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1 minute ago, forresjags said:

Oops sorry.

What I wanted to say is that I would sooner play Grennock Morton over 2 games and avoid Falkirk & Dundee Utd. 

Why on earth would you rather face Morton than Dundee United? Morton are cigaring their way up the table and are looking very strong to finish second. United meanwhile are falling apart and have only won once in their last ten games.

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I would prefer to secure the play off position (at the very least) before we start thinking about who we might face. That said, I hope we are preparing already for that contingency by someone from the coaching team taking in a few relevant Championship matches.

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2 hours ago, chedan1 said:

I respect that opinion but I feel that the people the judge our supporters based on appearence, age, clothes etc are not welcome here. Wasn't a comment on the folk who don't stand for 90 minutes or those who sit in the main stand, as it may have been perceived

I've been at almost 200 consecutive matches.  Absolutely heartbroken I'm not welcome at games by parts of a group who had to be split by police for fighting in Saturday's pie queue!

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I would prefer to be in the Top Six. We are presently making a pigs feckin ear of it BUT we are still very much in the running. That is mainly why I feel that our potential is not been maximised. I go to as many matches that I can, given my geographical location. I am CaleytillIdie (ICT :wink:). Would prefer to evidently be in the Premier but I will follow to Edinburgh City and beyond. I am absolutely heartbroken that some supporters confuse the alter-ego of IHE with Johndo MacKenzie. I am absolutely heartbroken that some supporters remember the Johndo "Caley Animal" MacKenzie or the clown who got thrown out of more games than he lasted 90 minutes at. That was fer standing in rebellion. I couldn't stand for more than ten minutes now. I am heartened that the Young Team seem to like me. I am heartbroken that compatriots are reduced to fighting over a shittty pie.

Thank you. I feel better for that. My threatened broken heart has found it previous rhythm and is truly well on the mend. :cheer01:

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

Why on earth would you rather face Morton than Dundee United? Morton are cigaring their way up the table and are looking very strong to finish second. United meanwhile are falling apart and have only won once in their last ten games.

Just my opinion, based on absolutely nothing other than Dundee Utd have the SPL experience, would have a big crowd behind them both home and away and would undoubtedly start as odds on favourites. 

Saying that if we somehow manage to claw ourselves into tenth, then this conversation becomes null and void , which I would happily trade for any last day excitement.   


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1 hour ago, forresjags said:

Just my opinion, based on absolutely nothing other than Dundee Utd have the SPL experience, would have a big crowd behind them both home and away and would undoubtedly start as odds on favourites. 

Saying that if we somehow manage to claw ourselves into tenth, then this conversation becomes null and void , which I would happily trade for any last day excitement.   


I'm not sure that all this talk about the playoffs at this stage is a good idea because if it spreads it could become a self fulfilling prophecy. Yes of course there's a significant danger of finishing 11th and almost as great a danger of finishing 12th. That has to be recognised BUT before the end of the season ICT have to play Motherwell twice and Hamilton once and Motherwell and Hamilton have to play each other twice. That array of six pointers is the battleground in which I think these issues will now be decided and there's also the likelihood of another Highland Derby.

It's one thing tacitly to acknowledge the significant risk of having to go into the playoffs, but I don't think it's a good idea to start talking now about preferred playoff opponents.... so I would stick with forresjags' final statement.

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15 hours ago, Charles Bannerman said:

Could you please outline that financial impact, Huisdaen, and preferably give some details and numbers? This is something I am not aware of.

Culpability of giving him a new contract and the financial implications of that. If no contract extension, then financial liability reduced. I have no inside knowledge on this matter but find it hard to believe the fall out happened so quickly between Hughes and the board with no inkling on the boards behalf. Fully appreciate the board have a difficult job to do but still of the opinion they need to be more proactive than reactive.

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6 hours ago, chedan1 said:

Some of the replies to this thread about the young fans at the bottom of section E are frankly disgusting. Describing them and their parents as "neddy" is frankly deplorable and not something I'd expect from the usually friendly supporters of this football club. What right do you have to assume or judge the financial or social state of people who you have likely never met? If that's how you perceive your fellow ICT fans, maybe you shouldn't be one yourself, because we don't want you. Perhaps cricket or Conservative Party conferences are more your thing.

