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Ryan Esson


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Thank goodness Brew saw sense and signed a decent goalie at last to replace the rubbish we've had to put up with in Fraser.  What a relief.

What has Fraser done to make you feel like this?

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Thank goodness Brew saw sense and signed a decent goalie at last to replace the rubbish we've had to put up with in Fraser.  What a relief.

Connie, if you knew anything about goalkeeping you'd know Mike is a good as any in the SPL bar one. The pity is that his defence is probably close to being the worst.

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Totally agree Ali. it's whatever diabolical back four Brewster puts out that causes our lack of cleen sheets.

Why does he insist on using Proctor and Hastings at Centre-Half, there useless there.  :024:

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This is the first sensible move in terms of the squad in a long time, IMO.

We had Zibi pushing Fraser for his place last season and he coped fine, and we've now brought in someone just as experienced/capable to continue that competition for the #1 slot.  Every team needs competition for places in every area of the park, we've now got midfield and goalkeeper covered in that regards, just the defence and the forwards to get sorted out now  :029:

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Well RIG, I just don't think much of him as a goalie.  He bats the ball back into play far too often, when I feel he should hold the ball and let players get back, away from the goal area - one example, I also think he's slow and cumbersome whereas most other goalies are a bit more nimble and on their toes.

Again, just an opinion and I know many other posters don't agree with me.  To be honest I'm looking forward to the new season now CB's brought in an alternative goalkeeper - hope he uses him!

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I also think he's slow and cumbersome

Definatly don't agree with you on that one Connie, Mike may have his faults but I really don't think this is one of them.  If anything he's not big and bulky enough.  Anyway some compettition for the #1 shirt is definatly welcome.

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'Batting' the ball back into play seems to be a fairly modern trend.  In years gone by the keepers invariably held the ball or tipped it over.  It appears to be fairly common for them to fist the ball back from whence it came from nowadays.  The German chappie at Rangers was great for that style of play.  It seems to me that the European style has filtered through to Scotland.  I beleve the newer balls are responsible in part for this type of defending as they are lighter and move a lot more in the air thus deceiving the keeper and making it easier to bat the ball back than try to catch it.

I don't think he is much of a slouch either.  He does have a fairly cool approach to his gait, maybe that gives the impression he is slow.  Mike received plenty of praise from BBC radio commentators last season, something like "he seems to get better and better everytime we see him play" and "he can fairly kick the ball" spring to mind.

Mike will only get better and with the right coaching, could go very far in this game.  He has alreay displayed his aerobatics and I look forward to seeing him keep Esson on the bench, but good choice back up keeper to push him all the way.  Goalkeeper can be a pretty lonely position, you are on your own there, one mistake and game up.  Nobody can help you save the ball although the defenders can assist by defending further forward and keeping opportunities to a minimum.  But once the striker is through, only one person can prevent the inevitable, and that person for us at the moment is Mike Fraser.  Defenders have the luxury of someone else to help out, midfield the same and strkers also get help, someone else will score if he does not, but keepers are flying solo. 

Very few keepers are brilliant at coming for crosses, and Mike falls into that category at the moment.  He does ok but that is an area that can be improved.  Mark Brown was abysmal at crosses but we all thought he was special because he was such a good shot stopper.......don't mention the penalties.  Remember Broonie also had a better defence in front of him, despite repeated lack of communication with some of them costing us dear.

I think your criticism of him is unjustified and unfair.  We all cringe when the ball comes into our box, it's the nature of the game, but Mike has done OK and will be better every season.

Also just an opinion, but one shared by people better placed to judge him than me.

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Was hoping that Mikey'd be signed up to a longer deal by now, along with the likes of Cowie and Munro. So perhaps having Esson signed up for 2 years is a good way to safeguard our goalkeeping situation, should (heaven forbid) Mikey decide his future lay elsewhere.

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