserve. If you don't vote, then in my opinion you have no right to criticise what the subsequent government does. Just accept what your apathy produces.

Rather than simply not vote and thereby betray the sacrifices of those in years gone by who died so that we can have the right to vote, you should vote for the party that comes closest to reflecting your beliefs. Beyond that, join a party which comes closest to your aspirations and try to influence it from the inside.

Of course, your summaries of all the parties are nonsense but I accept that they are not intended to be taken seriously. For instance, the Greens are a far cry from your rather tired stereotype and consist of people from all walks of life who simply take a bit of a longer term view than others. Understanding that the planet does not have the capacity to support an ever expanding population using an ever increasing amount of resources does not make you a tree hugging hippy - rather than opting out, it means opting in to modern technological fixes that allow for sustainable development.

For me, the Green agenda will have to be adopted sooner or later on an international level if society is not to degenrate into warfare over ever diminishing resources. So better vote Green now and help to get the agenda into the media a bit more than it currently is.

God, we've got another Gordon Brown here - save the world, save the planet.

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Understanding that the planet does not have the capacity to support an ever expanding population using an ever increasing amount of resources does not make you a tree hugging hippy - rather than opting out, it means opting in to modern technological fixes that allow for sustainable development.

For me, the Green agenda will have to be adopted sooner or later on an international level if society is not to degenrate into warfare over ever diminishing resources.

The only thing which will really save the planet (this by the way is a SERIOUS post) is the humble condom and allied contraceptive methods. However I fear that attempts to implement such a policy would follow in the doomed steps of Kyoto and Copenhagen.

If we start off with the CO2, which seems to have become to the 21st century what Witchcraft was to the 17th, how is it produced? By PEOPLE.

Then there's food. Who eat it? PEOPLE. It's the same with water etc etc.

The problems which threaten the planet are mainly caused by there being too many people and the vital objective, however unlikely its achievement may in practice be, should therefore be to limit population.

Think, for instance, of the amount of CO2 which one person, especially of the North American variety, produces in a lifetime - his "carbon footprint", to delve into what is a rapidly expanding and increasingly hilarious Glossary of Global Warming Jargon.

Then think of the most prominent self appointed paragon within the climate change lobby - Mr. Al Gore.

How many hydrocarbon guzzling North American children has Mr. Gore produced?


Their combined lifetime carbon footprint, and all because Mr. Gore was unable to keep his bits in his trousers or unwilling to get a vasectomy, must be absolutely horrendous. So hang your head in shame Al for the damage you have done to the planet!

But sorry, I have allowed this thread to wander just a bit further from its original thrust so let me restore it with a question.

Given the current perception of politicians in this country, do you not think that Mainstander's earlier post, which was presumably partly tongue in cheek, maybe touches a few bases as far as the various parties in question are concerned?

I should perhaps also simply note that in recent elections, people do appear to have been exercising the "Don't Vote" option to an increasing extent.

Edited by Charles Bannerman
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Given the current perception of politicians in this country, do you not think that Mainstander's earlier post, which was presumably partly tongue in cheek, maybe touches a few bases as far as the various parties in question are concerned?

I should perhaps also simply note that in recent elections, people do appear to have been exercising the "Don't Vote" option to an increasing extent.

Mainstander's post, albeit a tad cynical, gets my vote for the most entertaining post that has appeared on this site for a long time.

This bottom line from that post could go some way to explaining why so many appear to exercising their "don't vote" option.

Quote : Add to that the unifying "principles" which they all, as politicians, share with a vengance - Self interest, electability and screwing the expenses system for every penny they can.

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