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Under 21 Rule

Mrs Pauliebee

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Under 21 rule is an absolute nonsense.  Just seems to me to give some youngsters false hopes of playing in the First Team before they are ready. Sitting on the bench making up the numbers helps no-one.  We need guys like Zander out there on loan to other clubs, learning his craft, so he can come back, fitter, stronger and ready to have a decent crack at the SPL.

So what's the answer then?  How do you give the youngsters a chance, but keep it realistic?

Would it be better to reduce it to one under 21 per squad?  Quality not quanity?  Give the others a chance to get stronger first?

Mrs PB

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Guest TinCanFan

I reckon that you should be allowed seven subs with one under 21.  This would give some of them a chance who are really good.  The ones just now on the bench under 21  I've seen every other week (Kerr, Gillespie, Duff etc) though I've never seen any of them play which really shows that they are just there because they have to be there and don'y really stand much of a chance.

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Or we could start giving these young lads a chance. Start bringing them on and see what the are made of. A club like us should have some players that age pushing for a first team place anyway.

Also if Gillespie is good enough for the scotland u-19's that implies he can pass a ball so maybe he should be in the team ahead of people who can't (Duncan)  :023:

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