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Thought this would be a bit of fun....


#1 - You remember Scotrail being a shirt sponsor

#2 - You recall when the club shop wasn't in a portacabin



Anyone got any good memories of being an ICT fan?

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When the club shop wasn't in a portacabin it wasn't a club shop. Yes goods could be purchased from reception but there wasn't a shop.


Some of us even remember Citylink.


Yes there was, the club shop was in the room to the right of the reception.

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Beating the shadows....... Oh wait.....

The piper at away games.

Hating Livi.

Getting teams like Hamilton in the cup and it was a big game.

Big Lewis getting lifted every week.

The terracing opposite the stand.

The Caley Inn.

The orange away strip.

McCall the paint pot kicker.

Ice Station Broadwood.

Edited by TheMantis
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When the club shop wasn't in a portacabin it wasn't a club shop. Yes goods could be purchased from reception but there wasn't a shop. Some of us even remember Citylink.

Yes there was, the club shop was in the room to the right of the reception.

Remember it well. It was run by Ian Broadfoot and Peter McCallum on game days and you could buy merchandise, programmes etc, get team lines, pick up tickets, and have any trivia question you could think of answered by Ian ! Think it also doubled as Charlie's office during the week !

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Meeting everyone in the Caley Inn before games and landlord Don slagging us off about how big a team Dundee were !

The Innes Bar before away trips .....

Queues at the pie/bovril area (oh wait ...)

Pele downing several pints of Guinness in a few seconds each in the boardroom

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The Coia Bus - Bingham Legend and the drums - Congas - Harry's Bar and that great terrace at Ayr - the Alamo - Gretna Away - the chosen few in midweek at Dumfries and Berwiick - February 8th,s picture posts and prevention of the streak - Squirrel baiting - etc.

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The confederate flag

Having to explain to people who Caledonian Thistle were and where we were from (no Inverness in the name back then).

First season when every game was a "big" game.

Thinking that losing under 3 goals against an SPL team in cups was a fantastic result.

Not being made to feel like a criminal when calling C*unty fans Gypsies.

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