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Dublin bank robbery....


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Excerpted from an article which appeared in the Dublin Times about a bank robbery on March 2.

Once inside the bank shortly after midnight, their efforts at

disabling the security system got underway immediately. T he

robbers, who expected to find one or two large safes filled with

cash & valuables, were surprised to see hundreds of smaller safes

throughout the bank.

The robbers cracked the first safe's combination, and inside they

found only a small bowl of vanilla pudding.

As recorded on the bank's audio tape system, one robber said, "At

least we'll have a bit to eat."

The robbers opened up a second safe, and it also contained nothing

but vanilla pudding. The process continued until all safes were


They did not find one pound sterling, a diamond, or an ounce of


Instead, all the safes contained covered bowls of pudding.

Disappointed, the robbers made a quiet exit, each leaving with

nothing more than a queasy, uncomfortably full stomach. The

newspaper headline read:


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