Throughout Scotland, ICT are slated for poor home/away support and a non existent atmosphere. Since the group have come along, the atmosphere at the club has improved greatly and it's clear to see that the players appreciate it. Who wants to go to a football game with no atmosphere? Frankly the club has been crying out for a group of fanatical supporters for years. Since discussions with the club, the older boys who run the group have put a stop to the pyrotechnic displays and have kept the younger boys in check. Without this group on Saturday, it's 50 less fans and over £500 in lost ticket revenue for the club. The 'young team' spend their money and their time to support this football club, home and away, week in and week out, even after only two league wins since October. They deserve our respect for that. They’re hardly Millwall or CSKA hooligans, smashing up train stations and pubs wherever they go. I guarantee we would have had more violent fans in the Highand League days.

For how many years have we heard the club and other supporters cry out for more fans at games? Well since this group started at the Celtic game in late 2015, they've doubled in size.

Clearly some people in here have just been born a 40 year old sweetie rustler who has no idea what it's like to be young and to be a real football fan.

I don't know if these are the same young fans that I have witnessed behaving as louts on three occasions after games this season, sincerely hope not given their support as detailed above but............ after the first County home game, some young neds starting shouting and challenging any County fans heading their way after the game. I told them to shut up and behave themselves and, despite wearing an ICT jacket, scarf and baseball cap, they started abusing me before running after County fans. The same group did the same thing after the Kilmarnock game. The worst thing however was after the Aberdeen game when walking back up Longman Road. Two young Aberdeen fans in front were walking towards the city centre when a group of young ICT fans (4/5) starting abusing the young fans (no more than 14/15 years old) who sensibly kept on walking. Then one young ICT "fan" started punching/hitting the Aberdeen fans trying to get a reaction which they didn't get. Again I challenged these "fans" but they then started shouting abuse at my son in law and myself. Fortunately this distraction let the two young fans get mixed up with a crowd of people further ahead and no further trouble ensued. First time in my life, I had ever witnessed something like this. As I have said, don't know if these were the same fans fighting in the pie queue but these actions do not make them real football fans in my book.

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30 minutes ago, Huisdean said:

Culpability of giving him a new contract and the financial implications of that. If no contract extension, then financial liability reduced. I have no inside knowledge on this matter but find it hard to believe the fall out happened so quickly between Hughes and the board with no inkling on the boards behalf. Fully appreciate the board have a difficult job to do but still of the opinion they need to be more proactive than reactive.

To be honest, Huisdean, I'm not a lot further on after that answer. However, the account you give of the most definitely neddy behaviour of the Section E micro-louts is a lot more definitive and is a vivid description of an absolute disgrace. Wee neds like that need got rid of until they grow up - if they ever do so. For some reason, and sectarianism creates the same problem, football falls victim again and again as a platform for rank undesirables like this. Somebody mentioned losing 50 admissions if this infestation were not to turn up. Quite frankly it would be money well lost just to get rid of these obnoxious creatures but in practice, if it were thought that you could visit the Caledonian Stadium without having to be subjected to this brainless thuggery, the net financial effect would probably be positive. Little parasites like this are a cancer which urgently needs excised and to hear people attempting to justify them on the grounds that they make a noise is laughable.

It's difficult to say how many of their parents are also neds but irrespective of that, one thing is certain - these parents all need to get a grip of the thoroughly unpleasant, anti-social behaviour of the offspring they have inflicted on our society.


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31 minutes ago, Huisdean said:

I don't know if these are the same young fans that I have witnessed behaving as louts on three occasions after games this season, sincerely hope not given their support as detailed above but............ after the first County home game, some young neds starting shouting and challenging any County fans heading their way after the game. I told them to shut up and behave themselves and, despite wearing an ICT jacket, scarf and baseball cap, they started abusing me before running after County fans. The same group did the same thing after the Kilmarnock game. The worst thing however was after the Aberdeen game when walking back up Longman Road. Two young Aberdeen fans in front were walking towards the city centre when a group of young ICT fans (4/5) starting abusing the young fans (no more than 14/15 years old) who sensibly kept on walking. Then one young ICT "fan" started punching/hitting the Aberdeen fans trying to get a reaction which they didn't get. Again I challenged these "fans" but they then started shouting abuse at my son in law and myself. Fortunately this distraction let the two young fans get mixed up with a crowd of people further ahead and no further trouble ensued. First time in my life, I had ever witnessed something like this. As I have said, don't know if these were the same fans fighting in the pie queue but these actions do not make them real football fans in my book.

