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First Job


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Dont know if this ones come up before

Question is what was your first job, and what did you earn.

Mine was 1981 apprentice Ceramic Tile Fixer with a company called Collards Walls & Floors payed the grand sum of ?40 per week

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But I did get 75p a week as a paperboy around 1970.

Ya should have come south for the big money Mantis,going rate in Dundee was a guinea (21 shillings) a weeek in 1970 and 2 bob for sunday rounds but they were affy heavy as the Sunday times with supplements weighed more than a copy of the old testament!! Meh first real job was as Aircraftsman Dee queing upevery other Tuesday on pay parade to recieve the massive sum of ?17.50p, all for beer and fags .....  :021: them were the days.

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First job at all delivering bucher meat on a pre war bicycle which must have weighed considerably more than I did at the time. Pay three shillings plus tips.

First proper summer job working as a shop salesman selling photographic eqipment ?30 a week plus commission.

First professional job, trainee solicitor annual salary ?3,200.

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Started with British Rail as Junior Railman in June 1972 and earned ?8 in my first week. Gaffer said try the job for a week and I'll come back and see how you're getting on and whether you'd like stay.....I've been waiting for him now for 35 years - he's not coming back is he?  :009: :009:

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Just shows how old I am..... ?3.50p a week (was actually old money but I've put the "new" money in this thread as so many of you would not know the "old " money) as a junior typist in a civil engineers office... manual typewriters...gosh how they made you accurate!  Times have changed!  Spell checks!Got paid off due to lack of contracts and, immediately got a better job!    Those were the days before redundancy payments! in the 60's.  Some people don't know how lucky they are!  Eventually, in another job, became a union steward and tried to make working conditions a great deal better for all colleagues, I hope!  How things have changed....... and a lot for the better.

Incidentally, in the country, (outside Sneck but still in Sneck-shire), before I left school, I was paid ?1 a day, or if the "toff" was really a "big toff" ?1.50p a day, for beating at the grouse shooting - who knows what this is???????  The fore-runner to becoming hill walkers in the true sense!

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Apprentice projectionist ?6.90 pw at the Playhouse, January 72. It cost me ?3.10 to get a job, as my allowance was a ?1 a day with a fiver at the weekend's. Thats ?10 pw while at school, my dad stopped my allowance when I left school! Miserable old sod!  :029:

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Saturday job with Leisuropa on Inglis Street 1978-80.  Remember when the pay went up to ?1 an hour. :010:  On leaving school cashier with the Aberdeen Savings Bank where I stayed about 10 years - not a computer in sight at the start which probably did my mental arithmetic the power of good.

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On leaving school I worked for Seafield Estates, forestry type of work, planting trees clearing ditches, bracken etc

Basic wages were pitiful, something like ?4.12shillings a week (thats when LSD was not something you popped before going out for the night).  Thankfully we were on piece work most of the time earning between ?40 to ?60 per week

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First Part Time (1988) - Paper-round delivering free papers for about ?4.50 a week.

Spent most of the time dodging killer hounds and ice-skating with my bike on frosty pavements!

First "Proper Job" after Uni (1999) - Facilities Assistant - Pebble Mill - ?11,300

On my first day, I was running down the corridor trying to catch the post, went crashing into David Dimbleby, paper everywhere, thought I was going to have the shortest BBC career ever, managed to stay for another 8 years.

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On 8/8/88 I started a part-time job in Presto (which later became Safeway) on the deli counter.

?1.10 an hour, plus all the cheese you could eat.

When some schoolmates and I were arranging a camping trip, I was tasked with getting some picnic food for it. They complemented me on the lovely pork pies, not knowing I had smuggled them out down my trousers.

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start my first ever job on mon.policeman.and the pay aint that bad for someone of my age!

Bet your glad they didn't ask us for a character reference  :015:

I had a few jobs whilst growing up...........

- First was probably the regular Saturday and Sunday run to the shop to get the messages for all the elderly neighbours.

- Then I had a job as a paperboy 7 days a week in all weather.

- Worked for the Guibarelli's (Sp?) in Oh Mama Mia, Hilton and at the Bught.

- Did my first Disco at the age of 12 and last one at age of 26.

- Worked one summer holidays for Tom and Margaret in the Butchers in the Market.

- Worked one summer holidays at Scott Oswald Accountants where I got my first real loathing for Taxi Drivers - had nothing to  do with their driving and everything to do with having a fecking biscuit tin full of receipts plonked in front of me and told to sort them all out and prepare their books for auditing.  Although I still get extreme satisfaction from knowing they were being charged extortionate sums of money for my time.

In fact, I used to think nothing of going out to do my paper round before school, spending the day at school (or doing a summer job) then heading to the chipper and working till 11 at night - and I still left school with 2 A's, 3 B's, a C and a list of Scotvec's the length of my arm  :001:

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