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The Stress of Management

Harry Chibber

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A very positive article and one which highlights CC's passion and depth of character.

Glad he's managed to get his head sorted - stepping back a bit from the stress will hopefully clear his mind and allow him to plough forwards and become a great manager and ICT skipper for years to come.

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Maybe this article proves the 'fors' and 'againsts' CC supporters as all being correct, over the last period of time.

Being a 'for' all along I must admit that I was not aware of the turmoil he was going through - perhaps the 'againsts' were more in tune with his mood and could sense a problem and therefore recognised that all was not well in management, at that time.

Honest article and thank Heavens he has accepted the problem and taken steps to sort it.  Although maybe we expect him to be, he is not superman, as he admits.

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Good article and I think the assesment of absent friend is pretty good.

Hopefully, now that Charlie has realised that he was taking on additional pressures that had nothing to do with him, he will be able to handle those he does have and start (continue) to flourish as a manager and also begin to turn some of the naysayers in the other direction ......

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As I succinctly, and correctly (again), diagnosed CC was losing the plot and the stress had led to some poor decision making and the maladaptive defence mechanisms, predominantly ones of rationalisation, denial and projection.

I am most impressed by the ammount of self disclosure in the article and tip ma hat to the man and look forward to seeing a replenished individual with a more "open" style of interpersonal communication next season. I am also reliably informed that the other major factor in his rehabilitation was that CC was warned that if he did go nuts he may have to see me for weekly therapy sessions.  :crazy07:

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have to say im encouraged by what ive read there, also assured that i was right in saying he wasnt up to the job last season

remember everybody if we do get relegated, it could well take us another decade to get back, lets just hope he doesnt fall apart again as itll cost us more than a just a few bad results

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We all grow with experience ..which usually means advancing age too , unfortunately.

Growing confidence will lead to greater relaxation, a greater sense of his own capabilities and limits and a more evenly balanced approach.

Good luck to Charlie on all levels.

Now, if only Scarlet would toe my line more often and stop being so darned independent- minded the Pimple household would be a more fulfilling place for me  by jings! And for him but he is too yopung to really understand.  Sigh! Life gets tejious.

IHE have you got a free appointment next week to see S.P. in  a wee clandestine meeting.... :016: :002:

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have to say im encouraged by what ive read there, also assured that i was right in saying he wasnt up to the job last season

remember everybody if we do get relegated, it could well take us another decade to get back, lets just hope he doesnt fall apart again as itll cost us more than a just a few bad results

Wow - clacher - have you seen how this thread has plummeted quickly into obscurity. I can wholly understand the sense of humility in your response which echoed my concise but polite post. But does it not aggrieve you slightly that we have yet again been proven right but have had no sense of recognition from the gang of bitter individuals who derided, chastised, abused, ostracised and attempted to ridicule and humiliate us earlier this year. As ever we had the courage and the reticence to stick to our principles and our right of personal opinion, even under constant barrage.

I like you agree that we should not respond in an infantile manner and stick our two fingers up at our detractors and shout " Fek yas - told yas we were feckin rite all along". That would be childhish and bring us down to their level. We should simply be happy that we were vindicated by CC himself and content ourselves with a mere smirk of satisfaction that we were rite all along.


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have to say im encouraged by what ive read there, also assured that i was right in saying he wasnt up to the job last season

remember everybody if we do get relegated, it could well take us another decade to get back, lets just hope he doesnt fall apart again as itll cost us more than a just a few bad results

Wow - clacher - have you seen how this thread has plummeted quickly into obscurity. I can wholly understand the sense of humility in your response which echoed my concise but polite post. But does it not aggrieve you slightly that we have yet again been proven right but have had no sense of recognition from the gang of bitter individuals who derided, chastised, abused, ostracised and attempted to ridicule and humiliate us earlier this year. As ever we had the courage and the reticence to stick to our principles and our right of personal opinion, even under constant barrage.

I like you agree that we should not respond in an infantile manner and stick our two fingers up at our detractors and shout " Fek yas - told yas we were feckin rite all along". That would be childhish and bring us down to their level. We should simply be happy that we were vindicated by CC himself and content ourselves with a mere smirk of satisfaction that we were rite all along.


You really have a deranged way of looking at things :017:

first off all, NO ONE said that Charlie wasn't going to struggle in his first season!

You and clacher's argument was/is that he is not the right man for the job, which you now have so radically changed to say how you were right to slag the 5hit out of him when he needed the support more than ever!  Others and myself have always pointed out that CC's appointment is for the long term good of the club instead of having a big name for a couple of seasons and he obviously has the best interests of the club at heart.

You are either fishing for an argument (if so, well done) or you are talking absolute caak!

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My learned clacher friend may add to this response but I never alluded that he was not the right man fer the job. My "criticism" was in regard to his attitude and his propensity to project the blame on others when the majority agreed that he had made tactical errors. Some of my posts were naturally tongue in cheek wind-ups but there was a serious argument that he was struggling last season, cost us points and probably a Hampden trip, a Cup Final and even a place in Europe.

I also raised concerns that he was struggling to deal with the stress of management and I recall one of my suggestions was to seek advice, change his ways, chill out and reconsider his position. Perhaps he was looking in to this forum as he seems to have taken my advice, as I have the profession expertise to assess and treat. He has sat back, he has talked to his more experienced peers, he has considered his future, he has come out publically to share his thoughts and, most importantly he considered whether the future of the club would be affected by his ultimate decision.

Hopefully we will see a rehabilitated CC next season. He will make mistakes and will have to answer to them - that is the nature of the job - but I bet that he doesnt try to deflect the criticism anymore. CC is and always be a feckin legend and now he could be a better manager and people person to boot. He has survived and hopefully he will flourish.

I have sympathy with CC as I am under constant scrutiny and it can be very stressful at times. But I have IHE to rely on.  :crazy07: :crazy07:

Oh and IHE says - ya feckin **** - ya fell for it -  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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what cc can never prove i was wrong on was saying he never had the standing, experience, nerve or basic credentials that all young managers that are dropped nuts first into the spl need.  he was the wrong appointment and a massive (needless) risk

i still dont think he is the right man for the job, though he has the chance now to prove hes capable.  it seems we've been without football long enough for everybody to forget how pish we played last season, i just worry we'll get back into the same rut and cc wont be able to hold it together.  im not sure what else to say, i did say last year id keep quiet all summer and see how we go 07/08, so i will!

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