Sounds pretty deplorable, neddy and disgusting behaviour. You know what's even worse than that though? Laughing about their dress sense on a fans forum! :laugh:

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It's very easy to blame the behaviour of these morons on the parents alone 

What about their schooling, lack of it or worse still being taught by sub standard teachers!!!


Edited by dougal
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2 hours ago, Charles Bannerman said:

To be honest, Huisdean, I'm not a lot further on after that answer. However, the account you give of the most definitely neddy behaviour of the Section E micro-louts is a lot more definitive and is a vivid description of an absolute disgrace. Wee neds like that need got rid of until they grow up - if they ever do so. For some reason, and sectarianism creates the same problem, football falls victim again and again as a platform for rank undesirables like this. Somebody mentioned losing 50 admissions if this infestation were not to turn up. Quite frankly it would be money well lost just to get rid of these obnoxious creatures but in practice, if it were thought that you could visit the Caledonian Stadium without having to be subjected to this brainless thuggery, the net financial effect would probably be positive. Little parasites like this are a cancer which urgently needs excised and to hear people attempting to justify them on the grounds that they make a noise is laughable.

It's difficult to say how many of their parents are also neds but irrespective of that, one thing is certain - these parents all need to get a grip of the thoroughly unpleasant, anti-social behaviour of the offspring they have inflicted on our society.



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I am not sure why there is so much hate towards fans creating an atmosphere. Many people on here complained about there being no atmosphere however now they are spending their money supporting the team and creating an atmosphere home and away now everyone is complaining yet if they did not turn up you would go back to complaining again.

On Saturday there without them there would be no atmosphere and fact is they support the team through thick and thin try and get the team motivated while other "fans" leave early.


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I might be missing something here, but is anybody complaining about an atmosphere being created. It's the extra curricular activity that's not being condoned. Someone enlighten me. The young team make a noise, that's a positive. Somebody starts a fight?, that's a negative. 

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5 hours ago, Charles Bannerman said:

To be honest, Huisdean, I'm not a lot further on after that answer. However, the account you give of the most definitely neddy behaviour of the Section E micro-louts is a lot more definitive and is a vivid description of an absolute disgrace. Wee neds like that need got rid of until they grow up - if they ever do so. For some reason, and sectarianism creates the same problem, football falls victim again and again as a platform for rank undesirables like this. Somebody mentioned losing 50 admissions if this infestation were not to turn up. Quite frankly it would be money well lost just to get rid of these obnoxious creatures but in practice, if it were thought that you could visit the Caledonian Stadium without having to be subjected to this brainless thuggery, the net financial effect would probably be positive. Little parasites like this are a cancer which urgently needs excised and to hear people attempting to justify them on the grounds that they make a noise is laughable.

It's difficult to say how many of their parents are also neds but irrespective of that, one thing is certain - these parents all need to get a grip of the thoroughly unpleasant, anti-social behaviour of the offspring they have inflicted on our society.




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2 hours ago, tm4tj said:

I might be missing something here, but is anybody complaining about an atmosphere being created. It's the extra curricular activity that's not being condoned. Someone enlighten me. The young team make a noise, that's a positive. Somebody starts a fight?, that's a negative. 

Spot on. I very much welcome the singing and flag waving to help create a better atmosphere at matches. However. I deplore the alter-ego of a number of the youngsters. 

I found the verbal abuse and barging of those trying to protect a lady in an electric wheelchair from being over run by the mob near the pie stall utterly disgraceful. Those who witnessed this and complained to the police then faced more abuse from the mob for doing so. If this behaviour goes unchecked then we potentially face the regular experience of having to watch what's going on in the crowd rather than on the pitch, just like in the 1970s and 80s, and then some fans will stop going to games because of it. The spilling over of mob behaviour into the streets putting others at risk also means more policing and cost to the Club. The long term damage this could do to our reputation and the sport in general is unthinkable.

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