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Forum poster of the season!


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If you're not prepared to accept that taking an extremely polarised view on something always leaves you open to the chance that it'll come back and bite you on the erse then don't do it....or at least have the good sense not to leave your comments on an open forum.

Had things gone the other way then wilsononourwing may have been the one getting a bit of ribbing for the stance he had taken all season.

That's life....you win some, you lose some.

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Can anyone explain how the following happened? In typing my post above I typed in "Johnboy" rather than "Johnboy" as posted, but when I clicked on the "preview post" button the text "Johnboy" had defaulted to "Johnboy"!!!

JB, have you hacked into my website with a desparate plan to gain the polular vote?

It looks like someone is having a laugh and has changed w ilsononourwing to Johnboy. Have a test here, posts can be deleted after, everyone post the word "w ilsononourwing" without the space and see how many "Johnboy"s appear.

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LOL I think one of the mods or someone with access to the profanity filter is having a laugh, W O O W has been listed as a swear and changed to Johnboy.

It would seem that W O O W without the spaces throws up my username, Don I think you need to get on to this.

Edited by Revbirdog
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LOL I think one of the mods or someone with access to the profanity filter is having a laugh, W O O W has been listed as a swear and changed to Johnboy.

It would seem that W O O W without the spaces throws up my username, Don I think you need to get on to this.

I suspect that some volcanic ash has somehow got into the filter.

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Don't be putting words in my mouth....I voted for wilsononourwing.

Still up to your old tricks, I see.... :D

(A few days ago CD hacked his way into my profile and added his name to my list of "friends". Thank goodness Birdog alerted me, and told me what he'd done!)

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I don't think it would have taken a genius to work out I was the one having a bit of harmless fun with the word filter last night.....I couldn't have made it any more obvious if I tried :D

But why on earth would I "hack" your account to add myself to your friends list.....what an absurd accusation. As I explained to you when you asked me about it before, I have no need to add anyone to my friends list or me to theirs because the benefits of doing so are already available to me as a Site Admin.

Seems to me like, yet again, a certain poster is up to their old tricks in trying to undermine my position on the site....and you are, once again, lapping it all up and jumping on the bandwagon.

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I don't think it would have taken a genius to work out I was the one having a bit of harmless fun with the word filter last night.....I couldn't have made it any more obvious if I tried :D

But why on earth would I "hack" your account to add myself to your friends list.....what an absurd accusation. As I explained to you when you asked me about it before, I have no need to add anyone to my friends list or me to theirs because the benefits of doing so are already available to me as a Site Admin.

Seems to me like, yet again, a certain poster is up to their old tricks in trying to undermine my position on the site....and you are, once again, lapping it all up and jumping on the bandwagon.

Sorry CaleyD but you are wrong, I mentioned to JB that you were on his friend list when he was asking me about a now closed thread, I was questioning his motives since your name was there.

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Lets just clear one thing up about friend lists ...... they work in a very specific way ......

ANYONE can add any other poster to their own friends list, with or without that posters permission and that name will appear on their own friends list immediately. It will not however appear on the other person's friend list unless they explicitly accept that friend request from within their profile (or they have previously added you). So you might be on my list if I added you but I might not be on yours if you didnt add or accept my friend request and vice-versa. Only "mutual" friends can see any parts of the profile that are marked private (a feature we dont really use).

Bottom line - If anyone appears as a name on your friend list YOU added them at some point either manually or by confirming a friend request. YES, we could go into the database tables, search for the correct entry and "hack" it as it has been put but its not a simple task (in the way that adding a word to the word filter is) ... but anyone who thinks they are important enough for us to go to all that time and trouble is sadly deluded or has delusions of their own grandeur. We have far too many other things to be doing on this site and in other projects to bother with that nonsense.

In the midst of all this positivity over our recent results and what is hopefully the formalities over mathematically confirming our title win it seems some people cannott just enjoy the moment and be happy unless they are causing ructions .... so now that TB/Team/Board cannot be the focus of these, it switches back to the petty back-biting and name calling.

I am not going to get into a personal debate about this on here or on PM, nor am I going to start calling out people by name in public - you know who you are and you know what you are trying to do - However, for those whose attention has now reverted back to doing their level best to create work for the volunteers who run this site, I urge you to go back and re-read the "CTO-The Future" thread again and wind yer feckin necks in. http://community.caleythistleonline.com/in...showtopic=15588

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